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Everything posted by gary2006

  1. ah,a wee bit of honesty for a change,smoke and mirrors what a surprise,the easdales are the key to winning this pr war,paul murray is an easy target,irvine has done a great job burying murray,but lets face it murray was an easy target,lets see if the other side use their brains,the key for the other side to win the pr battle is to bury the easdales,do you agree?
  2. the easdales are working for green and ahmad and you know it,the easdales wont buy greens shares,this is just an attempt to buy time for green and ahmad,they are running the show,they always have been,the easdales are basicaly just greens henchman,carrying out their plans,am i wrong?
  3. have the easdales put any money in?why are they getting a free ride,do you not think the same scrutiny should be put on the easdales that paul murray gets,the easdales have had a free ride its time they were put under the media spotlight.
  4. are we still talking about paul murray,does the easdales not merit discussion?the easdales announced on the bbc they had bought green and ahmads shares,why have they not announced this to the stock exchange,are the easdales and jack irvine just employes of green and ahmad?its time we had some accurate information,do the easdales own green and ahmads shares?if not why are the easdales on the board?
  5. you are trying to deflect and turn it into a takeover,when you know it was cenkos and the institutional investors who want to change the board.paul murray should step aside and then we can really discuss what's happening, instaed of this pr propaganda campaign to turn it into the paul murray show
  6. it really is time the fans had more say in the club,the only way we will achieve this is to buy into the club,the rst fan ownership model wont work in my opinion,the rst causes to much division,i would love the rfff to take the lead,can you imagine if 30 thousand season ticket holders invested their money in the rfff for 1 season next summer and used the money to invest in the club,that would buy a massive chunk of the club,also you could have a membership democracy scheme,your season ticket purchase means you get a vote or if you are a foreign fan or somebody who cant make games,you pay the same money as season ticket holders and get the same voting privelages
  7. wonder what his title will be,his brothers title is director of transport,are the easdales getting the big money contracts that green ahmad mather and stockbridge recieved?
  8. so bawsburst should be allowed to post propaganda and spin just because people from the other side of the fence are doing the same?i would prefer binning the lot of them,the bullshit propaganda on both sides is destroying the club and the support,if there is people out there with proof the people running the club are crooks and thieves publish it,if the people running the club can prove they are running the club above board,be open honest and transparent ,it's time for the truth,this never ending pr war will only damage the club and sicken supporters.
  9. never been on follow follow,and never heard of waltersboy,charlotte fakes is a criminal who is allegedly trying to blackmail and extort people,do you think jim mccoll would be involved in this?i'm all for debate on both sides,but the 1 sided propaganda bawsburst get's away with is bang out of order,he is nothing more than a troll hell bent on antagonising people.
  10. to say that jim mcoll is in any way involved with charlotte fakes is bull shit,propaganda straight from the gutter
  11. anybody with half a brain knows charlotte fakes is fuck all to do with jim mccoll,he is flooding the board with bullshit,but that's ok because it suits the side you support,if he was posting the shite in support of the other mob, you would be on his case,and dont think for a minute im on that useless bastard murray's side either,i'm totaly sick of the lies and propaganda on both sides,princess
  12. utter bullshit and you know it.to link charlotte fakes to jim mccoll is a disgrace,your are nothing but a propaganda mouthpiece who doesn't give a fuck about rangers,guy's like you on both sides are causing chaos with your propaganda and it's going to end with people getting hurt,but i'm sure the shitebags in suits sitting behind keyboards will try their best to hide behind security.
  13. how can the brokers veto a boardroom deal?also the same brokers have allowed green and ahmad to shift shares when they had a lock in agreement,why was cenkos removed and this company put in their place,think its time for some honesty from the club regarding the brokers.
  14. so its back to being sandy easdale the 100 million man being here for years,the last blog he told us we were in line for a big takeover,that not happening now?
  15. outstanding article,excellent work by the vanguard bears
  16. great article,these retards like spence ,speirs and english must be struggling for hits,so the trolling has started back up,one of these guys are going to end up with a sore face.these desperate bastards are conducting theirselfs like a couple of street hookers desperate for a couple of quid,if this is their attempt at drumming up interest in that boring pile of shite of a show sportsound ,im afraid it wont work,thats shows about as appealing as a night with michele mcmanus.
  17. talking pish again,i have never once backed murray or mccoll,just because i wanted crooks like green stockbridge and ahmad removed doesn't mean i support paul murray,
  18. how many season tickets do we have to sell to pay directors salaries and bonuses,how many season tickets sold to pay the coaching staff,it must be pushing 25 thousand season tickets sold to pay these people,its an utter disgrace.
  19. irvine is a clever man,he new exactly what he was doing choosing scotzine.picking scotzine for an interview while employed by rangers is a shocking attempt at saying fuck you to the rangers support,petty and tasteless.
  20. part of it yes,mcmurdo's 100 million pound garbage yesterday didn't help.
  21. why a u turn?i dont support the easdales ,my opinion is they are crooks and gansters and i dont want them near the club,but that opinion is based on rumour and gut instinct,but if i am proven wrong about them i will be big enough to admit i'm wrong,i was just thanking somebody for providing information,it's accurate information we require because the propaganda we are getting now is doing nothing but causing severe proplems for the club.
  22. thanks for the info,i know nothing about these guy's other than the pr propaganda coming from both sides,if these guys have good intentions for the club and are planning a long stay,they should be up front and honest with us,these propaganda slagging matches are doing nobody any favours.
  23. do you not find it strange ed that not 1 experianced buisness man in scotland has come out and told us anything positive about the easdales,not 1 person,i find that worrying,i know nothing about the easdales other than rumours of organised crime,so i will say nothing about them ,because its pointless speculating,i would like to hear from respected people in the industries they work in,my 2 main problems with the easdales are,using media house to feed us bull shit pr propaganda,i hate that.be up front and honest thats the best policy,the other thing that bothers me is,these guys dont have the wealth to drive rangers forward,we need some serious investment to get back to were we were.
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