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Everything posted by viennabear

  1. be careful with that m8! If your still recieving the channels and cant provide some kind of written evidence that you requested to have your subscription cancelled then they can charge you! Send them an email requesting for them to stop calling you as you have had your subscription terminated since april! If you just let it run then they can turn around and ask for proof that you requested cancellation and then demand back dated subscription fees! BTW if someone PM me where I can get a chipped box , how they are set up and how much they cost would be most grateful!
  2. one thing I dont understand - how does the U21 rule get past EU law?? Is putting age restrictions on players not against EU law aswell?? As far as Blatters proposal is concerned it is bollocks - the best players a club has available should be fielded! Making teams field under strength teams to comply to nationality restrictions is a step back to the days of the 3 foreigners rule! Also , it would create a culture of teams getting involved in bidding wars over the best players of their own country.
  3. oh yes .... Sent the tossers 2 emails in april to cancel and didnt get a reply! Called them yesterday and eventually got through after 20mins to some bint that 1st tried to tell me I have a minimum contract then that I cant cancel by email! Asked for a supervisor who then cancelled my subscription after I told him that I didnt recieve a reply to my email and that their terms and conditions only state that I must inform them 30 days before cancellation! The manner in which I must cancel is not stated so I am free to choose how I cancel - be that by email , phone or letter! I an email is not sufficent then they should have written back to me to say so! Then the pillock tells me I have to write to another department to get my subscription fee for june back as they will still be charging me for that - I waited for him to cancel my subscription then told him that i´m cancelling the direct debit and if they try to charge me for anything after yesterdays date they legally cant as they can not charge for a service they are not providing! He was not happy did you speak to a supervisor called Terry , oleg??
  4. a little more than a year ago Hutton was being abused by the fans and demoted to cover for Bardsley - if Bardsley hadnt snapped Buffel where would Hutton be now?? If I was Hutton this is what I would be thinking - "Risk my and my familys future for fans who put me through hell everytime I stepped on the pitch or go to the EPL and earn 10 times as much " - what would you do???? As far as I am concerned a few chants of "only one ALAN HUTTON" do not make up for the abuse alan was subjected to! certain people in our support saw it fit to give 110% backing to Sebo and If we had given the same backing to the likes of Hutton then maybe we would have the right to expect somekind of loyalty from him! Instead , we should just be grateful that we will get a transfer fee if and when he leaves!
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