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Everything posted by MacBoyd

  1. Turns out I was right. Well done mate you gave me a laugh
  2. Kenny would not do that to his friend and someone he trust, get a grip
  3. If you think Kenny would demote durrant you obviously don't know the man at all
  4. No way has mcdowell demoted durrant obviously it was the board
  5. The op is having a laugh. We need Ashley in control
  6. Don't think Ally will be working on his garden it's just a name for it. There will be very little to no growth at this time of year. So unless he is putting down slabs it's a stupid remark raider. I agree we need a new man now but it won't happen if ally doesn't leave with nothing. We must get behind mcdowell. Hopefully he changes the team and tactics dramatically
  7. Don't think Ally will be working on his garden it's just a name for it. There will be very little to no growth at this time of year. So unless he is putting down slabs it's a stupid remark raider. I agree we need a new man now but it won't happen if ally doesn't leave with nothing. We must get behind mcdowell. Hopefully he changes the team and tactics dramatically
  8. Rangers raider that is a great point however I heard from a great friend that the pupils manager has more tactical knowledge than Ally so he had to go. My friend said sat would be Allys last game and he was spot on. He says the new Rangers boss will not be a gers man. You heard it here first. MacBoyd
  9. This was in the sun. Seems to be true big kick in the teeth for durrant
  10. Don't think I will bother joining it though hahaha
  11. Who is bill Murray your boyfriend jack? So annoyed your gonna get your bf on me hahaha
  12. Jacks your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory
  13. Jack still trying and failing to be funny such a shame haha
  14. Maybe I have got the wrong end of the stick are they supporters of King or not?
  15. Same here but surely you don't want this board in charge?
  16. Don't know who he is to be perfectly honest mate. What did he do?
  17. I imagined people might be members on here but clearly not. If an admin sees delete if they want spammers have ruined it anyway
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