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Everything posted by ScottBF2

  1. Callum McGregor tired because he was wearing an armband, apparently.
  2. Gave out some celebration at the end and kissed the turf before going off. He either gets it or he’s off.
  3. He is, the way folk are going on about it though is as if McGregor was in the first category of people to get vaccinated (vulnerable and over-60s) so should be well clear of any 2 week isolation period
  4. What the fuck does that even mean
  5. The way folk band this comment about you'd think McGregor was in the over 60's category
  6. Promotion can just be using their services exclusively, it doesn't have to be as in your face as some make out.
  7. I understand our endgame is to oust Doncaster et al, but I just don't see how this is the best way of going about it. I hadn't seen the statement from Robertson though, RE Contractual obligations - I'd been under the impression we'd been suggesting it conflicted with an already signed sponsorship agreement, but contractual obligations could be as vague as anything. We may have signed an exclusivity with Parks to only promote their products and name in an official capacity, and in displaying cinch logos could be seen to be breaching that agreement. If that's the case, I don't see where the SPFL have a leg to stand on.
  8. Masterstroke from Gerrard when every one of them walks off the bus at Ibrox on Sunday.
  9. I've got sympathy, the boy himself deserves the ban - no doubt. The bus has taken the hit for the actions of it's members (or passengers if that's more accurate), buses across the country now will need to make their membership aware of their responsibilities and take ownership for it because it's clear the club has to take a hardline stance against incidents like this. I think, unfortunately, this RSC has been made an example of - they and their members will learn from it. I'm really torn with this because I do genuinely feel for the non-offenders, but I also think the club has done well in dishing this punishment out and doing it quickly because incidents like racism really can't be tolerated.
  10. See stuff like that maybe justifies the club's decision ever so slightly more. Regardless, it's done and the club have to be applauded for swift action.
  11. I can see the point that we're punishing the whole bus and that's not proportionate or fair to those who didn't offend, but the club had to take a hardline stance on this. There may be circumstances we're not aware of which validate the club's decision, but I do feel for the bus overall. At the same time though, I can't criticise the club too much for coming to this decision.
  12. I hope you’re right, just our track record on these sorts of cases seems to suggest we’re going to lose. Maybe we’ve finally learned our lesson.
  13. Just heard that Keevins clip for the first time there, Jesus wept. Racism wasn’t an issue 61 years ago? My granny and everyone around the Southside had fucking Gollywogs hanging in their houses. Hugh Keevins has either went senile or he knows he’s on the way out because that statement is the sort of thing that gets you cancelled nowadays. “We’ve sorted racism”
  14. Also saying he would rip your head off, which is just patter by the way lol
  15. I get it now, you’re just genuinely stupid. Fuck knows how it’s taken me this long.
  16. You’re the one tagging me around the forum like a pansy. Admit you’re a shitebag and quiet down
  17. Trust me I don’t need to do thing to make an ass out of you, you’re already miles ahead of me there
  18. Sorry mate don’t get your Icf pals to my door
  19. That’s another angle I hadn’t considered, suppose it’s not unreasonable to suggest maybe our agreement with Parks might be different to that lot’s, but who knows really
  20. Calling you out for being a wanker isn’t the same as sticking up for anyone.
  21. Glad you’ve admitted you were wrong, happy to accept your apology and draw a line under it for it now.
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