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Ellis deal done?


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straying slightly off topic, saw Douglas Park's name being mentioned a few posts ago. My work involves the motor trade and I was asking my boss today what he is like and from the sounds of it he is not the easiest of people to work for and isnt the nicest of people, mind you, he has done a good job of building up his business. I need to be careful what I say so all I will say is that he is not someone I would like to be involved with the running of our club.

There was a wind up on the radio a few years ago with him something to do with andy camerons lawyer if i mind right, although it was funny as fuck he came across as a bit of a arse right enough.

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straying slightly off topic, saw Douglas Park's name being mentioned a few posts ago. My work involves the motor trade and I was asking my boss today what he is like and from the sounds of it he is not the easiest of people to work for and isnt the nicest of people, mind you, he has done a good job of building up his business. I need to be careful what I say so all I will say is that he is not someone I would like to be involved with the running of our club.

Douglas Park is a ruthless businessman whose sole interest if he took over would be Douglas Park.

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straying slightly off topic, saw Douglas Park's name being mentioned a few posts ago. My work involves the motor trade and I was asking my boss today what he is like and from the sounds of it he is not the easiest of people to work for and isnt the nicest of people, mind you, he has done a good job of building up his business. I need to be careful what I say so all I will say is that he is not someone I would like to be involved with the running of our club.

There was a wind up on the radio a few years ago with him something to do with andy camerons lawyer if i mind right, although it was funny as fuck he came across as a bit of a arse right enough.

Thats who it was! Didnt realise it was him, was coming back from Dundee on the KPL bus a few months ago and the tape of that got played was funny as fuck and yeah he did come across as a dick! :lol:

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straying slightly off topic, saw Douglas Park's name being mentioned a few posts ago. My work involves the motor trade and I was asking my boss today what he is like and from the sounds of it he is not the easiest of people to work for and isnt the nicest of people, mind you, he has done a good job of building up his business. I need to be careful what I say so all I will say is that he is not someone I would like to be involved with the running of our club.

There was a wind up on the radio a few years ago with him something to do with andy camerons lawyer if i mind right, although it was funny as fuck he came across as a bit of a arse right enough.

That wasnt Douglas Park.

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straying slightly off topic, saw Douglas Park's name being mentioned a few posts ago. My work involves the motor trade and I was asking my boss today what he is like and from the sounds of it he is not the easiest of people to work for and isnt the nicest of people, mind you, he has done a good job of building up his business. I need to be careful what I say so all I will say is that he is not someone I would like to be involved with the running of our club.

Douglas Park is a ruthless businessman whose sole interest if he took over would be Douglas Park.

From what I have heard today he really is pretty ruthless when it comes to business but he knows how to make money thats for sure.

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straying slightly off topic, saw Douglas Park's name being mentioned a few posts ago. My work involves the motor trade and I was asking my boss today what he is like and from the sounds of it he is not the easiest of people to work for and isnt the nicest of people, mind you, he has done a good job of building up his business. I need to be careful what I say so all I will say is that he is not someone I would like to be involved with the running of our club.

There was a wind up on the radio a few years ago with him something to do with andy camerons lawyer if i mind right, although it was funny as fuck he came across as a bit of a arse right enough.

That wasnt Douglas Park.

I'm sure I would have remembered if someone said it was him, I was told who it was at the time but I cant remember it, however as I know his name it would have stuck.

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straying slightly off topic, saw Douglas Park's name being mentioned a few posts ago. My work involves the motor trade and I was asking my boss today what he is like and from the sounds of it he is not the easiest of people to work for and isnt the nicest of people, mind you, he has done a good job of building up his business. I need to be careful what I say so all I will say is that he is not someone I would like to be involved with the running of our club.

There was a wind up on the radio a few years ago with him something to do with andy camerons lawyer if i mind right, although it was funny as fuck he came across as a bit of a arse right enough.

That wasnt Douglas Park.

I'm sure I would have remembered if someone said it was him, I was told who it was at the time but I cant remember it, however as I know his name it would have stuck.

It was Andy Smillie the scaffolding boss who was the victim of the Galloway prank.

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straying slightly off topic, saw Douglas Park's name being mentioned a few posts ago. My work involves the motor trade and I was asking my boss today what he is like and from the sounds of it he is not the easiest of people to work for and isnt the nicest of people, mind you, he has done a good job of building up his business. I need to be careful what I say so all I will say is that he is not someone I would like to be involved with the running of our club.

There was a wind up on the radio a few years ago with him something to do with andy camerons lawyer if i mind right, although it was funny as fuck he came across as a bit of a arse right enough.

That wasnt Douglas Park.

I'm sure I would have remembered if someone said it was him, I was told who it was at the time but I cant remember it, however as I know his name it would have stuck.

It was Andy Smillie the scaffolding boss who was the victim of the Galloway prank.

