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Everything posted by Ace

  1. I have to admit, I am also disappointed by the text shown by Oleg. While it's great that this kind of thing is brought to the attention of FIFA, it DOES read like a pretty generic complaint that any number of fans would write. Now, it's not to say that there is text that hasn't been disclosed which is much more powerful & damaging however, from what was posted ... it wasn't exactly earth shattering
  2. Before people go rounding on Killie, please remember he was the ONLY SPL chariman to abstain from voting. While not a resounding NO, he stated that his fiduciary duty as Chairman of Kilmarnock FC meant he couldn't actually vote to kick Rangers out as that is not in the best interest of his company & its shareholders. Amazed that the rest of the SPL chairmen didn't realise this too.
  3. Get off the offended bus already FFS !!
  4. An excellent piece of writing that makes a very valid point in that extremes of opinion are just that, extreme and the most common point is always somewhere in the middle. Many fans, myself included, would love to hear Ally's view on where he sees the footballing side of the club going, how he plans to take us there and by what route. I have been trying to convince the Rangers Media (official site, not ours) team that this would a great Rangers TV show, an in-depth disucssion with ally on this very matter, something I think all bears would welcome.
  5. It appears i'm not the only one who actually agrees with him then. We are a full time club, with players who are paid to be nothing other than footballers. I have read many on here, during the match, complaining that we are playing against plumbers etc and we should be humping these guys, how is that any different from what McInally says ? Yes, we have a team that contains youngsters but only really a few (Hegarty/Hutton/McLeod .. possibly Perry), the rest of the team are senior or long established pro's. These guys are paid alot of money to be plying their trade in Div3 but we are struggling to beat these guys. The blame could be laid at the managers feet but the players are certainly part responsible for poor performances, in reality, the formation shouldn't really count in this league, its all about application & a willingness to work and play football, something clubs like Berwick Rangers seem to acheive more than we do (yes we beat them ... but just)
  6. The SPL do not have jurisdiction over the legality of EBT's but they do have jurisdiction over their own rules and whether our payment methods broke them. Certainly, the FTTT decision does make a comment that the payments were not contractual and therefore not subject to tax but the SPL are entirely within their rights to decide if this broke their own rules. There is also proof that they asked us to accept a punishment prior to any actual trial. We have to wait and seem what the decision will be and then decide on a path from there.
  7. You achieve exposure from being in the public eye, who has a better public image ... Adidas or Macon? To expand our brand we need to piggyback on a worldwide brans, I have to be honest, I've never heard of Macon until I read the name in this thread , most people have heard of Adidas.
  8. I also stated that its not just about sales, brand recognition is vitally important to CG and his future plans. If we want to expand into burgeoning markets then we need highly recognised partners to help, Adadis is a recognised brand with stores worldwide, our kit & therefore our brand would be located in every one of these, almost akin to free advertising. With our story of riches to rags to riches, there has never been more interest in our club and its story from a wider market than now.
  9. September 2012 - Chief executive Charles Green and director Imran Ahmad revealed to fans in Canada that the club hopes to announce the partnership with the German giants, who will take over from Umbro, next week. Green and Ahmad are on a whistle-stop tour of four cities – Toronto, New York, Orlando and Houston – in four days to speak to North American supporters’ groups and discuss commercial and sporting partnerships – including a potential link-up with NFL giants Dallas Cowboys. Ahmad told fans in Toronto: “Fingers crossed we will sign with adidas this week. http://www.<No links to this website>/sport/football/football-news/rangers-chief-charles-green-set-1335458 The above was widely reported and never denied. As I said, if we have to wait as we are in negotiation, fine, I don't have a problem but don't tell us it's going to happen in a week then when it doesn't ... say nothing.
  10. Its not just about the design though, its also about marketing and expanding the brand, Adidas can do that brilliantly.
  11. I am a very patient man but I'm only going on what our Chief Exec keeps telling everyone, if he would either confirm that a deal is in the offing or, as you say, what's the rush then I would be fine with either. Just don't keep saying 'announcement within the week' then nothing happens.
  12. Was fully expecting a response like this, I wasn't asking them to stop making a noise, a good rousing sing song in support of the team is great but trying to create a percussion section is not needed.
  13. CG has been excellent when talking, many things he has promised have came true, all adding to trusting the man, however the one item that he seems to have let fall by the wayside is the kit deal. He has, at various stages throughout the season, promised to announce a deal between, reportedly, 3 companies .... Warrior, Puma & Adidas yet every deadline has passed with little or no comment. While I still have full faith in the guy, its things like this that can give room for outsiders to take simple pot shots at him & can also create doubt in the mind of those who still remain to be convinced. So, has anyone heard anything definitive or are we still expecting to 'within the week' ?
