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GMP annonce who was to blame on THAT night

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I blame the muslims.


Peace be upon you.


You can get counselling for anger issues Brother.

Or i'll come and sort you out maself.

Come on down and I'll give you a spelling lesson.

Sorted, name a place and i'll bring the boys down.

You an army boy eh??....scum.

Is that it, big talk on the internet, 'bring the boys down' FFS grow up.

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Sorted, name a place and i'll bring the boys down.

You an army boy eh??....scum.

Oh dear, do we have problem with HMF?

Can't see you lasting much longer.

Been nice knowing you though, your sparkling wit and repartee will leave a smile on all our faces for years to come.

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I was one of the members to come on here and say that I was appalled by the Rangers fans behaviour, and after this was released today, I am completely ashamed of myself.

I would like to issue you all with an apology for any member of the forum I attacked verbally about the Incident.

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I was one of the members to come on here and say that I was appalled by the Rangers fans behaviour, and after this was released today, I am completely ashamed of myself.

I would like to issue you all with an apology for any member of the forum I attacked verbally about the Incident.

No need for apologies mate, there were all people involved in this shite in your city!

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GMP should have had more police on the ground and organised things better so people weren't pissing in the street as I had to do in the fanzone with only a big union flag in the way to protect others from seeing my boaby. However, our alleged fans who went on the rampage to me are no longer Gers fans and I hope they got the beating they deserved. On the other hand I hope there is a fll inquiry into what happened and that GMP hand over all the tapes they have unedited. I never trust the police when they release information or pictures about disturbances as they have their arses to cover and as they have the power they can do what they want, therefore to get to the truth they must be made to hand all evidence over and take action against any officer guilty of assaulting innocent people.

Persoanlly though I thinks its Manticores fault, I saw him leaving the PS fanzoneas I was going then soon after things kick off, so I know where the blame should go :pipe:

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I was one of the members to come on here and say that I was appalled by the Rangers fans behaviour, and after this was released today, I am completely ashamed of myself.

I would like to issue you all with an apology for any member of the forum I attacked verbally about the Incident.

No need for apologies mate, there were all people involved in this shite in your city!

I know there were other people involved, but Im talking about the way I came on the forum and started saying it as all the Rangers fans fault.

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Seems strange how that article is the only one so far to categorically name the other 'english' clubs involved.

the tv and media will have nothing to do with it, its only bad stuff they want to print about our fans.

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I was one of the members to come on here and say that I was appalled by the Rangers fans behaviour, and after this was released today, I am completely ashamed of myself.

I would like to issue you all with an apology for any member of the forum I attacked verbally about the Incident.

No need for apologies mate, there were all people involved in this shite in your city!

I know there were other people involved, but Im talking about the way I came on the forum and started saying it as all the Rangers fans fault.

Can understand your anger tho, how many people on here and in Scotland would have done the same if it happened in their town! There are a lot of Scots and other nationalities out there who would've done the same, people react to the first thing they hear!

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I was one of the members to come on here and say that I was appalled by the Rangers fans behaviour, and after this was released today, I am completely ashamed of myself.

I would like to issue you all with an apology for any member of the forum I attacked verbally about the Incident.

No need for apologies mate, there were all people involved in this shite in your city!

He is a good lad is Manchester Ger. The issue was, too many people wading in, condemning each other and our own, on hearsay, without all the facts. Basically, believing the worst case rather than think, perhaps it wasn't really us. You know, like blaming a family member over a stranger, and, believing them! Just wrong.

Its all to easy to go with the majority, however, if people jump in without knowing the truth, it can come back to make you look very silly indeed

And Manti, leave the poor fellow alone haha

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Seems strange how that article is the only one so far to categorically name the other 'english' clubs involved.

the tv and media will have nothing to do with it, its only bad stuff they want to print about our fans.

it really annoys me that the scottish NOTW would print this but the english one won't.

surely its as big a story in england as in scotland?

getting really fucking fed up with people down here slagging off bears :angry2: and as none of this is making the news down here they just think im talking bollocks when i point out there were plenty of other team's fans there too.

altough having said that the NOTW is hardly seen as a reliable source anyway...

