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Save Rangers

Jocky Broon

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Just read this:

I understand that the “Save Rangers” has been forcibly stopped by Rangers Football Club.

I stated in this blog that it was

nothing other than a piece of grandstanding by the RST, and their driving force Mark Dingwall.

As the website gathered meaningless “pledges” of “over £10M”, all the data was harvested by the Trust including names, addresses, email addresses and phone numbers.

It even appeared to have the support of the Rangers Supporters Assembly and Rangers Supporters Association, despite both bodies working on a tangible donations site, to actually save the club.

As recently as yesterday morning, The Trust were boasting of support from Sir Alex Ferguson.

He was clearly misled, as were the other “supporters”.

I wonder if he (Ferguson) now knows that the “Save Rangers” scam is no more, and that a real scheme to assist Rangers in it’s time of need is imminent. The Rangers Fighting Fund will be officially announced this week.

How long until the email addresses gathered on “Save Rangers” are sent “Follow Follow” advertising? Or sold?

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Just read this:

I understand that the “Save Rangers” has been forcibly stopped by Rangers Football Club.

I stated in this blog that it was

nothing other than a piece of grandstanding by the RST, and their driving force Mark Dingwall.

As the website gathered meaningless “pledges” of “over £10M”, all the data was harvested by the Trust including names, addresses, email addresses and phone numbers.

It even appeared to have the support of the Rangers Supporters Assembly and Rangers Supporters Association, despite both bodies working on a tangible donations site, to actually save the club.

As recently as yesterday morning, The Trust were boasting of support from Sir Alex Ferguson.

He was clearly misled, as were the other “supporters”.

I wonder if he (Ferguson) now knows that the “Save Rangers” scam is no more, and that a real scheme to assist Rangers in it’s time of need is imminent. The Rangers Fighting Fund will be officially announced this week.

How long until the email addresses gathered on “Save Rangers” are sent “Follow Follow” advertising? Or sold?

I am sure Rangers would rather put their support behind the RFFF anyway, I must admit, I was tempted to 'pledge', but there are two things about it, 1) I didn't necessarily agree with the aims; and 2) I didn't want to give my phone number against any amount of money, for fear of being hounded later.

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why not just combine them, and everyone who has "pledged" can now officially "donate" to RFFF?

Or did the pledgers want soemthing in return, such as a shareholding?

The australian fella who pledged 1m for example... was it for show? or was it perhaps a spur of the moment gesture he wont follow through with? or was it with the intention of investing?

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Just read this:

I understand that the “Save Rangers” has been forcibly stopped by Rangers Football Club.

I stated in this blog that it was

nothing other than a piece of grandstanding by the RST, and their driving force Mark Dingwall.

As the website gathered meaningless “pledges” of “over £10M”, all the data was harvested by the Trust including names, addresses, email addresses and phone numbers.

It even appeared to have the support of the Rangers Supporters Assembly and Rangers Supporters Association, despite both bodies working on a tangible donations site, to actually save the club.

As recently as yesterday morning, The Trust were boasting of support from Sir Alex Ferguson.

He was clearly misled, as were the other “supporters”.

I wonder if he (Ferguson) now knows that the “Save Rangers” scam is no more, and that a real scheme to assist Rangers in it’s time of need is imminent. The Rangers Fighting Fund will be officially announced this week.

How long until the email addresses gathered on “Save Rangers” are sent “Follow Follow” advertising? Or sold?

Are you saying that the quotes attributed to the Assembly and Supporters Association on the www.saverangers.com and on leaflets were falsified by the RST ? As a member of the RST I would think that its finished if that's true, then again your post may be more sniping at the RST and in particular M.D.

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why not just combine them, and everyone who has "pledged" can now officially "donate" to RFFF?

Or did the pledgers want soemthing in return, such as a shareholding?

The australian fella who pledged 1m for example... was it for show? or was it perhaps a spur of the moment gesture he wont follow through with? or was it with the intention of investing?

I pledged because I meant it.

I consider it a duty and an honour to be able to help in some small way, so I will and gladly too.

That said, I won't be coughing up blindly.

I reserve my right to jump to an officially approved option fronted by people we can trust.

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why not just combine them, and everyone who has "pledged" can now officially "donate" to RFFF?

Or did the pledgers want soemthing in return, such as a shareholding?

