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Everything posted by BolloBollo

  1. Oh aye so he did Still he did bring in Box Office signings!
  2. Did Murray not coin the phrase "Box Office Signing" when we bought Gazza/Laudrup?
  3. Load of useless pish! Waste if time watching that never mind the time the person made that! Most of the stills look like the ball's goal bound!
  4. Unfortunately for us Monopoly money isn't a recognized currency!
  5. Or you family's right Fucking weird!
  6. goodwillie's worth every penny of the £2m asking price and if we can't cough that for him then we need to ask serious questions here.
  7. in my experience blind faith has nothing on concrete assurance. its a fact of life. if anythings embarrassing its sheep like yourself that bound into the abattoir thinking the light's a better place!
  8. an extremely imperative statement. one that fills me with dread!
  9. the man's made his statement. time for a rethink
  10. Can anyone copy and paste his article? His prehistoric choice of site doesn't work on my phone.
  11. 65% of that last comment is 97% bullshit .! Im 43% sure of it
  12. He's scored a few goals from outside the box. Now how is that fishing? As, don't get me wrong, you said we hav no one to do that!
  13. Aye we would be Franco Baresi to sign him!
  14. Always thought he acted in a very un-Sellick manner and put himself across very well on camera but he fucking pish!
  15. I suppose if we buy him at least we know our LM has a 99% survival rate the next time we play ICT
  16. Aye £4m off for letting that goal in!
  17. That dummy on Keane alone should put £3m onto his price tag
  18. sorry me and my big spoon couldn't help myself.
  19. Some people are just grouchy and if they don't like what the hear they call for the other person being banned. Stu being one of those people. Harsh I know but that's the people you need to deal with when you're on fan sites!
  20. Ah the call for someone to be banned from a forum. Cheers!
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