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Lo.. I hear a voice in the Wilderness


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For the paths are not straight.

That which we seek to defend had been endangered.

The trepidations and challenges which our forefathers faced….and not only faced but were prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice for….is under threat. The legacy they left us to defend is under threat.

Our club….our traditions our very heritage and culture….have once again been seriously endangered by those who continually fail to see the bigger picture.

If we continue to flout the conditions imposed upon us…then we will only find ourselves under a bigger microscope and subject to further conditions.

We may feel aggrieved over the Billy Boys…but we have to recognise it is a battle which is lost. Apportioning blame for that loss is not going to bring it back…nor is singing it in defiance of UEFA rulings.

In fact such singing is only going to endanger other expressions of our identity and culture. The almost unanimous confiscation of Union Flags last week should serve as a reminder to our forward intelligence posts just how far the enemies of Rangers and her identity have come.

Our forefathers who defended our rights in World War 1…fought a different war from our forefathers who fought in World War 2. The latter modified their tactics according to both the circumstances and conditions.

Those of us who were not manufactured….nor chose, but were chosen…need to modify our tactics.

Because within me….as I am sure is within you… is a need to defend that which makes Rangers Football unique. There is no rationale to this…no way to write it in words…it comes from the very soul, is intuitive, and is a feeling which needs to be experienced than learned or read.

For what we stand for are the virtues which all men aspire to. Loyalty, Steadfastness, Tolerance, Dignity, Faithfulness and Honour.

Our club with its aspiring Protestant ideals serves as a reminder of what we are called to be…she serves as a role model in our very lives…encouraging us to reach that fulfilment.

But if our club reflects both our religion and our culture…we have a duty to not only defend it but to preserve it. And in both defending it and preserving it we need to be not only strong but also self examining.

Is chanting “FTP†truly expressing the Protestant ideals of our club ? Does it truly embrace our Protestant ethic of tolerance ? By turning a blind eye to such expression…do we in fact endanger that which we seek to defend and uphold ?

Across the water our brethren face genuine hardship….does anyone truly believe that a few people chanting “FTP†for 90 minutes is really going to alleviate that hardship ?

Its time…time Bears for us to modify the challenge….to pursue that which is effective rather than that which is invective … its time to modernise our silent army.

Our forefathers used creativity and cunning to defeat our enemies in order that they could leave us a legacy….whilst we may need to modernise.. perhaps we also need to learn from our forefathers.

Let us celebrate that which makes us brought us to this point…lets us celebrate without endangering the Protestant ethics of our club…..but most important of all…let us ensure we were not the generation who let the sacrifices of our forefathers be in vain.

Let us make those paths straight.

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For the paths are not straight.

That which we seek to defend had been endangered.

The trepidations and challenges which our forefathers faced….and not only faced but were prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice for….is under threat. The legacy they left us to defend is under threat.

Our club….our traditions our very heritage and culture….have once again been seriously endangered by those who continually fail to see the bigger picture.

If we continue to flout the conditions imposed upon us…then we will only find ourselves under a bigger microscope and subject to further conditions.

We may feel aggrieved over the Billy Boys…but we have to recognise it is a battle which is lost. Apportioning blame for that loss is not going to bring it back…nor is singing it in defiance of UEFA rulings.

In fact such singing is only going to endanger other expressions of our identity and culture. The almost unanimous confiscation of Union Flags last week should serve as a reminder to our forward intelligence posts just how far the enemies of Rangers and her identity have come.

Our forefathers who defended our rights in World War 1…fought a different war from our forefathers who fought in World War 2. The latter modified their tactics according to both the circumstances and conditions.

Those of us who were not manufactured….nor chose, but were chosen…need to modify our tactics.

Because within me….as I am sure is within you… is a need to defend that which makes Rangers Football unique. There is no rationale to this…no way to write it in words…it comes from the very soul, is intuitive, and is a feeling which needs to be experienced than learned or read.

For what we stand for are the virtues which all men aspire to. Loyalty, Steadfastness, Tolerance, Dignity, Faithfulness and Honour.