Aye that rings a bell (tu)

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What is it that drives certain people to exhibit themselves by promoting "information" that they cannot possibly substantiate? What weakness prevents them from either just keeping their own counsel or posting it as the unsupported rumour it always is? Why the need to try to invest these rumours with credibility they don't deserve by expressions of personal faith in un-named individuals who always seem to be waiting for further corroboration from even more opaque and distant sources? Is it a disease ... because is sure is spreading around here.

There now appear to be droves of people who are waiting by the phone for calls from God knows who. Then there are people in the second division who feel the need to announce that, while they're not actually in the front line, they are close to people who are and can't you just see the reflected glory. Fuxxake people, have some dignity.

What is it you come onto forums for exactly when it doesn't involve slating Rangers sites ? The hole point about forums is for debate, and while we're all screaming out for answers in anyone within the support thinks they might have an insight to what's what I'm all ears. Its easy enough to listen to what people have to say and think it over without getting upset with them about it.

You really are a funny creature! All you do is constantly take pot shots at sites and posters while contributing the square root of fuck all really.

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What is it that drives certain people to exhibit themselves by promoting "information" that they cannot possibly substantiate? What weakness prevents them from either just keeping their own counsel or posting it as the unsupported rumour it always is? Why the need to try to invest these rumours with credibility they don't deserve by expressions of personal faith in un-named individuals who always seem to be waiting for further corroboration from even more opaque and distant sources? Is it a disease ... because is sure is spreading around here.

There now appear to be droves of people who are waiting by the phone for calls from God knows who. Then there are people in the second division who feel the need to announce that, while they're not actually in the front line, they are close to people who are and can't you just see the reflected glory. Fuxxake people, have some dignity.

What is it you come onto forums for exactly when it doesn't involve slating Rangers sites ? The hole point about forums is for debate, and while we're all screaming out for answers in anyone within the support thinks they might have an insight to what's what I'm all ears. Its easy enough to listen to what people have to say and think it over without getting upset with them about it.

You really are a funny creature! All you do is constantly take pot shots at sites and posters while contributing the square root of fuck all really.

Having said that though, he does have a point.

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No he doesn't. What these guys passed on was done so sincerely and no different from any other posters who do so when they have inside info.

It really is not their fault if people cannot be adult about it.

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No he doesn't. What these guys passed on was done so sincerely and no different from any other posters who do so when they have inside info.

It really is not their fault if people cannot be adult about it.

He does.

Theres more than a hint of self promotion about it and im not remotely surprised the claims never materialized.

You would think someone with such a far from pefect track record would maybe take a step back and think "Hold on, Ive been totally wrong in the past, should i really post this?", but its up to them I suppose.

Im sure they will appreciate the consistent white knighting on their behalf right enough, if nothing else.

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i don't know where bdts got his info but i doubt he would post anything as a wind up. Not meaning any slight on him, as i know him well enough, but i doubt he has much inside info to be honest. He has been banned from follow follow plenty of times and i'm sure he will be back.

If people are posting info maybe they should stop doing it with such a degree of certainty or even explain where they got it from. I have posted a few things on here as a mate of mine is a football journalist, no need for the air of mystery. Although i am never believing jock brown again after he told me peter lawell was getting sacked.....he was right about lennon mind you....... :sherlock:

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Self promotion for what ? kudos on a message board ? Give me piece :rolleyes:

sccgers has been wrong in the past he admitted so himself in the opening post and pointed out people are free to chose whether to believe him or not.

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Self promotion for what ? kudos on a message board ? Give me piece :rolleyes:

sccgers has been wrong in the past he admitted so himself in the opening post and pointed out people are free to chose whether to believe him or not.

From what I hear sccgers wouldnt post anything unless it was in good faith and certainly wouldnt post rubbish to wind people up on a website.

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sccgers latest post of FF.

For a few years I have been in the position to share various bits of information that has been going on at Ibrox. A large percentage of that information has been good and has come true.

There has also been a fair bit that has not come true either (such as Adams clause, Dave Kings takeover (even though the bit about bid and timing was true). There was also the post about the bank not taking anymore and demanding there cash back if no takeover was found. I won't backtrack on anything I have posted

Now the stuff about Ellis came from an excellent source and I trust it entirely, I then tied that in with what others were saying and I posted the thread after checking with admin. I offered to post how I got the information and where it came from

There was NO agendas, NO games, I don't work for anyone (some have suggested Muir and or Ellis himself) and it is simply untrue

The fact of the matter is I try and share everything I get told, I don't hide from anything I posted and I don't hide away from any of it either, pretending I didn't say it. Admin are well aware of who I am and they all have my mobile number, Rangers know the poster sccgers and I have met a ton of folk at nights out etc. I don't hide away as some suggest

I provide admin with a source and exactly where I get it from and how. I don't pretend that I am some sort of uber fan like some have suggested and I that I consider myself better than anyone else either.