The australian fella who pledged 1m for example... was it for show? or was it perhaps a spur of the moment gesture he wont follow through with? or was it with the intention of investing?

I pledged and yes I want a shareholding/membership, I will not contribute to a rich mans plaything. We have a chance here to have a say in the future of our club if we use our collective brains (and money).

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Just read this:

I understand that the “Save Rangers” has been forcibly stopped by Rangers Football Club.

I stated in this blog that it was

nothing other than a piece of grandstanding by the RST, and their driving force Mark Dingwall.

As the website gathered meaningless “pledges” of “over £10M”, all the data was harvested by the Trust including names, addresses, email addresses and phone numbers.

It even appeared to have the support of the Rangers Supporters Assembly and Rangers Supporters Association, despite both bodies working on a tangible donations site, to actually save the club.

As recently as yesterday morning, The Trust were boasting of support from Sir Alex Ferguson.

He was clearly misled, as were the other “supporters”.

I wonder if he (Ferguson) now knows that the “Save Rangers” scam is no more, and that a real scheme to assist Rangers in it’s time of need is imminent. The Rangers Fighting Fund will be officially announced this week.

How long until the email addresses gathered on “Save Rangers” are sent “Follow Follow” advertising? Or sold?


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As I stated on another thread; I will no longer be attending away matches. Money that had been intended for those games, I will now pay to the RFFF.

I understand and respect that this isn't the preference for many fans, but that will be one of the ways I intend to help the club.

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Are you saying that the quotes attributed to the Assembly and Supporters Association on the www.saverangers.com and on leaflets were falsified by the RST ? As a member of the RST I would think that its finished if that's true, then again your post may be more sniping at the RST and in particular M.D.

I am not saying anything.I am asking a question.

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Well he is out on a limb on this claim.If he is wrong then he has zero credibility and there goes his Blog.

Well, not sure that every blogger with any credibility is always right, but it does seem like a big claim to make without any sort of backup if it isn't true.

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Well he is out on a limb on this claim.If he is wrong then he has zero credibility and there goes his Blog.

Out on a limb with what? If the website is now closed, maybe it's because money is actually changing hands elsewhere now...I understood that site was just to guage the level of support for raising money anyway.

It doesn't matter much, but it just looks like another pop at Dingwall. I could do a better one of those myself.

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Just read this:

I understand that the "Save Rangers" has been forcibly stopped by Rangers Football Club.

I stated in this blog that it was

nothing other than a piece of grandstanding by the RST, and their driving force Mark Dingwall.

As the website gathered meaningless "pledges" of "over £10M", all the data was harvested by the Trust including names, addresses, email addresses and phone numbers.

It even appeared to have the support of the Rangers Supporters Assembly and Rangers Supporters Association, despite both bodies working on a tangible donations site, to actually save the club.

As recently as yesterday morning, The Trust were boasting of support from Sir Alex Ferguson.

He was clearly misled, as were the other "supporters".

I wonder if he (Ferguson) now knows that the "Save Rangers" scam is no more, and that a real scheme to assist Rangers in it's time of need is imminent. The Rangers Fighting Fund will be officially announced this week.

How long until the email addresses gathered on "Save Rangers" are sent "Follow Follow" advertising? Or sold?

Complete and utter rubbish.

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Out on a limb with what? If the website is now closed, maybe it's because money is actually changing hands elsewhere now...I understood that site was just to guage the level of support for raising money anyway.

It doesn't matter much, but it just looks like another pop at Dingwall. I could do a better one of those myself.

The tims are obsessed with us, some Rangers fans are obsessed with Dingwall. Weird is it not ?

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Are you saying that the quotes attributed to the Assembly and Supporters Association on the www.saverangers.com and on leaflets were falsified by the RST ? As a member of the RST I would think that its finished if that's true, then again your post may be more sniping at the RST and in particular M.D.

We have e-mails from the two other groups agreeing wording and to share the cost of the leaflets. There appears to be a couple of bloggers with OCD that some people seem to believe. I have no idea why.

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We have e-mails from the two other groups agreeing wording and to share the cost of the leaflets. There appears to be a couple of bloggers with OCD that some people seem to believe. I have no idea why.

I know was just trying to smoke out the OP. As usual its "only quoting" another site, really is pathetic.

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