Our club with its aspiring Protestant ideals serves as a reminder of what we are called to be…she serves as a role model in our very lives…encouraging us to reach that fulfilment.

But if our club reflects both our religion and our culture…we have a duty to not only defend it but to preserve it. And in both defending it and preserving it we need to be not only strong but also self examining.

Is chanting “FTP†truly expressing the Protestant ideals of our club ? Does it truly embrace our Protestant ethic of tolerance ? By turning a blind eye to such expression…do we in fact endanger that which we seek to defend and uphold ?

Across the water our brethren face genuine hardship….does anyone truly believe that a few people chanting “FTP†for 90 minutes is really going to alleviate that hardship ?

Its time…time Bears for us to modify the challenge….to pursue that which is effective rather than that which is invective … its time to modernise our silent army.

Our forefathers used creativity and cunning to defeat our enemies in order that they could leave us a legacy….whilst we may need to modernise.. perhaps we also need to learn from our forefathers.

Let us celebrate that which makes us brought us to this point…lets us celebrate without endangering the Protestant ethics of our club…..but most important of all…let us ensure we were not the generation who let the sacrifices of our forefathers be in vain.

Let us make those paths straight.


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What about the atheists? Do they embrace these religious traditions with both hands?

No Im quite sure they dont.

You hate our our religious traditions...

You hate our flag...

The only question is why you thought you needed to answer this post IB.

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What about the atheists? Do they embrace these religious traditions with both hands?

No Im quite sure they dont.

You hate our our religious traditions...

You hate our flag...

The only question is why you thought you needed to answer this post IB.

One has to be a devil's advocate and ask the relevant questions and I do not hate 'our flag'. Many would refute what 'our' really means anyway. One of the proudest moments of today's game, for me, was the Aberdeen fans singing Flower Scotland. Infact, I joined in.

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What about the atheists? Do they embrace these religious traditions with both hands?

No Im quite sure they dont.

You hate our our religious traditions...

You hate our flag...

The only question is why you thought you needed to answer this post IB.

One has to be a devil's advocate and ask the relevant questions and I do not hate 'our flag'. Many would refute what 'our' really means anyway. One of the proudest moments of today's game, for me, was the Aberdeen fans singing Flower Scotland. Infact, I joined in.

Well Im so glad you felt at one with the sheep.

Did you also add voice to "nice one simmy" ?

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Of course not, I'm just glad I've learnt to bite my tongue.

I only felt at one with...my countrymen. Pretty simple there.

But have you ?

I have never mocked your humanist viewpoint. Ever.

But you continue to mock my Protestant beliefs.

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our fans have to learn how to defeat our enemies by playing them at their own game.we can still keep our protestant culture and sing our songs apart from the bigoted ones like the ftp and up to our knees,then you have got them beat because if they try to ban any of our other songs take them through the courts and we will win our case. this is one time all rangers fans will have to stand shoulder to shoulder and, stop the bigoted songs and concentrate on defeating our enemies in the press and media.our fathers and grandfathers must be turning in their graves at the way our great club is being attacked from all directions,and its about time the people who run our club speak out and help us fans to fight against those people who would love to see our club crushed,and exist no more.

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What about the atheists? Do they embrace these religious traditions with both hands?

I for one would like to embrace YOU with both hands as im sure so would a few other members of this forum.

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No, protestant beliefs to do with RFC.

I see 'my Church' as Springburn Parish Church' so it's not you D'a and your protestant beliefs but its link with the Club.

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What about the atheists? Do they embrace these religious traditions with both hands?

I for one would like to embrace YOU with both hands as im sure so would a few other members of this forum.

:lol: Had to laugh there actually, the guy who accused me of a lack of loyalty when I was at the game and he wasn't.

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No, protestant beliefs to do with RFC.

I see 'my Church' as Springburn Parish Church' so it's not you D'a and your protestant beliefs but its link with the Club.

Are you really sure you can qualify that first statement IB ? I will give you an opportunity to retract it.

As a side show show....what of the tims absence of poopy ?