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Persoanlly though I thinks its Manticores fault, I saw him leaving the PS fanzoneas I was going then soon after things kick off, so I know where the blame should go :pipe:

I'll come down with the lads and sort you out ya bassa :angry2:

How dare you say I'm gay.

How very very dare you.

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I was one of the members to come on here and say that I was appalled by the Rangers fans behaviour, and after this was released today, I am completely ashamed of myself.

I would like to issue you all with an apology for any member of the forum I attacked verbally about the Incident.

No need for apologies mate, there were all people involved in this shite in your city!

He is a good lad is Manchester Ger. The issue was, too many people wading in, condemning each other and our own, on hearsay, without all the facts. Basically, believing the worst case rather than think, perhaps it wasn't really us. You know, like blaming a family member over a stranger, and, believing them! Just wrong.

Its all to easy to go with the majority, however, if people jump in without knowing the truth, it can come back to make you look very silly indeed

And Manti, leave the poor fellow alone haha

Thanks for the vote of confidence mate.

But, I thought an apology was the least I could do....

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Seems strange how that article is the only one so far to categorically name the other 'english' clubs involved.

the tv and media will have nothing to do with it, its only bad stuff they want to print about our fans.

it really annoys me that the scottish NOTW would print this but the english one won't.

surely its as big a story in england as in scotland?

getting really fucking fed up with people down here slagging off bears :angry2: and as none of this is making the news down here they just think im talking bollocks when i point out there were plenty of other team's fans there too.

altough having said that the NOTW is hardly seen as a reliable source anyway...

The media just say what the fuck they like. I watched the BBC NI news on Friday evening (the NI is the local British news we get in Dublin) and they were speaking about the copper who got attacked. It only showed part of the interview and before they showed the edited version, the newscaster said that he was covered in bruises.

If you take a look at the full interview on the BBC website (someone on here posted it on Friday), the copper said himself he wasn't bruised as his body armour protected him!

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I've spoken to a lot of people who were in Piccadilly Gardens that night and unfortunately saw the worst of it first-hand, and were saying virtually the same thing as that article - that there were a lot of non-Rangers fans involved, and plenty local thugs right in the thick of things. Everytime I've repeated this to anyone, I've been accused of defending "scum Rangers fans" and making excuses for the fact that apparently ALL Rangers fans are hooligans. Hopefully more articles like this will come out, and I can forward them on to every single one of the bastards I was talking to with a big "I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO" in flashing letters.

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I was one of the members to come on here and say that I was appalled by the Rangers fans behaviour, and after this was released today, I am completely ashamed of myself.

I would like to issue you all with an apology for any member of the forum I attacked verbally about the Incident.

No need for apologies mate, there were all people involved in this shite in your city!

I know there were other people involved, but Im talking about the way I came on the forum and started saying it as all the Rangers fans fault.

i remember you came on and said something like "i've been telling everyone what great fans are and there will be no trouble"

Well don't worry about it mate - i've had it in the neck since last wednesday from all quarters round here, but my answer is always the same - "Those that night are not the Rangers fans i have come to know and respect (was gonna say love but it's a bit :gay1: ).

We always stand together, don't let anyone ever bad mouth the Rangers fans that you know personally.

Those clowns last week were nothing to do with Rangers, mostly nothing to do with Scottish football altogether perhaps?

I also think you mentioned you hadn't been to Ibrox yet? Well once you have, you'll know what i mean :) We don't have the slogan We Are The People for nothing. :rangers: :rangers: :rangers:

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I was one of the members to come on here and say that I was appalled by the Rangers fans behaviour, and after this was released today, I am completely ashamed of myself.

I would like to issue you all with an apology for any member of the forum I attacked verbally about the Incident.

No need for apologies mate, there were all people involved in this shite in your city!

I know there were other people involved, but Im talking about the way I came on the forum and started saying it as all the Rangers fans fault.

i remember you came on and said something like "i've been telling everyone what great fans are and there will be no trouble"

Well don't worry about it mate - i've had it in the neck since last wednesday from all quarters round here, but my answer is always the same - "Those that night are not the Rangers fans i have come to know and respect (was gonna say love but it's a bit :gay1: ).

