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A Horse With No Name

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Everything posted by A Horse With No Name

  1. I'd go along with that if we aren't too threadbare in the middle - he's pretty convincing at set-pieces (just ask that fat Polish bastard).
  2. Remember the Rangers News going over old victories like the 5 - 1 game at Ibrox where Butch scored that peach of a goal. They finished the 'piece' off by saying Celtic got a late facesaving goal by Wank McAvennie... Let's be straight here - they just don't give a rats ass about Professionalism and take their money however bad they are, then they'll appear again saying players should should pride in their performances... :pierre:
  3. Agree 100% Alfie served behind the bar in Loudens and (i think - never saw him in there personally) in a pub in Gt Western Rd (close to St Georges Cross) and he did take flack but he took it on the chin and as you say - he put his family first and that's the difference between 'them' and us, we'll always put family first and Rangers 2nd whereas 'they' put their club first! The measure of a Bigot is how long it takes them to get over such things - we've got over Alfie doing the dirty whereas Mo Johnston doesn't even feel safe returning... Hopefully Neil McCann is getting less flack but I think he's taken the right path to not walk away into the horizon! I've always said this is the one issue that REALLY puts Sectarianism into perspective - can you imagine Mo Jo working behind the bar at Bairds??? FFS even me standing their pointing to the RFC crest on my shirt almost starts a riot!!! We have our Bigots but when it comes to real Sectarianism they've got us licked!!! The Captains Rest. He used to run it and his wife did the meals. Used to be good mates with his boy and we went there before the games. Nice guy Alfie! That's the one - seems to be full of Tims these days went in there a year ago for a quick pint before jumping on the subway for the game and got some looks as if to say I was in the wrong bar, didn't stop me from downing my pint though. Round the corner from St Georges Rd - now there used to be a great wee Secondry School there I went to... aaah Didn't that wee cunt Brogan (Tim) own the Quarter Gill across the road?
  4. This is where Walter and his staff really need to do their bit - he's a young fella and naturally drawn towards arrogance. No point him learning here then buggering off and some other club gainning from his experiences...
  5. EXACTLY! That's the time to vent your spleens - and leave the management (and player) in no doubt what you expect! When the seasons underway - everyone has to get behind every player!
  6. True - but he's only a young guy, he'll learn IF we give him support and encouragement and avoid the usual heckling that Rangers fans give out. Our fans should be more patient - Rome wasn't built in a day. If he ends up going somewhere else and then getting transfer fees of £14 M you'll all change your tune... Get behind the lad with support not abuse!
  7. I have to disagree. I never wanted him signed in the first place but after seeing a few of his performances up front for us I gave him the benefit of the doubt. But he has been at the club for 18 months now and he is showing no signs of improving. £4m Not his fault the fee (Flo was a great player but £12 M...) - but as I say given the support of the fans this lad will come on to be a Rangers Great! First thing I always do is look at the amount of hatred being directed towards Rangers players to see if it's disproportional to what it should be and that to me shows that others can see his merits too... What's your choices Amac9 - don't support him? Support him and he'll prove you wrong - get on his back and he'll keep on putting in too much effort and getting little in return, when he hits the upper gears this lad'll be great!!!!
  8. ...the fans don't continually jump on his back! My opinion is that this lad can be a Rangers Great and that the one thing he needs to do is cut out the long-legged attempts at stopping players with sliding tackles! The thing he's doing wrong now is trying too hard to get the supporters to see he's 'up for it' - if he concentrates on his assets (and leaves out the sliding tackles - or at least goes for their ankles! ) and forgets the fans he'll come on to a game. The fans can help by not continually having a go at him - same thing happens/ed with Lee McCulloch (I rate him as a midfielder) in that they all jump on his back, difference is Lee has done the rounds and stood on the stands and knows what our fans are like and DOESN'T get put off with the snipers, Kyle hasn't give him a break! Cut out the sniping at Kyle and other Gers players and get behind the team - this Saturday I expect us to drop points because the depth of our squad is so poor but whether we drop 2 points or 3 will depend on the support the starting 11 are given! GET BEHIND THE TEAM AND WE MAY GET 3 POINTS ON SATURDAY!
  9. Don't know if this has been reported, but we still seem to be adding potential behind the scenes If we keep losing players to injury (along with selling them) then he may get his 'turn' sooner than expected...
  10. I disagree! We didn't ALL 'sell out' or 'surrender' our Working Class heritage. Seems that's something you and Sheridan, Galloway and the likes have in common - so there ye go BD you've more in common with them than I - I've met Sheridan a couple of times and have seen enough of Galloway to imagine that 'if' we all where in the same Pub you'd be sitting with them gabbing while I'd be engaging people in conversation that hadn't thrown in the towel. Must say though glad you posted as I think this is an issue that hardly ever gets addressed - the tendency towards conservatism as we all get older, easy to 'not' argue a point and just throw in the usual glibe (aaheem) 'arguments'... Must say as grow older I still see things the way I did before - I do recognise that I won't benefit from 'Revolution' as I would've before and I wouldn't fight for it the same as I would before, but I'll never stop believing in it - until someone puts forward a rational argument against it... ... as yet I've still to see one... The only thing 'deid in the watter' is your spirit - you've swapped Marx for slippers and a cup a tea! Still, at least you'll give me a better debate than the spellcheckers...
