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Posts posted by TartanTeddy

  1. If the season started tomorrow I would predict we would win it.

    We have a team that have played together for two succesful seasons, and they have a mixed bag of new signings who might not gel together. We are solid at the back - they're not. We have a better midfield, and if Lafferty can build on the end of season form that proved he could get goals, then we probably have better firepower up front. Biggest problem is the depth of squad. Couple of key players out, and we could fall behind.

    It's also worth noting that while we lost Boyd and Thomson (and Novo). They lost Keane (who got them their late season wins), the mhanky Pole, who saved them countless times, and a host of loans. They've signed no one that would give you sleepless nights (maybe the Mexican???).

    Without Keane, it will be interesting to see how Lennon copes - the SPL ain't so hard when you have a multi million pound striker in your team - a lot tougher when you have to rely on a Sunderland reject and Sampras.

    All in all I think Wattie will deliver number three before handing the torch on to McCoist.

  2. Going by that logic, the OF must be seen as amazing down south as Blackpool made it to the big league beyond all the odds because of Charles Adam esq, and Stephen Crainey. Pipping Cardiff, with McCormack, Rae and Burke, to promotion.

    Personally, I don't think anyone south of Carlisle even gave it a thought, but whatever floats your boat ;)

  3. Deffo a protest first game of the season, but maybe an internet protest! Because most of us that go to games and support the club will be too busy watching the league flag being raised.

    All thge posters that want to protest Muray/Bain/KT going could have a five minute period where they don't post at all. Or maybe post their favourite post that they posted while the team were actually playing. I reckon something like that would work.

    Maybe all the stay at home/I've just cancelled my season ticket (but I exppect Murray to inverst his money while I won't pay a thing) protesters could all wear baby blue, or maybe just the hoops. Either way, try to avoid club coloours as best you can (tu)

    Then whhen the actual people who support the club come home from the game, we can boycott the thread.

    Everyone's happy :21:

  4. The clubs in turmoil because KT is leaving - feck me, it must be fun to be young :craphead:

    I held and continued to hold a season ticket when we used to come in fourth, When we went down to Chesterfield and got horsed out the Anglo Scottish. When Europe, let alone the Champions League, was a dim and distant dream. Whena trip to Pittodrie was five hours on a bus hoping for a draw. When we used to get done over at Tannadice, christ, when we got done over at Kilbowie

    Please, if you think this is turmoil, then just close the door quietly behind you, and please for god sake don't post faux sensationalist cr@p on a message board. Just leave quietly and get on with your sad life where if we don't win the league by twenty points you don't want to support the club.

    Supporters?, seriously, you don't have a clue what being a supporter means. KT's (maybe) away, oh mummy it's a crisis, we only have Davis and Edu to fill that role if he goes, oh and McCulloch, and maybe Fleck, Whittaker at a push, or perhaps Naismith. I tell you, it's a crisis!!!!!!!

    I'm away for a lie down, it's all too much for me!

    See you mid season when you come crawling back because the unwashed are ten points behind. Just don't post to tell us your back, I don'tthink we really care :angry:

  5. Is this good?

    If you believe in Ellis then yes.

    Should I believe in Ellis?

    No this is a bad move for our club

    I don't think it could get any worse than not buying a player for over 2 seasons mate !!!

    Will that be the last two seasons where we won the league doh

    Seem to remember Le Guen buying plenty during his time :anguish:

  6. Got a letter with a wee cardboard push out about the size of the smartcard with all your details on it.

    I had been re-signed up automatically for the season but submitted the paper copy late regards the CCC scheme. Got everything processed no problem though.

    Good luck

  7. Notice that the main page and the Celtic team page lead on Scott Brown. And rangers, fresh from a victory that will likely see them win the league...

    My link

    has an article about Burnley's Steven Fletcher missing the Scotland game :rolleyes:

    Probably a simple mistake :wink:

  8. The booing was for the referee. Novo was fouled and was on the ground injured close to the Govan. HT whistle blew. The ref glanced over but left the field with his two linesmen. Novo was left on the field waiting for the Doc.

    I don't think I've ever seen a referee leave the field with a player down injured, in fact, I didn't think he was allowed to leave the field until all the players had cleared the pitch.

    That was what the booing was about. And nothing to do with the performance.

  9. Scottish Cup games aren't on the season, and I've never heard of them giving us a game for nowt. League Cup games are on the season, hence the reason we get those thrown in (on the odd occassion we're at home in the LC).

    Would expect it to be around £15 for ST holders.

    Hopefully next Tuesday as I'm in London on the Wednesday!