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No, protestant beliefs to do with RFC.

I see 'my Church' as Springburn Parish Church' so it's not you D'a and your protestant beliefs but its link with the Club.

you would be better off with the salvation army.

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What about the atheists? Do they embrace these religious traditions with both hands?

I for one would like to embrace YOU with both hands as im sure so would a few other members of this forum.

:lol: Had to laugh there actually, the guy who accused me of a lack of loyalty when I was at the game and he wasn't.

So what ?

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No, protestant beliefs to do with RFC.

I see 'my Church' as Springburn Parish Church' so it's not you D'a and your protestant beliefs but its link with the Club.

Are you really sure you can qualify that first statement IB ? I will give you an opportunity to retract it.

As a side show show....what of the tims absence of poopy ?

1. The first statement of post 15 or the thread?

2. You have asked my view on CFC's poppy absence before and I see no relevant reason to go back to it.

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No, protestant beliefs to do with RFC.

I see 'my Church' as Springburn Parish Church' so it's not you D'a and your protestant beliefs but its link with the Club.

you would be better off with the salvation army.

The Boys Brigade count, Minstral? A genuine question.

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What about the atheists? Do they embrace these religious traditions with both hands?

I for one would like to embrace YOU with both hands as im sure so would a few other members of this forum.

:lol: Had to laugh there actually, the guy who accused me of a lack of loyalty when I was at the game and he wasn't.

Would have been at the match but the private jets in for a service at the moment.

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What about the atheists? Do they embrace these religious traditions with both hands?

No Im quite sure they dont.

You hate our our religious traditions...

You hate our flag...

The only question is why you thought you needed to answer this post IB.

One has to be a devil's advocate and ask the relevant questions and I do not hate 'our flag'. Many would refute what 'our' really means anyway. One of the proudest moments of today's game, for me, was the Aberdeen fans singing Flower Scotland. Infact, I joined in.

if you love flower of scotland that much start singing it at ibrox and see how many join in,not many yet when its the sash or no surrender thousands join in,do you know why becuse they are proud of our protestant culture and you have no chance of ever turning our support against the protestant culture

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No, protestant beliefs to do with RFC.

I see 'my Church' as Springburn Parish Church' so it's not you D'a and your protestant beliefs but its link with the Club.

Are you really sure you can qualify that first statement IB ? I will give you an opportunity to retract it.

As a side show show....what of the tims absence of poopy ?

1. The first statement of post 15 or the thread?

2. You have asked my view on CFC's poppy absence before and I see no relevant reason to go back to it.

IB I really dont care if you post what church you claim you belong to....you have already mocked our religion,,, therefore your claim to church membership is nothing more than token.

My post is not directed towards "token" Protestants...but those who live their lives according to the Word...and not some set of human ethics which is obviously not strong enough for you in that you still claim church membership. Whats that about ? Covering all bases just in case ?

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"they are proud of our protestant culture and you have no chance of ever turning our support against the protestant culture"


How would singing FOS turn poeople against that culture????

and how many of the people who sing these songs are actually church goers? most just folk who sing because they want to, not because they belive and are proud of a religion

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What about the atheists? Do they embrace these religious traditions with both hands?

No Im quite sure they dont.

You hate our our religious traditions...

You hate our flag...

The only question is why you thought you needed to answer this post IB.

One has to be a devil's advocate and ask the relevant questions and I do not hate 'our flag'. Many would refute what 'our' really means anyway. One of the proudest moments of today's game, for me, was the Aberdeen fans singing Flower Scotland. Infact, I joined in.

if you love flower of scotland that much start singing it at ibrox and see how many join in,not many yet when its the sash or no surrender thousands join in,do you know why becuse they are proud of our protestant culture and you have no chance of ever turning our support against the protestant culture

The man beside me today turned round and said said (During No surrender) 'What has that got to do with Football?' And I think that hits the nail on the head to an extent. On FOS, I really do think your barking up the wrong tree there Minstral, that had nothing whatsoever to with anybody's religion at that point but me celebrating my nationality.

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