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Everything posted by Ace

  1. Thought he played very well, its certainly the first time he has beaten both Federer & Nadal in the same tournament. I would say that this "competition" was really nothing more than glorified exhibition match and doesn't have anything to do with rankings ... just bucketloads of appearance money and a £250k 1st prize. Still a very hopeful start to the season for Murray, hopefully takes it into the tour.
  2. Good to see a pundit who is proud to say the team he supports and shows it too ....
  3. Just visited the "other" side. Someone has hacked the user accounts (or the Mod's have gone mental !!) because every name has "GTF" after it. Gotta love the irony of it all.
  4. Justice too !! Before this match Caldwell was in line for Player of the Year according to Celtic fans .... now he will get it because of Rangers fans ... LMAO !!!
  5. Ace

    COD4 on XBox 360

    Sorry .. triple post, can this be deleted?
  6. Ace

    COD4 on XBox 360

    sorry ... triple post .. can this be deleted ??
  7. Ace

    COD4 on XBox 360

    I see that there is an COD4 area buyt for PS3 players, i just wondered if anyone plays on COD4 via XB0x 360 ?
  8. Ace

    COD4 on XBox 360

    I see that there is an COD4 area buyt for PS3 players, i just wondered if anyone plays on COD4 via XB0x 360 ?
  9. This was the player that some said wasn't good enough !!
  10. They are honouring our troops ... for me, the point is why won't the fans of Celtic do it ???
  11. Whats the source ? The last one they signed still hasnt kicked a ball
  12. I remember listening to Hugh Dallas when pressed for an answer on this. He stated that if the ball is less than a metre away from either player then the ball is still playable thefore no obstruction is caused. Personally, i think it is obstruction but i'm only a fan ... not an official (thank god you all say !!)
  13. Stupid fact ... if Hull won 13-0 today they would likely go top of the Premisership
  14. Just reported that TGFIW are not supporting their team in the multitudes thay have before. Parkhead approx 15,000 short (or so is reported !!) Is this an illness that is affecting more clubs than just Celtic though? Do you beleive that attendances are down as a general rule, is Ibrox support down? Why are we experiencing this drop?
  15. RIP Eddie ... a chairman with the club at his heart.
  16. I presume we are celebrating the Ulster Voulenteers of the 1st World war and not the paramilitary organisation of the 70,s & 80's ?
  17. Watched the highlights, if Aberdeen can rip them to peices then god help them when the meet VR.
  18. On the radio ... no McGreedy tonight. Is the great green hope now hope..less
  19. Celtic to win, although this shouldn't be in the Bears Den but in General Football.
  20. Yep ... heard it too. Dirty Barstewards ... when will they be censured for singing songs in support of an illegal terrorist organisation. It is against the law to provide support for them ... isn't it ??
  21. Agreed .They really lost the moment to score 3rd and it`s all over now.. don't you remember helicopter sunday? it could happen again without the helicopter I really hope so,mate. Me too .. it just seems to be fizzling out really now. Still, 2nd half brought the scummy fans down to earth, end of the 1st half they were world beaters now they are just the usual lucky barstewards. If 'Well had decent forwards, they could have easily levelled this match.
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