    It is on Tuesday the 19th.



  10. Scottish Cup games aren't on the season, and I've never heard of them giving us a game for nowt. League Cup games are on the season, hence the reason we get those thrown in (on the odd occassion we're at home in the LC).

    Would expect it to be around £15 for ST holders.

    Text from official website:

    RANGERS or Hamilton Academical face a trip to New St Mirren Park in the fifth round of the Scottish Cup on February 6 or 7.

    With the Light Blues drawing 3-3 with Billy Reid's team at New Douglas Park today both teams will battle it out again on January 19 at Ibrox for a place in the next round.

    More to follow...

  11. Broadfoot does an excellent job whenever asked, far too much criticism of the big fella if you ask me.

    The defence suddenly looks far more solid, provides better cover for Boogie's runs up field and he poses a real threat at set pieces.

    Delighted to see him back!

  12. Disregard how many were in Manchester, and put the number of actual folk that actually stand behind the club through thick and thin as roughly equivalent to the number that were still there at full time against Urinea and Sevilla.

    The rest are only 'true bears' as long as we're winning.

    That's what makes your the whip round solution a hell of a lot less workable than you might immediately imagine.

  13. I'd happily drop Rothen, no pace and not much guile about him. Though he obviously impressed the sponsors on Saturday to get MOM :unsure:

    I'd far prefer Naismith on the left, and Boyd to start on Sunday.

    But hee haw chance of that happening!

    Have you ever watched Jerome Rothen before he came here?

    Nope, and to be honest, hadn't heard of him before.

    But I'll judge him on what I see (not on highlights, the player he might have been, or what his rating is on Championship manager). He slows the play down, delivery is average, and he's not the great free kick taker he seems to think that he is, or at least, that we were led to believe he might be. Has done nothing much to convince me he's a better option than Naisey on the left.

    Obviously, if he improves it would be great, but he's certainly been a contributing factor to the team not scoring, and I personally prefer the option Naismith gives out wide on the left, and I just have a feeling Boyd is due a few goals, and Sunday would be a good place to start. But as I said, it's not likely, and Wattie, will pretty much go with his current line up, so hopefully the Frenchman will come good.

  14. I'd happily drop Rothen, no pace and not much guile about him. Though he obviously impressed the sponsors on Saturday to get MOM :unsure:

    I'd far prefer Naismith on the left, and Boyd to start on Sunday.

    But hee haw chance of that happening!

  15. Heard from a fairly prominant journo that the word on the grapevine was that if Burley didn't take the team to a playoff that he would go and Strachan would come in on a part time basis. That's what they had heard was being considered - and not, I should be clear, that it was in any way a done deal.

    Makes more sense than WS in January - though obviously a lot of lads were discussing this at the game on saturday because it had been on the BBC earlier in the week that WS contact was up in January and of course most folk feel that Burley was expected to get his jotters next week if we lost - so hardly an 'offical rumour', or someone in the know, more the same guess that every punter had on saturday afternoon :rolleyes:

  16. Hell of a lot of 'McGeadies' on here, shame that they don't understand either the traditions of our club or our support. I suppose we should all think it's a shame - but as the club that takes the greatest number of fans to Hampden for EVERY Scotland game anyway, who really cares! - maybe they can meet with their kindred spirits over at darkheid on Wednesday night for a good old moan about Scotland. I, along with many on here, will be at Hampden with thousands of bears cheering on our nation!

  17. Maybe folk are just reflecting their desire to be linked with the clubs heritage - I think four of the founders played for Scotland. So the choice of FOS is probably more about supporters perception of the club being a Scottish Club (which it clearly is) rather than any endorsement of republicanism.

    Personally, I dislike both songs as they are both dirges. But I chose FOS because first and foremost we are a Scottish Club with links to Scotland running through our entire history - if Moses and Henry, Tom Vallance and Peter Campbell were happy to wear the navy blue of Scotland, I think that's something we should celebrate!

    And if folk are claiming that those who see themselves as Scots are 'republicans', then I guess it's just as easy to characterise those that choose the Union as standing shoulder to shoulder with their Labour supporting unionist mates from over on the dark side :pipe:

  18. Aye this Rothen guy works perfectly with our midfield. Love his linking up, great attitude, brilliant engine. Really provides the width we need. And his delivery, well, I don't have the words to describe it. Certainly creates what looks like one of the best midfields in Britain....

    What's that you say...

    ... he hasn't actually played a single game <cr>

    Aye but he's a proven international like Laudrup and Gasgoine, or indeed Capucho, Sebo or Sionko ...

