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Everything posted by H72

  1. Even now, I still don't hold any hope in that at all. We've heard this so many times. I'll believe it when it happens.
  2. :lol: I appear to have made a cunt of myself. Never mind. Hahahaha I am far too tired. How I missed that I'll never know. Goodnight. Aw christ that's so bad.
  3. That is most definitely the most calamitous and apocalyptic suggestion that you've ever shared on this forum. To suggest that the Scottish media or some sort of underground Catholic brotherhood are out to convert all Protestants and non-believers to their faith, or possibly even perform some sort of ethnic cleansing, is so dramatic that it's unbearably cringeworthy to read.
  4. Quite easily actually, but he's not. If this was in The Times last week then why is it only coming to our attention now?
  5. I can't find this story anywhere. Are you sure this is true?
  6. Thanks for that. I was wrong. Sorry for misleading anyone. It was a good number of weeks ago and I shouldn't have made the assumption in the first place.
  7. I'm 90% sure he told me that his father was a Priest and that he saw how important faith was to his family and others - this according to him justified the children being separated for something they knew nout about! I wouldn't take what I've said as gospel, because there is EVERY chance the conversation has turned into Chinese whispers over time. It was a few weeks ago, but I'm almost certain. I don't hold it against him at all. I just find it very foolish to assume he could have an impartial view on segregated schooling, despite attending Park Mains High School when he grew up. He didn't attend a Catholic school himself so it would be unfair to say otherwise. He had no response to the scenario I presented to him when he asked me my own view. I asked him if he thought it would be fair to label his, or other politicians' children, as 'Labour children', 'Conservative children', or even 'Green children'. Should those children be separated from others at such a young age down to their parents' political party preference? A four-year-old child is far too young to understand the likes of economics, just as they are far too young to understand the complexities that the Bible, Torah, Qu'ran and other holy books preach. It's the exact same principle. I would not put this past him at all. He seemed a nice enough guy but what a condescending cunt.
  8. He was in my school a couple of weeks ago for a Q&A session with the pupils and teachers. He's my local MP. When I ventured onto the subject of sectarianism in the west of Scotland, I received a very peculiar and despondent response. My original question was along the lines of: "With sectarianism in the west of Scotland being heavily highlighted by the Scottish Parliament and mainstream media in recent weeks, do you agree that segregating children at a young age, in regards to schooling, consequent to their parents' choice of religion - whether it be Islam, Catholicism or Judaism - only helps perpetuate the problem further and in the long run make matters worse beyond all repair?" Immediately, he targeted the Old Firm. More so, he argued only on the grounds of Catholicism and didn't go near the subject of the Jewish or Islamic schooling systems. He then went on to inform the class about the primary role both football clubs had in eradicating sectarianism from the country, partly blaming the problem down to high rates of alcoholism, quoting the domestic violence figures that Ace very kindly rubbished on here a month or two ago. Upon seeing my face after his long-winded response, he asked me what I thought of it. I told him that I wasn't targeting only Catholic schools and that to do so made me come across as someone with a rather narrow-minded approach on the argument as a whole; I didn't want to be made out as a bigot, which he had made me out to be from the off. My point is, whenever Mr. Alexander was questioned about sectarianism he completely avoided the issue at all costs. He emphasised more than once that his father was a Priest and that he knew close-to-heart the distress that would be caused should segregating schooling be disbanded. He told me that 'too much discomfort' would be experienced in the Catholic communities should this happen, once more failing to talk about Jewish or Islamic schools. I really wouldn't put this past him. He doesn't have a clue and is far too frightened to tackle the issue honestly and head-on. Like most politicians, he carefully treaded around any religious debate in fear of offending people.
  9. I'm unaware to what this is. Can someone explain, please?
  10. Powerful, powerful poem. Although it still shocks me that so many people get surprised that not all Celtic fans are monsters, and that some do just enjoy the football.
  11. This thread has died since Sandy was kicked. Allzo never seems to post as much either. I cba with FM anyway. Too much going on. No time for it.
  12. He's only 23. Sorry, let's just remind ourselves again of something. He's only 23!
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VZRtnWYCpA&feature=youtu.be Beautiful from start to finish.
  14. The NOTW will know fuck all, just like the rest. Yawn.
  15. I was meaning more chants, rather than songs. "Nuno Capucho won a medal in Seville, a medal in Seville, a medal in Seville!"
  16. I know there's been a few topics on this in the past but I really can't be arsed searching back for them. There's been a few great ones down the years, and there'll be many that were before my time. Post your favourite and funniest chants that you've heard and sang in the past at a Rangers game, home and away. I'll start with a recent one that I haven't been able to get out of my head all week for some reason: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxbZFrhsc4U&feature=related The guy in the Blackpool top makes this video.
  17. It's been up for a long while and if videos do get taken down then they're usually back up within a day.
  18. Great channel for all the Rangers goals uploaded almost immediately after the games finish. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2ZR8XQPcT8&feature=channel_video_title Here's Naismith's second of the day. Brilliant goal. http://www.youtube.com/user/RangersInHighDef <----- You can find the rest on here.
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