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An absolute disgrace

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what a disgrace,

to surrender a league title so easily after being so far ahead just totally sickens me.

We can't blame the amount of games or anything along those lines, the team can only blame themselves,

I can take getting beat in the uefa final, but not this.

Smith and the whole side need to sit down after this and take a long hard look at themselves.

A whole season has fallen aprt around us in about 6 weeks and that is very very worrying

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The worst Rangers team in my lifetime by a country mile.

At least McLeishs Rangers had a bit of fight about them unlike this shower.

And PLG was here half a season... bad side but Im 100% convinced if his team had the chance of a league title they would NEVER have lost to Aberdeen.


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Rangers need a goal scorer and a winger-simple as that.

I was bracing myself for tonight cause I knew Rangers wouldn't do it.We depended on a miracle tonight and I'm sick of having to rely on unlikely circumstances.

If anything,surely Walter will realise what needs to be done and as hard as it is right now to lose the league,remember that the bad times only serve to make the good times better.Losing the league after being ahead is heartbreaking and it fills me with anger but at at least we can hopefully end the season with a boost if we win the Scottish Cup.

Remember,we got to the Uefa cup final and could win the double.

They got to the Uefa cup final and won nothing.

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the SPL is nothing to do with the fact that we lost the league mate!

You try playing a game every 3 days. Your muscles would be in agony with each step after the first match alone I'd bet.

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a game every 3 days....who knows how the players can handle the 'punishing' schedule in a world cup or euro championship then eh?

the tired excuse is quite frankly embarrasing, i cringed in work the other day when i heard a fellow bear trying to tell one of the tims that was why we had lost the uefa final.

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a game every 3 days....who knows how the players can handle the 'punishing' schedule in a world cup or euro championship then eh?

the tired excuse is quite frankly embarrasing, i cringed in work the other day when i heard a fellow bear trying to tell one of the tims that was why we had lost the uefa final.

There's a reason games are usually 7 days apart. If you actually played football you'd realise.

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a game every 3 days....who knows how the players can handle the 'punishing' schedule in a world cup or euro championship then eh?

the tired excuse is quite frankly embarrasing, i cringed in work the other day when i heard a fellow bear trying to tell one of the tims that was why we had lost the uefa final.

Running what, 24km (at least) in a week, since Christmas?

You trying to say that wouldn't be a brutal schedule? Nevermind actually having the stamina to not only run, but to tackle, keep their brain working to cover runs, make runs, and to make creative passes?

Give me a break!

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aye ok, so we chucked away the league because we were tired then.

I run 20 miles a week training for a half marathon, with no real ill effects

these guys should be able to do it, given that they are professional footballers!

i'm sure for 15-20k a week i'd be able to handle it

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Tiredness has some effect, but that's the price we've paid for getting to the UEFA Cup final in my opinion. I don't really blame anyone for it, I just think it was a step too far for a fairly small squad. The argument that the SPL handed the title to Celtic by forcing us to play three games in a week is just a non-starter because it was the first game of that series that we drew and that's where the title was lost. They certainly looked tired tonight, but by that stage we had to win 5-0 and that was never going to happen even if they'd had a month off to prepare for it.

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aye ok, so we chucked away the league because we were tired then.

I run 20 miles a week training for a half marathon, with no real ill effects

these guys should be able to do it, given that they are professional footballers!

i'm sure for 15-20k a week i'd be able to handle it

You can be exhausted mentally as well as physically, you know. Running for a marathon and playing football are not the same thing at all.

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I am one seriously gutted bear tonight but when I read the stat that in the same time we'd played 18 games the smellies had played 7, i was always convinced we would struggle in the run in.

As I have said many time the 0-0 with Hibs was criminal and started the decline.

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I use to play saturday mornings, sunday mornings and sunday afternnon and the sunday afternoon game was the only one i struggled with. Ok it's not exactly the SPL but i was paying to play football where as they get payed for it!

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Rangers need a goal scorer and a winger-simple as that.

Rangers need to PLAY their goal scorer.

I appreciate your point and agree that Boyd should have played a bigger part in our team,especially towards the end of the season.However,Rangers need better than Boyd and I expect/hope to God that Walter will totally reconstruct our forward line/attacking options.I would sell my leg for Rangers to buy a prolific goal skiller with a football brain-we've not had one in years.There's worse than Boyd but I still feel he's a lump of wood more often than not.Would definitely play him this Saturday though as a cup final against QOS is made for him to do what he does best.

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Ok, I'm going to try and put this down to the knee-jerk reaction of losing the league, but come on guys, get a grip!! We need to get behind the team for giving us so much to look forward to, remember the last few seasons? Stop moaning and start celebrating the trouncing that is to come. If we could get this far with so many injuries, games, and septic hate circulating, think of what the boys will do with some much needed rest!!! Xx

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