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Everything posted by Ace

  1. So, who's right then ?? Are we a team that had 6 players at the start of a season, who had no pre-season, who didn't even have a licence to play 36 he's before our first game. Ally had to build a team within a very small time frame. We have had to dip into our pool of youth players, players who wouldn't normally be near the first team at this stage in their career. No other Rangers manager has had to put up with a situation like this & we should have adjusted our sights & standards accordingly. OR ... Are we a team that has struggled in Div3, a team that runs on a £7m wage bill, a team that has now played together for 9 months & still cannot beat teams who train once a week in amongst their full time jobs. We are a team that has more than a few SPL standard players, a team that should be winning this league by a mile due to our facilities & full time footballing squad We are a team that has no discernible plan going forward, no real tactics other than a long ball ... A team that, until today, had gone over 5 hours without scoring a goal from open play, much of this is down to Ally and HIS coaching staff. So, you decide ... who's fault is it?
  2. Ally have a swipe at CG about his comments over worst team. Cg saying what fans have been saying but should he be saying it in public? Look forward to more headlines ahead
  3. Unfortunately, it appears he is made of glass.
  4. I see Hemmings as a proper partner for Andy Little for the next few seasons.
  5. Really, who cares ?? If he's willing to sign & play for us, what does it matter who he supports. Team doesn't need to full of Rangers fans, it needs to be full of good players
  6. Any player would still be viewed, easy to contact a more solid source in the area beit an ex-player or recognised coach. The principle is solid, IMO
  7. That's my view also. It's a free resource and fans would love to be involved in helping the club move forward.
  8. Faure is far more comfortable playing at CH. Needs to play there more often for me
  9. With Ally admitting the club has to look at our whole scouting system, I believe that we have a huge untapped resource that is constantly overlooked .... the support !! We have a huge support in all corners of the globe, the club could tap into that huge resource by getting scouting reports or recommendations from fans about players in their part if the world. This could even be formalised by the club, providing training to those who wish to help. There are plenty fans out there who watch local football and can spot a player, why don't we use that to identify players that could be overlooked otherwise. Also, surely a lot cheaper than appointing official scouts everywhere.
  10. So, why isn't that a yellow then, if Crawford's was a yellow then so was that.
  11. As Malcolm Murray is the Rangers chairman, surely it's his role to duscuss Rangers and its activities with the press. Now, more than ever, CG needs to step back and act in his role as CEO of the Rangers group and let MM do his job which is to be Rangers chair.
  12. The argument here isn't about political correctness, the argument is should the CEO of on of the largest employers in West of Scotland be using a term like that in an interview with the press. He is the (very) public face of a company who will employ people from all walks of life, all lines of ethnicity. His company's base resides in a large Asian community who are vastly under targeted as an economical resource when it comes to football. It doesn't matter how PC the world has become and why it should change, he has provided an opportunity for derision from all facets of people & high profile organisations in the anti-racism field. I am positive that over the course of today we will read many reactions to this story & most will vilify CG for his comments and he will have to apologise for them. In amongst all this, where is Jim Traynor? As a forner press man, he should instantly know that the tabloids will have a field day over his comments and actually put a stop to the interview, or at least get him to revise his comments accordingly.