    Maybe just a wee bit wise to see him play in this great midfield before we all get way too carried away with the latest genius to choose the SPL over the Premiership, Serie A or La Liga

    And of course, lets hope he actually is another Laudrup or gasgoine!

  19. Great post.

    As I said to the poster, it was only yesterday that me and thousands more Bears sang The Sash/King Billy's On The Wall/ Derry's Walls at Tynecastle.

    The connection is still there and long may we stay connected.

    Very true. It always interests me to see how many people so against this, at the same time go to games and sing the songs. Would make the debate interesting I think

    The people who are so against it just appear on internet fora.......

    That's quite funny, because I'd say the opposite is true.

    As a season ticket holder most folk I sit beside are obsessed by the game, and the footballing aspects of the club. In something like twenty years in the same seat, no one has ever talked about religion. Not once. Yet you come onto a message board and it's full of folk going on about Ulsta, with their wee KB avatars, obsessed by religion, mentally masterbating over the thought of the Billy Boys coming back, or the sash being played over the tannoy.

  20. But what would I rather have, that or a Scotland game, you know what, I never have to choose :praise:

    But on what was probably the biggest night of all for Rangers, we did have to choose.

    I don't recall choosing?

    Guess it depends on what you regard the biggest night of all ?????

    Barca 72, I certainly don't remember there being a clash. Day the club was founded. Doubt it. Dryborough Cup Final, nah.

    Your just way too cryptic for little ole me.

    24/5/72; while we won our only European Trophy, the SFA staged a game v Wales at Hampden.

    Well there you go. I didn't know that.

    That night I supported both - though I was only a kid and not aware of either as I recall. Which would I have attended given the choice. I wouldn't hesitate to say I would have chosen Barcelona. Had it been a World Cup Final with Scotland (a man can dream) and a Rangers friendly in Glasgow. I'd choose the Scotland game, but again, be supporting both teams. It's not as difficult a conundrum as it might appear to some. It's based on circumstances.

    Did the SFA expect any Rangers players to play in the game versus Wales. No. And I seem to recall the ECWC wasn't on telly, so just the wireless, and I'm sure many at hampden were tuned in that night - given we make up the largest club support at all Scotland games - by some distance.

    Supporting your club but not your country, just strikes me as something the majority of the unwashed do.

  21. But what would I rather have, that or a Scotland game, you know what, I never have to choose :praise:

    But on what was probably the biggest night of all for Rangers, we did have to choose.

    I don't recall choosing?

    Guess it depends on what you regard the biggest night of all ?????

    Barca 72, I certainly don't remember there being a clash. Day the club was founded. Doubt it. Dryborough Cup Final, nah.

    Your just way too cryptic for little ole me.

  22. Scotland to win the World Cup or Rangers to win The CL or me to win the 20 Million Euro lottery while shagging Audrey Tatou with Scarlett Johanssen waiting to launch in.

    In an ideal world, all, but (sadly) only people of school age think you actually get to choose - or think it makes them nmore of a Bear.

    Seriously, at what level of intelligence do people actually GET that you don't have to choose between club and country. Is it age 4 by any chance????

    But lets play.

    Whatcha gonna pick :dry:

    Rangers to win CL but you get colon cancer or Celtic to win CL and you win the Lottery?

    Getting gang raped at School by Aiden and his pals, but Rangers beat Shellick by seven in every game next season or ... The unwashed win the tile but Lyndsay Lohan becomes your girlfriend and all you pals think your way cool?

    Support Scotland AND Rangers or ... turn your back on your country like the scum that choose to go play for the Republic of Oirland when they were born in Scotland but they think it makes them pure brilliant in the eyes of their oirish loving Scottish family?

    Please post your answers below. Cause today is obviously Chooseday :blink:

    You'll be one of those inspirational people who, at certain points while watching a movie, says "You know that actually couldn't happen because....."

    I bet the pictures on your walls are level as well. Do all the tins in your food cupboard face the same way by any chance ?

    Take a chill pill mate. No, in fact take the whole packet. It's Thursday, tomorrow is Friday and on Saturday the new season begins with us as champions.

    ENJOY !!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

    That's a pretty accurate description :craphead:

    Though obviously the labels aren't just round the right way, their sub divided by genre and then alphabetised.

    Pictures are straight, And level, And at a set eyeline level.

    And as for Saturday, same seat for the last twenty years, same ugly bassa around me, anticipating a wee flag on a stick, and absolutely bursting to go!

    But what would I rather have, that or a Scotland game, you know what, I never have to choose :praise:

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