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The Nacho influence.

polar bear

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Any other Bears out there think that LeGuen may have used Nacho as an Example

of the effort he wants to see on the field?Reason I am asking is because the last

three games everyone seems to be giving it the Nacho 100% thing. :unsure:

thoughts guys.

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Any other Bears out there think that LeGuen may have used Nacho as an Example

of the effort he wants to see on the field?Reason I am asking is because the last

three games everyone seems to be giving it the Nacho 100% thing. :unsure:

thoughts guys.

Na I just think Murray's talk and Le Guen have finally got through to the players. They have finally realised themselves what this club is about and thought, f*ck we have to start giving everything.

Also that if they don't start performing and giving everything that they will be out the door.

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Any other Bears out there think that LeGuen may have used Nacho as an Example

of the effort he wants to see on theĀ  field?Reason I am asking is because the last

three games everyone seems to be giving it the Nacho 100% thing. :unsure:

thoughts guys.

Na I just think Murray's talk and Le Guen have finally got through to the players. They have finally realised themselves what this club is about and thought, f*ck we have to start giving everything.

Also that if they don't start performing and giving everything that they will be out the door.

You've got to admit Muff, they are giving it the nacho Hussle. and what a f#cken difference.Keep it up and I betcha we win the second half of the season,probably

not enough to overtake the luckiest team in the history of sports though.Hate them with an everlasting passion. :(

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Yeah they have probably looked at Novo, Prso, Ferguson and Smith and thought we have to be like that.

They shouldn't have to tho. No matter what club they are at or who the opposition is every player should give their all every game. Everytime I go on the pitch I think of it as my last ever game and I give everything I have. Sometimes you can give your all and still lose but at least people won't get on at you as much.

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Any other Bears out there think that LeGuen may have used Nacho as an Example

of the effort he wants to see on the field?Reason I am asking is because the last

three games everyone seems to be giving it the Nacho 100% thing. :unsure:

thoughts guys.

Nacho will be a legend in this Bears eyes (I figure maybe five true legends in the last 30 years) if we manage to turn it around,because I am convinced that he is

the example that LeGuen is throwing at the team .You don't have to be brilliant at

what you do to be a legend,but if we turn it round,and after the game yesterday I

have no doubt now that we will, I'd say Nacho Novo take a bow,true Ranger,and

Legend.He loves,us.and gee's I love to watch him giving everything ,great wee guy

Great Ranger. (tu)

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I figure maybe five true legends in the last 30 years

Majorly wrong there!

In my eyes Muff a legend is a very special name to hang on anyone,I realize there

have been a good number of players who have come to us,and been brilliant,then left,or retired,fair enough but not legends.Baxter,and greig roll of the lips,but after that believe me you are struggling to come up with another one,great players are not automatically legends.Novo's "I'm going to give everything for the club I love"

kind of does it for me. (tu)

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Yeah they have probably looked at Novo, Prso, Ferguson and Smith and thought we have to be like that.

They shouldn't have to tho. No matter what club they are at or who the opposition is every player should give their all every game. Everytime I go on the pitch I think of it as my last ever game and I give everything I have. Sometimes you can give your all and still lose but at least people won't get on at you as much.

Your right but what I can't understand is, when we are looking for a player to come to Ibrox don't we look at the players fighting qualities as well as his fotball ability ? I think if you buy a player for Rangers you should have a good idea of what you are getting. I appreciate with the foreign player they can underestimate the responsibility they have to the Rangers support and what this club is all about but maybe this is why we should look more at the Scottish market.At least who ever comes here will hit the ground running.

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polar bear :D glad to see someone else who thinks along the same lines of me,

When does his contract end we should definetly offer him a new one!!

We would be daft not to, as he would be perfect cover if we get better strikers in. And I imagine he would be happy as long as he gets a descent number of games a year.

He is certainely worth for all he bring on and off the ball. :rolleyes: <bouncy> (horse)

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With regards Nacho's effort as an example to other players - I thought Clement stepped it up a notch on Sunday - even though the pitch perhaps did not suit his touch, he needs to keep it up every week (I should point out that the Nach does - every week)

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