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Everything posted by YoungCitizen

  1. Here's hoping. Anyone know if we need to re-register?
  2. Michael Stone, Ulster Freedom Fighter. I would like to take this chance to apologies to anyone I've upset in this thread whilst posting a picture of Michael Stone. This brave man was simply sick to death of viewing first hand, the terror and murders caused by the Republican forces - not only in the Protestants community, but innocent civilians. One day at the funeral of 3 IRA members, Stone saw his chance to take the fight to the scum, only armed with grenades and a pistol, he took on the majority of the IRA's Belfast Brigade, killing 3. Something that in my opinion should never be forgotten. "Our men are some of the bravest..." Not a truer word can be spoken in this case. None Shall Separate.
  3. I'm replying to the thread, "Post a picture that made you ecstatic!" I'm sure if I've done anything wrong, the RM moderators are more than capable of dealing with the problem. Now stop trying to run the site, bawbag! People crying over Michael Stone's actions? Fuckin' heard it all now. Sad times indeed.
  4. "Replying to Post a picture that made you ecstatic!"
  5. Taig on Taig action, you can't beat it!
  6. Graham Norton is from a staunch PUL background, but apart from that I concur with what's been said. FTP.
  7. Can you drop me a PM if you hear anything, mate.
  8. Yes he is Rangers fan, but he is a liability, you seen for yourself that last week. Not happy about him being injured, happy the fact he isn't playing, giving us a better chance of winning, in my opinion of course.
  9. No, because Weir, a liability, isn't starting - although I'm sure you knew my answer.
  10. Seen nicer sweetcorn in my shite.
  11. The Fields of Ulster would be a cracking shout. We're off to join the gallant band, the Ulster Volunteers...
  12. And before the game on Sunday whilst locked out for the first 20 minutes of the match.
  13. Must've seen that the "evil" VB were involved.
  14. Kick a Fenian in the head, is another belter.
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