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Everything posted by BolloBollo

  1. What's the dealio with all the B7's?
  2. Twitters just a way for journos to tell lies to get exposure as the papers are not liable for what they say!
  3. I'd read somewhere that AC had him still very much in his plans. Also hat he offered to play AC for free showing thanks for standing buy him through his injury?
  4. Wasn't impressed with his tenure at St J so personally if leave him
  5. If we spend £5m I'll still be happy as long as it's well spent. This year there is a fantastic lust of bosmans cutting about!
  6. I'm not bothered in the slightest about the resale value of a free agent. Although his scoring record can be questioned!
  7. don't ever belittle your joke. It's a fucking belter. That's getting used. Cheers!!!
  8. He has the head of a dwarf but he'd be a sensation up here!
  9. I Diouf isn't staying then Jay would be a perfect substitution to him as they're both pally with Gadafis son
  10. Great player when fit but that's the BIG problem. Celtic might not be interested in having another Maloney!
  11. Shouldn't this be in the GD board as it's nothing to do with a transfer? Nah only kidding mate. It's just fantastic knowing we can actually go out and freshen the team now. Something that we hadn't had a buzz about for ages. I think it's made us stronger as a club and should give us the charge for another league title next year!!! In Coisty We Trust!
  12. Explain that one to me boy genius?
  13. I hate the fact that QPR are in the EPL now
  14. IF it was S Petrov he certainly get my approval. He a great player and if it just the fact he played for the read battlers that are put folk off then they need to grow up. I don't think it's a goer any way. Imagine we do go for him? Celtic will be aware of it and offer him the same deal for sure and he would sign for him IMO.
  15. Fuck them. They can't win a league so they try and but our targets. No trophies = no fucking joy scum!
  16. Before Celtic could take who they wanted. "the times they are a changin"
  17. He just reeks of tarrier with that nasel whine he talks with
  18. On what was said previously on "other managers". I was listening to The Clyde phone in a few weeks ago and the question was put to Fraser Wishart about the Managers Manager of Season asking is Neil Lennon in for a shout. Wishart immediately shot that down with a resounding NO stating that none of the managers liked Lennon. Asked what did they not like? (fucking in denial cunts). Wishart proceeded to say that the managers did not like they way he conducts himself. Managers must be bigots as well eh?
  19. Can't stand Deacon blue as dignity by far my most hated song by them. Don't get me started on that shitey highroad song at the end of weddings (run rig or some pish)
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