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Everything posted by georgethebearlogan

  1. Fantastic of Rangers to do this, wish i could be there, i will be there in my mind, was only 3 year old when this happened. always remembered never forgoten.
  2. When i was young i use to walk back to possil wherei stayed must have walk it about 10 times, then sometimes would get theold 54 bus back and when the bus hit the town centre some asshole would break a window and we would all get chipped aff the bus so would have to walk from the centre of the town home many times. Would not walk home now would take days to make it home lol
  3. Think you might find that was Wullie johnston who stood on macmasters throat against Aberdeen at ibrox.
  4. I heard its was the bold Wagner who will be the next manager, my mate just texted me from x-factor. You are all bonkers if you think MacCoist will not be the next manager of Rangers
  5. Once the deal is done i will cheer but not until then dont want to get my hopes up, i use to work for the man the company was Vital secuirty in motherwell many years ago. worked in the hilton hotel in glasgow with that company.
  6. Time to stop talking about this lot and the refs, sometimes thread after thread of rubbish about celtic is getting to much. this is Rangers media, lets keep things to Rangers and what a great team we are and how we will win the league by miles as they are a sad excuse for a football team. So lads just let it lie as this will give them more of its them against everyone else. The Sfa will not punish Celtic now as the ref has gone and resign they will take this as a sign of guilt the he favoered one side over the other. time to leave it now and get on with the football.
  7. just been on the news that all games will go ahead this weekend, weather might have put paid to some by the weekend.
  8. just been on the news that all games will go ahead this weekend, weather might have put paid to some by the weekend.
  9. The euro hostel on the clydeside. their skint lol
  10. Thr Ref's they ask should take a stand and say no way your ref's are on strike so we dont want to do any games, i think ref's should stick together on this one. Remove the scum for the league and thats it sorted, let them join the league of ireland, f**k off scum we dont need you lot in this league.
  11. I am on the Ref's side on this one, i say go on strike till christmas and lets see what teams are greeting then about having nae money. support the Ref's cos if we dont have ref's we dont have football. Celtic should be docked 40 points for being fannys and causing this shite. and fined 10 million just for who they are or what they think they are lol.
  12. I got mine the wife has ordered me one for christmas as a present. any you lads bought one. Really nice shirt.
  13. I have seen the strip that is at the top of the page has gone on sale, if you head to Hartlepool United website you will find the club shop. a percentage of the sale of each strip goes to help the heros. heres a link. http://www.justsport-shop.com/cgi-bin/live/ecommerce.pl?site=hufc_clubshop&state=item&dept_id=01&sub_dept_id=50&product_id=329362-815
  14. We have only lost one match this season, it was going to happen sometime so this result might give us the kick up the ass that we needed to get the fighting spirit back.
  15. Yes they wore this strip on saturday in the FA cup 1st round it did not help them win as the match was a boring 0-0 draw, Hartlepool are on the look out for a new forward on loan as we cant score goals, was thinking Little or Loy could gain some 1 st action and help us score a few goals. Was a great strip think they will go for about 200 in the auction.
  16. it was also shown on sky sports news today over and over again.
  17. Think i might be able to help but not sure click on the link below where my sig is you tube link.
  18. I will keep that in mind and if am over that way might just pop in for a match or two, is it all right to shout in glasweigan lol.
  19. Sounds like the place to be in the north east if your a bear... wish i could join you all in there for the party wednesday and sunday.
  20. Thanks for that. will need to find some stream to watch. or the pub but do think they will be showing rangers match.
  21. As i stay in england i was looking though the listings for STV and it says the man utd game is on, is this true and stv are not showing the rangers match tonight in scotland.
  22. its free on virginmedia today , great get to watch instead of a stream.
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