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Everything posted by Ace

  1. Yes it has, unfortunately it hasn't stopped those f@cking campers
  2. No 6 & 9 are the bomb ... but 10 is obviously the target.
  3. Ace


    There are a few of us that play, there are alos those who used to play but have switched to COD5. If you go though the list of names & add us (im Acemcl) i'm sure you will find guys on to give you a game.
  4. I am having real problems getting online. When i select the multiplayer then "Find Game" i am getting stuck at a screen that says "Downloading Game Settings" I tried to see if i could set up a LAN party but it then tells me there is no network connection deteced. Now, i have went into my PS3 network setting and re-established my internet connection but still i get the same screen. anyone, any ideas as i am having withdrawl symptoms.
  5. Buy an HDMI lead, less confusing as it's only one plug at either end
  6. Ace

    The RM Clan

    AL is a show off fecker ... 800 with 13 kills on Hsd couple nights ago I'm up for matches, fair monday is gonna take an all day beating
  7. Ace

    Modern Warfare 2

    Looking forward to it. Not sure if i will play the solo game first or just jump to online play !!
  8. Ace

    Modern Warfare 2

    Wondering ... anyone pre-ordered ?? Who's getting it & will you abondon Cod4 or CoD5 as a result ??
  9. Ace

    COD4 Match

    No takers then !!
  10. Get your ass online (when you get used to the controls) It's amazing how quickly your reactions speed up when some flucker comes rounf the corner right in front of you !!! We need to organize a proper night of tim bashing (if you can find any that have an internet connection let alone a ps3 !!)
  11. Game are doing PS3 (80gb) + 4 Games (Infamous, Call of Duty 4, Fight Night 4 and Ghostbusters) for £349. Good deal IMO.
  12. Ace

    COD4 Match

    I see more than a few people online at certain times but wondered if we could organise a proper night of it ?? I thought if enough notice was given we could set up a night of H S&D or HQ. I'm not the best but i have my moments.
  13. Ace

    Xbox help

    You plug the cable into the back of your Xbox 360, there should a be a switch on that says either "HDTV" or "TV" .. make sure it is switched to TV. The numerous cables that come form it, most of them are for the HD tv, but there are three cables .... red, white & yellow. In your box, there should be a SCART block, you put the red, white & yellow cables into the corresponding jacks. Plug the scart into one of the spare AV sockets on the back of the TV. Hopefully when you switch on the Xbox ... your TV will automatically switch to the right station & you will see & hear the picture. Hopefully !!!
  14. Ace

    Who still plays COD 4 ?

    Ohh nooo ... play for real through the breas !!!
  15. Ace

    Who still plays COD 4 ?

    I've played WaW and found the online play just not as good as COD4. Also, i am Lv 50 ... woo hoo (yeah, still a lowly n00b to some but ) If anyone wants to add me, i'm on PSN - Acemcl
  16. I've sent out a few invites to a few people but some haven't logged in for moths. Now either, i am a very unpopular person (highly possible .. i know) or i am picking the wrong people to add. I enjoy the game, up to Lv 45 (or there abouts ... 1st prestige soon) but i am playing mostly Hardcore HQ. It pisses me off that you play in a team but everyone is completely out for themselves .. i would like to try actual teamwork but can't as no-one will play with me (i even hang meat around my neck just to get the dog to play ) Anyway .... just trying to see, who actually still plays ??? PS - I am on now
  17. I've already pre-ordered it from Game, guarantee it will be a sell out on release day !!
  18. I couldn't spot the camp sites ... will find them soon enough
  19. Well, i am going on in about 5 minutes ... if you want someone to shoot at (e.g. .. ME, as i'm not that good ... yet !!) PS3 name - Acemcl
  20. That looks amazing ... easily watchable as a movie !!!
  21. Just got a text from my mate, apparently it's all over the Tim boards that Coyle has knocked them back over either wage demands or transfer budget. Other rumour was that Coyle was a bluff & that Mowbray was the intended target all along. Don't know what to believe but thought i would say anyway.
  22. Nice ... i'm using it too http://www.bebo.com/Acemcl
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