  14. OK, who the fuck still brings vuvuzelas to a football match ??
  15. It might create an atmosphere in the stadium but by god it fair annoys the fuck out of you if you have to listen to it via the TV !!!
  16. East on was outstanding, a ball playing central midfielder, why wouldn't you want that? Although, it has to be said, he was taken off and Berwick then scored 2.
  17. When English football began (ish), Wales didn't have an organised league so they were allowed to play in the English set-up, that is why they now continue to play there. I do know that all the Welsh team players are registered with the Welsh FA, so when they get in trouble .. who punishes them ?
  18. Scottish Premier League plans for league reconstruction are far from certain to be given the green light. SPL chief executive Neil Doncaster claimed all 12 clubs had agreed in principle to the proposals. However, some SPL clubs have told BBC Scotland they are wary of committing to the changes. "We have some reservations. Until we see more details it's far from a done deal," said St Mirren chairman Stewart Gilmour. Plans to restructure the Scottish game were unveiled last week and are to be voted on by SPL and Scottish Football League clubs. The proposals for a new unified league set-up, with a top-flight of 12, a Championship of 12 and a National League of 18, require an 11-1 vote among SPL clubs to progress. But the size of the proposed leagues, and a lack of detail in the plans, is causing some concern among clubs. "The club is very much pro-change, but will need more information on the plans before making any decision," said Motherwell chief executive Leanne Dempster. St Mirren favour a top league of 14, while Motherwell also say they'd consider a top league of 14. "It's absolutely not a done deal," said Dundee chief executive Scot Gardiner, insisting that while his club in principle support the plans, more discussion with fans was needed. "We're having an open night for our fans to explain it to them, and if we agree to disagree, then fine. "There's no perfect solution, but I believe this is the best deal on the table." And not everyone involved in Scottish football sees the need for change. St Johnstone's former chairman Geoff Brown thinks the current set-up is providing excitement for fans. "When you see our league this season, it's very, very competitive," he said. "Personally, I don't see a heck of a lot wrong with what we've got. "To change for the sake of change; I don't think that is a particularly good idea." http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/21047345?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
  19. For me, Templeton is a great player but, at the moment, he is becoming all show but no product. I enjoy watching his twists & turns but he has to be more productive, bringing the rest of the team into play. Too often, he runs into blind alleys or dead ends when he could release it earlier, bringing in teammates.
  20. ALLY McCOIST reckons it all makes perfect sense. If Scotland’s football bosses change the current set-up, Rangers’ transfer embargo should be booted out with it. As it stands, Gers can’t register new players until September 1. But McCoist insists if our game’s power-brokers want to kill the current structure — with a new league body taking its place — the signing ban must go the same way. McCoist said: “They’re changing the structure within the league but the punishment is going to stay in place. “If it was changed in the summer and the embargo lifted, we wouldn’t need to wait till September 1. “Some might argue it’s an SFA ban, but it’s a fair shout. “The one thing hopefully we’re all in agreement with is it’s going to be unfair on people we’ve brought in if it’s in place for next season. “You can’t move the goalposts during the season — though nothing surprises me.” McCoist can also see the rationale behind Ibrox supremo Charles Green’s claim of Gers quitting the Scottish game and moving to England’s League Two. He said: “If it benefited the club it’s something you consider, but we’ve been part of Scottish football for 140 years. “Feelings between certain parties might not be ideal at this particular moment. “So starting at the bottom in England would be the only way we could do it.” Read more: http://www.thesun.co...l#ixzz2HoS5zpAf
  21. All great but it's the chairmen you want to convince and the last time they had the opportunity to do so, they voted 20-0 against the idea. There has to be a willingness for this to happen & it isn't there !! As for Sky, they just tripled their payments to English football so they aren't exactly concerned about the decline of viewing figures for EPL football either.
  22. I've always thought that if we can get a paper version of the petition organised. Get people to fill in their details, then someone takes that information and fills in the ePetition for them ... the only request being they check their email for the confirmation mail that the petition requires you complete before your signature is confirmed.
  23. Holy hell, that is what you call a statement. It's a line in the sand, cross it and see what happens !!
  24. It's not the wages, it's the length of the contract on offer, he wants minimum 2 yrs, only been offered 1. Although, I do find the £10k/wk salary ridiculous, for this level we're playing at.
  25. Basically, if you're in a building, you should, arguably, seek permission to film/photograph. If your in a public place I.e. street then no-one can stop you, unless you're committing a separate illegal act.
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