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What If?


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I have been trying to make sense of all this now and a few thoughts occurred to me:

We were placed into administration for a non payment (PAYE and NI) of around nine million pounds AND a potential liability of forty something million. We have now been found not guilty of evading vast sums of tax by the FTTT. That makes the majority of the punishments handed out to us to be for nothing.

IF CW is, eventually, found guilty solely of not paying the PAYE and NI then that would make the company who owned RFC (I hate calling them Oldco) not guilty also.

IF both of these are found not to be against the company that used to own RFC, and we already have one verdict in, then surely then all of the punishments meted out were then illegal?

IF the punishments are then deemed to be "not against RFC", what then?

We have lost our SPL status, our place in Europe for 2012 (and potentially 2013, 14 and 15), had a (illegal) signing ban placed on us, lost millions in revenue from player sales by them walking away, lost prize money, etc etc etc.

IF we ask for all that (reinstatement (i know CG doesn't want to go back there; bear with me), financial recompense for all lost revenue etc) back, does it not kill the SPL stone dead straight off? I very much doubt they have the funds to even pay us the fees due for the first CL qualifying game........

Oh, and as an-aside... would this not rule all Scottish leagues null and void as well as all current CL games?

IF this comes to pass then, from me personally, the death of the SPL, new league reformation, financial recompense, and a public apology is now, or should be, what we, the fans, should be striving for. We are Scottish Football. Everyone outwith one set of fans knows this. Is it not time for them to now admit this?

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I know a lot of people dont want to go back there and, I can understand that, but I cant help but feel the same way as you.

We seem to be the only ones punished in all of this, then were found to be innocent, and no one gives a fuck. It just cant be right.

This could have cost us between £50-£100 million and were still out of Europe for at least a couple more years, and were in the 4th tier of Scottish Football, and we are innocent.

There should be a full scale enquiry into this stitch-up, to see who benefited out of all of this, and pursue

them through the courts and sue the fuck out of them. And make sure some cunt goes to jail over this, because this whole witch hunt stinks to high heaven, and these rats will be trying to save their own skin now, so this will all come apart. WATP.

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Were out of europe because we lost our license, due to the fact the company holding that is being liquidated. Nothing to do with this tax case. Which is also the reason we've dropped down to division 3.

The point is, we are (the old company) being liquidated over something that (possibly) was nothing to do with us thereby making that liquidation illegal, immoral, unfair, whatever?

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You're right pal -

cw filed for voluntary administration because hmrc were intending to file for bankruptcy, which we were deducted 10 points, in the 2011/12 spl. Thereafter, the crux is that the cva proposed by d&p & cg group was rejected by hmrc because of the btc. They had actually no right in refusing it, because we are now proven innocent in the btc.

Can we counterclaim against hmrc, what have we lost ????

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Were out of europe because we lost our license, due to the fact the company holding that is being liquidated. Nothing to do with this tax case. Which is also the reason we've dropped down to division 3.

But we would never have entered admin never mind liquidation

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Were out of europe because we lost our license, due to the fact the company holding that is being liquidated. Nothing to do with this tax case. Which is also the reason we've dropped down to division 3.

I know that, but what Im saying is all this really stems back to the BTC, which is why we couldnt get a decent buyer and we ended up with shyte. (tu)

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You're right pal -

cw filed for voluntary administration because hmrc were intending to file for bankruptcy, which we were deducted 10 points, in the 2011/12 spl. Thereafter, the crux is that the cva proposed by d&p & cg group was rejected by hmrc because of the btc. They had actually no right in refusing it, because we are now proven innocent in the btc.

Can we counterclaim against hmrc, what have we lost ????

The sum of (potential) money is huge if you think about it? No CL (or qualifying games at least) for three years has to amount to 10 million a year plus Sky money for that plus everything else. This cost our club, at a rough guess, about 50 million in almost guaranteed money? Can we have it back please Mr SPL?

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The sum of (potential) money is huge if you think about it? No CL (or qualifying games at least) for three years has to amount to 10 million a year plus Sky money for that plus everything else. This cost our club, at a rough guess, about 50 million in almost guaranteed money? Can we have it back please Mr SPL?

Defamation of our character (not sure if that is the correct term) - which is now hugely detrimental to the value and credibility of our club.

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Defamation of our character (not sure if that is the correct term) - which is now hugely detrimental to the value and credibility of our club.

I think they have tried but, as a brand, I think we are now more in the limelight than we were before - now the whole world is talking about our rise. They have tried and failed miserably to kill us off

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I think they have tried but, as a brand, I think we are now more in the limelight than we were before - now the whole world is talking about our rise. They have tried and failed miserably to kill us off

Have a wee read of this mate:


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