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The 'H' word is NOT acceptable!

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Now thats ignorance. Anyone calls me a h** get the Fenian right back.

The American Fenien Association was formed a while ago and they no doubt are showing their colours - what gets me though is that that is their name, a name they've given themselves - yet because it SOUNDS offensive we've to stop saying it while on the other hand WE DON'T CALL OURSELVES THE 'H' WORD AND ARE OFFENDED TOO!


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No one does anyone any justice by replying to being called a h** with calling them a fenian. That only lowers you down to their level. I find it both words repulsive in a supposed civilised 21st century society!!!

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I dont like being called a h** or orange bastard but its not that big of a thing to me!

I can see where it can become derogatory but its not to me...i think its incredibly ironic that tims are calling US h*** though!

If i want to offend a Celtic fan i call them fenian...

Taig is just like a Sottish erson being called jock!

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I wouldn't allow any of those filthy mhuppets to refer to me or The Rangers using that disgusting racist insult.

To be clear about this - the h** insult is a damning racial epithet, once typically used to refer to Germans. No ifs, buts or mibbes about it. If Great Britain had waged war with, say, Pakistan, do you think for one minute that anyone would accept the racist insult commonly used to refer to people from Pakistan?

I'd call on all bears to respond every time it happens - report it, debate it, reject it and refuse to acknowledge sellik-minded racism as acceptable in any shape or form.

Just in case you think this pernicious campaign is best ignored - let me offer an example of the sellik minded hate-think I had the misfortune to hear. One particularly spiteful and idiotic mhuppet was trying to explain just why they use the term at all. He went on to tell me that as some Rangers players performed for the club during WWII, they were effectively helping the Germans instead of fighting them.

Ignorant chunt, no doubt, but his gub was soon firmly shut when I asked him this: "Do you know who big Jock Stein played for during WWII?"

Big Jock certainly knew!

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Unfortunatley the H word has been accepted and used daily/hourly by the minute by these vermin for well over 20yrs now.

It's a case of closing the barn door after the horse has bolted, as now everyone thinks it ok to use the h word against us. Especially the diddie teams fans(usually only on internet sites or amoungst themselves, as they have no bottle to use it to our faces), however they would'nt dare use the f word to the vermin.

It really is our clubs fault for not bringing it to the fore some 20-30yrs ago when it was getting far too commonly used. Even our press find it amusing to use on occasion, however you would never see any of them use the f or the t word.

Once again, we are being shat on by a great height in OUR own country, and our custodian stands by idly and lets it continue, in fact it wouldnt surprise me if he was looking for a new private reg with 'h' 1' on it.

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I don't know what im called as I speak to none of them

Keep my distance from the great unwashed soap dodging cnuts as much as I can


I don't associate with or speak to any of the fuckers at work. If I meet someone socially and they say they're a sellick fan, conversation over.

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I always say sarcasm/humour is the best way to beat the bigots. My humour is a bit "off" for some, but my answer to the Scum would be (to the tune of--- I,m no a billy, I,m a tim)


Let them complain about that. Coupled with a banner of the two Panda,s playing flutes. the humour would leave them with no option but to keep quiet or confirm their bigotry to everyone.

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