We always stand together, don't let anyone ever bad mouth the Rangers fans that you know personally.

Those clowns last week were nothing to do with Rangers, mostly nothing to do with Scottish football altogether perhaps?

I also think you mentioned you hadn't been to Ibrox yet? Well once you have, you'll know what i mean :) We don't have the slogan We Are The People for nothing. :rangers: :rangers: :rangers:

Yes, I haven't been to Ibrox before :angry2: But I hope to soon, But I have it all in College, work the lot. And hopefully, the people at Ibrox will show me the right side of Rangers fans...

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Seems strange how that article is the only one so far to categorically name the other 'english' clubs involved.

Um? was also in the record, and a few other papers last week, including photos as I remember

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Yes, I haven't been to Ibrox before :angry2: But I hope to soon, But I have it all in College, work the lot. And hopefully, the people at Ibrox will show me the right side of Rangers fans...

Well you'd better get used to it and get used to something else as well. For the last 2 months i have seen a handful of green and grey shits (misspelt purposely), yesterday afternoon i saw at least 10, today i've seen another 10. If they win on thursday they'll be out in force saying how they knew shellick were always gonna win the league and it wasn't over til the last game and all that f*cking tripe.

They can say and do what they like, they'll always be tim scum and we'll always be Bluenoses and i wouldn't have it any other way.

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I was one of the members to come on here and say that I was appalled by the Rangers fans behaviour, and after this was released today, I am completely ashamed of myself.

I would like to issue you all with an apology for any member of the forum I attacked verbally about the Incident.

No need for apologies mate, there were all people involved in this shite in your city!

I know there were other people involved, but Im talking about the way I came on the forum and started saying it as all the Rangers fans fault.

i remember you came on and said something like "i've been telling everyone what great fans are and there will be no trouble"

Well don't worry about it mate - i've had it in the neck since last wednesday from all quarters round here, but my answer is always the same - "Those that night are not the Rangers fans i have come to know and respect (was gonna say love but it's a bit :gay1: ).

We always stand together, don't let anyone ever bad mouth the Rangers fans that you know personally.

Those clowns last week were nothing to do with Rangers, mostly nothing to do with Scottish football altogether perhaps?

I also think you mentioned you hadn't been to Ibrox yet? Well once you have, you'll know what i mean :) We don't have the slogan We Are The People for nothing. :rangers: :rangers: :rangers:

Yes, I haven't been to Ibrox before :angry2: But I hope to soon, But I have it all in College, work the lot. And hopefully, the people at Ibrox will show me the right side of Rangers fans...

Ibrox is THE place. Someone I was speaking to on here the other day about the late 70s/early 80s said it best, "sometimes I went alone, but, when you are at Ibrox, you are always among friends"


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I was one of the members to come on here and say that I was appalled by the Rangers fans behaviour, and after this was released today, I am completely ashamed of myself.

I would like to issue you all with an apology for any member of the forum I attacked verbally about the Incident.

No need for apologies mate, there were all people involved in this shite in your city!

I know there were other people involved, but Im talking about the way I came on the forum and started saying it as all the Rangers fans fault.

i remember you came on and said something like "i've been telling everyone what great fans are and there will be no trouble"

Well don't worry about it mate - i've had it in the neck since last wednesday from all quarters round here, but my answer is always the same - "Those that night are not the Rangers fans i have come to know and respect (was gonna say love but it's a bit :gay1: ).

We always stand together, don't let anyone ever bad mouth the Rangers fans that you know personally.

Those clowns last week were nothing to do with Rangers, mostly nothing to do with Scottish football altogether perhaps?

I also think you mentioned you hadn't been to Ibrox yet? Well once you have, you'll know what i mean :) We don't have the slogan We Are The People for nothing. :rangers: :rangers: :rangers:

Yes, I haven't been to Ibrox before :angry2: But I hope to soon, But I have it all in College, work the lot. And hopefully, the people at Ibrox will show me the right side of Rangers fans...

Ibrox is THE place. Someone I was speaking to on here the other day about the late 70s/early 80s said it best, "sometimes I went alone, but, when you are at Ibrox, you are always among friends"


Well, i sure hope so... :rangers:

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