  13. The lower-league administrator is battling to get league reconstruction talks back on track after an SFL meeting last week broke up with its 30 members split over the timescale for change. But Longmuir has been accused by some club chairmen of pandering to Rangers after suggesting the Old Firm could enter colt teams in a new set-up - with his critics claiming the ploy was only dreamt up to ensure the fallen Glasgow giants do not remain in the bottom tier of Scottish football. But Longmuir told those who suggest he has been unduly influenced by Light Blues chief executive Green: "You obviously don't know me. I have been doing this job diligently before Rangers even came into the league. "We were presented with a situation last year where we accommodated Rangers willingly and they have been a great addition."I deal with chairmen of all description throughout the 30 clubs and I can assure you they are a mixed bunch, all trying to take Scottish football forward. "Some have different views on one thing, some have different views on the other. I have got to get everybody as aligned as possible, all on the basis of what is doing right for the game."We are getting there. There is some real momentum behind this change agenda. We need to iron out a few things but I don't think they will be insurmountable now and I think it will stand the game in good stead." "The Rangers factor is as big as the factor for Annan, Peterhead, Queen's Park, Livingston, Dundee, Forfar - it is affecting the whole game."We need to get it sorted but we need to do it properly. Rangers have brought great awareness to the SFL. Their fans have gone round the country in great numbers. But I look after all 30 clubs in the SFL equally and have done since 2007, before Rangers came in." They are a welcome addition to the SFL but so are all the others. I have got to be mindful that my duty is to 30 clubs." Despite being unable to vote as associate members, Rangers have been outspoken on the reconstruction process.Both Green and manager Ally McCoist have called for the Irn-Bru Third Division champions to be promoted to the 12-team middle division, rather than the 18-club basement league which would replace the current bottom two tiers. But Longmuir said: "At the moment, Rangers are champions of Division Three, Queen of the South are champions of Division Two and there is a bit of a battle at the top of the First. "I have got no mind to change anything in that promotion and relegation scenario." During talks with the Scottish Football Association and Scottish Premier League yesterday, the SFL vowed to hold its reconstruction vote by April 19 if 11 of the top-flight clubs back the changes on April 15. Twenty-two of the SFL clubs need to back the proposals, which would see the top two divisions split into three groups of eight after 22 games. Longmuir revealed the lower-league sides would be sent a resolution tomorrow which outlines matters to be decided upon after 14 of his members called for the changes to be put on hold until after next season. Longmuir added: "We had a positive meeting with the SPL clubs and the SFA and we are going to further progress that due diligence process by putting in some independent scrutiny on contracts and figures. We will then go to a vote on April 19 where the clubs will be able to decide where they want to be and how they want to take it forward. "It is important that we do take time. If doing due diligence is cautionary in its approach, well that is only fair. "This is a 123-year-old organisation that has served Scottish football pretty well over that time. As we move into a brand new organisation, we have got to get it right because we want to make it good for the game for the foreseeable future." And Longmuir urged patience from fans who do not like the proposed league structure - an SFA-commissioned survey this week suggested 87 per cent of supporters want to see a larger top division. Longmuir said: "I listen to fans regularly. They contact me daily. I was quite a key proponent of a larger league - I still am. "But it is not deliverable at the moment. The finances aren't there to make it viable. The wealth in the game is not sufficient to take a number of games out of the annual calendar. "So let's look at this as an opportunity to get the foundations right and then we start looking at how we rebuild it and get fans more involved." But Longmuir told those who suggest he has been unduly influenced by Light Blues chief executive Green: "You obviously don't know me. I have been doing this job diligently before Rangers even came into the league. "We were presented with a situation last year where we accommodated Rangers willingly and they have been a great addition. "I deal with chairmen of all description throughout the 30 clubs and I can assure you they are a mixed bunch, all trying to take Scottish football forward. "Some have different views on one thing, some have different views on the other. I have got to get everybody as aligned as possible, all on the basis of what is doing right for the game. "We are getting there. There is some real momentum behind this change agenda. We need to iron out a few things but I don't think they will be insurmountable now and I think it will stand the game in good stead." "The Rangers factor is as big as the factor for Annan, Peterhead, Queen's Park, Livingston, Dundee, Forfar - it is affecting the whole game. "We need to get it sorted but we need to do it properly. Rangers have brought great awareness to the SFL. Their fans have gone round the country in great numbers. But I look after all 30 clubs in the SFL equally and have done since 2007, before Rangers came in. "They are a welcome addition to the SFL but so are all the others. I have got to be mindful that my duty is to 30 clubs." Despite being unable to vote as associate members, Rangers have been outspoken on the reconstruction process. Both Green and manager Ally McCoist have called for the Irn-Bru Third Division champions to be promoted to the 12-team middle division, rather than the 18-club basement league which would replace the current bottom two tiers. But Longmuir said: "At the moment, Rangers are champions of Division Three, Queen of the South are champions of Division Two and there is a bit of a battle at the top of the First. "I have got no mind to change anything in that promotion and relegation scenario." During talks with the Scottish Football Association and Scottish Premier League yesterday, the SFL vowed to hold its reconstruction vote by April 19 if 11 of the top-flight clubs back the changes on April 15. Twenty-two of the SFL clubs need to back the proposals, which would see the top two divisions split into three groups of eight after 22 games. Longmuir revealed the lower-league sides would be sent a resolution tomorrow which outlines matters to be decided upon after 14 of his members called for the changes to be put on hold until after next season. Longmuir added: "We had a positive meeting with the SPL clubs and the SFA and we are going to further progress that due diligence process by putting in some independent scrutiny on contracts and figures. We will then go to a vote on April 19 where the clubs will be able to decide where they want to be and how they want to take it forward. "It is important that we do take time. If doing due diligence is cautionary in its approach, well that is only fair. "This is a 123-year-old organisation that has served Scottish football pretty well over that time. As we move into a brand new organisation, we have got to get it right because we want to make it good for the game for the foreseeable future." And Longmuir urged patience from fans who do not like the proposed league structure - an SFA-commissioned survey this week suggested 87 per cent of supporters want to see a larger top division. Longmuir said: "I listen to fans regularly. They contact me daily. I was quite a key proponent of a larger league - I still am. "But it is not deliverable at the moment. The finances aren't there to make it viable. The wealth in the game is not sufficient to take a number of games out of the annual calendar. "So let's look at this as an opportunity to get the foundations right and then we start looking at how we rebuild it and get fans more involved." --- xxx --- I had to fix that, couldn't read it
  14. I have been arguing this point on twitter with the great legal minds of the Celtic support. The SPL case was raised against OldCo, therefore any resultant claim for costs would also call against OlcCo and they would be added to the BDO creditor list. There is rumour this is a football debt & therefore payable under the 5-way agreement but it isn't, its a legal cost and therefore part of OldCo costs
  15. The Bouncy we did on the 54th minute was superb. Just like the applause for Sandy on the 2nd minute, we could have this as a set piece on 54. Generally though, just sing ... simples.
