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We Now Have A Mananager

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When I made that post IMO they did look like a bunch of Journeymen, I should have added " at the moment" and I could see no difference from our performances last season

I think most would agree we were pretty awful for the first half hour but that all changed after Mr Warburton had a talk to them

A bit quick jumping to conclusions then? Have patience and a bit of faith in the manager to do his job.

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I have not made any posts before since having to give up my season ticket when I was made redundant and have been worried about being called a taig (which incidently is a term I dont agree with), but was at the game today. I will admit first time in a while since Brechin away.

I was impressed with both Warburton and Weir.

After the last few seasons (the games I could attend) I made a point of watching the dugout and both Warbs and Weir were constantly taking to the players and relaying instructions, no arms crossed, no confused looks, everything was thought out and clear instructions relayed to the men on the pitch. They were in control at all times and I feel their confidence is translated to the players.

Time will tell but I feel looking at Warbs and Weir that we are on the right track as long as the players absorb and learn from them.

Personally I would love to see Stevie May (which I dont think will happen) and Allen (which I do think will happen) come in then would should have the strength of squad required to win this league and compete next year when we gain promotion (yes we need to add some quality in the wide areas should we gain promotion)

FFS nobody cares if you like the term taig or not.

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We have a manager with a genuine plan of how a modern football institution should operate and a way to play which he sticks ruthlessly to, with a formation and a style he believes will succeed, and an eye to find the players to make his plan work, not just sign overpaid and over the hill "stars".

Mr Warburton and Sir David Weir are bringing us bears out of hibernation and by fuck we're hungry.

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Stubbs knows the league is as good as gone if they sell him, it's probably as good as gone anyway judging by today.

Stubbs couldn't keep his rancid face off the tv telling everyone Allan wasn't going anywhere so yea I think he's been playing them more than anything.

If the board told him Allan was going nowhere then why did he feel the need to call Warburton? :D

I think they're just waiting on us to meet their valuation and he's out of there.

Couple of posters, one claiming to know someone at VIola FC agency and another gary ralston are claiming its a done deal. I reckon if thats true, then stubbs is the first manager away before the season has even begun

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We've been waiting 3yrs for a team to gel. The professionalism of Warburton in every aspect can only make a transition easier for the players as they know exactly what is expected and judging by his interviews puts his ethos and tactics across in an excellent manner that must be so refreshing for the players. He seems like the kind of guy that you'd want to go out and do the best you can for.

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