I am a normal bloke and a massive Gers fan - in a way I am lucky that I do get told stuff but all I do is try and pass it along, I believe we should all know about the rumours etc (after all this is a message board filled with rumours)

My feelings are that I would rather share what I know than walk around with a sense of 'I know something you don't know'. I always try and be as honest as I can and I always respond to pm's etc

NOTHING I have ever put up is made up or shite. I don't just invent stuff either. Every thread I put up I make it clear to folk that they can take it or leave it, I don't try and force people what to believe. After the response I have received I won't be putting up anything else, fair to all parties I think. I will just wait and see, try to enjoy all debate on the board

Now the thread with Ellis is pretty massive news, I've said all I can on that. It is pointless saying anything else, I still believe in what I have said. But enough is enough with that, some of the abuse and even text messages I have received have been out of order. What will happen with it will happen and if Ellis doesn't take over then you won't see me pretending I didn't put it up. I should have made the thread more clear in time lines as it looked like it was all set to go straight away, despite me trying to post later it wasnt immediate - that is my mistake and my bad. Anyway, as I have said it is out there now

I never intended to insult anyone and I never intended to 'hoax' or bullshit folk either (read above). It was as simple as posting what I knew. People are always free to take what I put up in anyway they like. Lets just leave the pm's and personal abuse (surrounding my job etc) alone


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What is it that drives certain people to exhibit themselves by promoting "information" that they cannot possibly substantiate? What weakness prevents them from either just keeping their own counsel or posting it as the unsupported rumour it always is? Why the need to try to invest these rumours with credibility they don't deserve by expressions of personal faith in un-named individuals who always seem to be waiting for further corroboration from even more opaque and distant sources? Is it a disease ... because is sure is spreading around here.

There now appear to be droves of people who are waiting by the phone for calls from God knows who. Then there are people in the second division who feel the need to announce that, while they're not actually in the front line, they are close to people who are and can't you just see the reflected glory. Fuxxake people, have some dignity.

What is it you come onto forums for exactly when it doesn't involve slating Rangers sites ? The hole point about forums is for debate, and while we're all screaming out for answers in anyone within the support thinks they might have an insight to what's what I'm all ears. Its easy enough to listen to what people have to say and think it over without getting upset with them about it.

You really are a funny creature! All you do is constantly take pot shots at sites and posters while contributing the square root of fuck all really.

Funny creature? Gosh, you've been reading the Hobbit again. Anyway thanks, does that mean you're handing me the same notoriety as your mates, you know, the ones you've spend endless posts propping up and justifying because .... well, because you decided they were right and you just jumped right on the bandwagon. I guess the more you support a rumour, the more you feel you have to keep on justifying it... even if it's obliquely by reminding everyone what thoroughly sound chaps the chaps really are.

What's this "they posted in good faith" shite I keep reading anyway? No one I can see is condemning anyone's faith in these rumours or their right to hold that faith, only their judgement in promoting them for what fairly obviously amounts to "look at me".

You can speculate, theorise, and debate all you like but coming on and saying deals are done and it'll be decided in ten days or whatever is absurd. We've had months of it and, so far, the good faith hasn't excatly amounted to a hill of beans. FFS what used to be described as "sources" have even become "contacts", just to make sure the storyteller is suitably enhanced in the process.

If you think contributing fuck all means I don't spread self-serving stories on football websites then I guess I contribute less than you, cute little pixie that you are. :craphead:

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You've proven to be a man of little substance Mainflyer :lol: BTW I never believed it, I was able to take on board what posters said who I trusted and debate it without getting snide and angsty about it.

Yes, I and anyone else for that matter can speculate all they want on forums, once again- that is what they are designed for. Just a pity you choose to use it as a means to belittle and target fellow bears. You're a sad act mate, forever questioning what others are doing or not doing.

Go look in the mirror.

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You've proven to be a man of little substance Mainflyer :lol: BTW I never believed it, I was able to take on board what posters said who I trusted and debate it without getting snide and angsty about it.

Yes, I and anyone else for that matter can speculate all they want on forums, once again- that is what they are designed for. Just a pity you choose to use it as a means to belittle and target fellow bears. You're a sad act mate, forever questioning what others are doing or not doing.

Go look in the mirror.

Dont understand why your having a go at a guy that is pointing out the truth. 99% of the so called breaking news on here is alot of shite, same as FF.

At the end of the day, this latest news was wrong, end off.

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I'm having a go because he does nothing but attack other bears who have nothing but good intentions.

It may turn out that the poster was wrong, it may not. I don't believe for a second he was wrong to share what he was told though.

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I'd say so, sending texts and bringing up his job. Whoever done it needs their balls booted

Maybe he should choose his friends, or mb's, a bit better.... :sherlock:

Some people take this stuff waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to seriously, very stoic of Scgers to struggle on though regardless..... :praise:

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