  16. Not an April fool folks, as I said in my original post, I heard it from TheCoplandRoad Podcast and thought I would ask if anyone had heard a similar rumour. So even if it was an April fools, it wouldn't be mine
  17. Was listening to the Copelandroad.Org pod tonight and they mentioned rumours that Willow Flood was being targeted. Please tell me this is just a rumour and no one else has heard it too ?
  18. This will be played up as a break in trust between CG & Ally and how Ally's could feel his position is being undermined. This will be twisted & turned into really bad PR, just you wait & see.
  19. Do you believe the players who were missing today would've made ANY difference because they haven't in any of the recent games when they have played. Ally has had 9 months with this team to imprint his 'style' on the team and if he has, then his style stinks !!
  20. This myth that we have a young team ... it's bollocks !! These players are the supposed best of our youth policy, if these guys are incapable of cutting it against part time opposition then how are they going to perform as they climb the leagues?
  21. Richard Wilson is one of the few Jourists who has played this down the middle, reported what is factual and highlighted what was farcical, both pro & con.
  22. While I love your sentiment, and deep down I WANT you to be correct, however when I look at our team, our tactics, our plan (if there is one?) to turn this around and I just don't see how Ally is the man to carry us into this bright new future we all hope exists. Annan was the clincher but not because of the result but because of the tactics he started the game with, the previous week, he lucked into a good performance by pushing Temple upfron & Little to the left, he then decided that was a a good reult so why not try again. It is clear to all who watch the games that Little is our most potent threat, he gets punted to the wing ... It is clear to all the Naismith is a striker, he gets punted to the wing ... It is clear to all that our defence need major reworking, yet its the same personell every week & the same dodgy defending ... It is clear that McKay should be starting, certainly at a wide Ibrox, he is consitently on the bench or often nowhere near it ... Ally is a legend just as Grieg is a legend, we let the latter run the club for 5 desolate years ... we do not have the time to make the same mistake with the former.
  23. At least they are being sensible, no point in paying decent money if we don't get the success that should come with it. It's not exactly the process we are hoping for, finding undeveloped talent that we can turn into good cahs further down the road, however no-one can deny that Daly would work well, either as a forward or defender. I would also add that our scouting network is expanding if we are looking at Mexian & Hondouran players, unless of course, they have been sourced via agents pushing their wares .. but who knows, certainly not us.
  24. Yes. There were many saying generated over the last 12 months ... "If they played on the streets, we'd watch them from the pavement" & Ally's "We don't do walking away". We seemed to rally around statements like this, we celebrated them but I wonder if they were just platitudes that the fans loved at the time but never really believed them because I now read many people openly talking about not returning next season. Are we playing silky football ... far from it but isn't a football fan without logic, don't you follow your team through thick & thin? Of course, in these days of financial constraints, your pound(s) are highly valued & where you spend it must always be examined at every turn and if you think it can be better spent elsewhere, then that is entirely your choice and no-one should criticise you for it. However, if you can afford to come back but aren't willing to just because of the style of football then I would urge you to stay the course, the club still needs you & your pound(s). We are at the beginning of a journey that will require funds, eventually, to provide a quality of player to ensure our advancement, beyond that of our youth players.
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