  11. Have to agree with that one Celtic are the Establishment Club - but all that means is that Celtic are the ones they'd prefer to (and help) be more successful...
  12. Disagree with that to an extent (as I say) I think the Establishment (The Capitalist one that is...) only gives 'allows' them to be their club while it is in it's interests to do so! So, although it would seem there's nothing we can do about it, I'd maybe (?) disagree with that. As we saw with the h*** they 'put up with Roman Catholicism while it was to their advantage in the art of 'control' - but they'll be keeping an eye on them and I'm sure somewhere in the upper echelons (right guys get checking... ) of Capitalism there's plenty of dialogue as to 'how much' those in the RC Church can be allowed in terms of latitude, and if that's the case then surely we can 'point out' the dangers to Capitalism? I'd rather be fighting for Socialism/Communism from within Capitalism than if the World was taken over by the RC's - for me that would either be a State Capitalist system or a return to some kind of Feudalistic society. The thing to remember about Roman Catholicism is that it represents less danger to Capitalism 'rule' but it also represents a danger too - I'm sure you'll have seen plenty about the 'System' that the RC Church hates with a vengeance and I'm sure you're aware that Capitalism is aware of that too. Btw I used the word Sensor instead of Censor because i'd just had a really clean shave...* *I looked for a Gnasher the Dog smilie but....
  13. Agree 100% Alfie served behind the bar in Loudens and (i think - never saw him in there personally) in a pub in Gt Western Rd (close to St Georges Cross) and he did take flack but he took it on the chin and as you say - he put his family first and that's the difference between 'them' and us, we'll always put family first and Rangers 2nd whereas 'they' put their club first! The measure of a Bigot is how long it takes them to get over such things - we've got over Alfie doing the dirty whereas Mo Johnston doesn't even feel safe returning... Hopefully Neil McCann is getting less flack but I think he's taken the right path to not walk away into the horizon! I've always said this is the one issue that REALLY puts Sectarianism into perspective - can you imagine Mo Jo working behind the bar at Bairds??? FFS even me standing their pointing to the RFC crest on my shirt almost starts a riot!!! We have our Bigots but when it comes to real Sectarianism they've got us licked!!!
  14. That may take up too much room and 'Admin' will take away my image of God (sorry Karl Marx) I can see what you're up to outlaw - bit like those T******* organising 'marches' trying to negate our marches! I'll need to watch you you're a fly one! Mr C - we'll need to get up early for a good spot in future... That I am, so much so that you didnt actually see what I was up to I did but thought I'd negate it by ignoring it... Tims do it all the time - I'm a student of Philosophy (a keep my eyes open)... They do indeed, I might have to watch you too fella (theres a lot of watching going on here, someone may trip and fall) I've got those really looonnngg boot laces that forever come undone - most of the time I just can't be assed tying them up - still that's life if you fall you might fall on a wallet or something... That's it i've taken that toooo far - I'm off to get something to eat and take in the game... Fingers crossed we can equal Celtic Scottish Cup record this season - can't see them getting beaten by Morton or Stenhousemuir (?)... All together now, I was born under a wandering star, I was born under a waaaandering star...
  15. aaah Sarcasm... seems to be on the wane these days... It wasn't so much that that annoyed me it's that he talked of what he COULD ACHIEVE IN FUTURE... IF I WAS IN CHARGE... WITH MY BUSINESS DEGREE I WOULD... Liked the bit with Paul McCartney as his and my tastes seem the same in terms of music...
  16. Love is in the air... Never liked that song - I was a 'Part Of The Union' type... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh you don't get me am part of the union... FFS I hope Hamilton don't take that smile off my face tonight...
  17. That may take up too much room and 'Admin' will take away my image of God (sorry Karl Marx) I can see what you're up to outlaw - bit like those T******* organising 'marches' trying to negate our marches! I'll need to watch you you're a fly one! Mr C - we'll need to get up early for a good spot in future... That I am, so much so that you didnt actually see what I was up to I did but thought I'd negate it by ignoring it... Tims do it all the time - I'm a student of Philosophy (a keep my eyes open)...
  18. This thread is getting too light-hearted - where's that male nurse 'Steely' - always good fun crossing swords with him as he uses a plastic sword and is pretty thick into the bargain!!!!
  19. That may take up too much room and 'Admin' will take away my image of God (sorry Karl Marx) I can see what you're up to outlaw - bit like those T******* organising 'marches' trying to negate our marches! I'll need to watch you you're a fly one! Mr C - we'll need to get up early for a good spot in future...
  20. Hey you this part of the river is mine!! Only kidding just killing a bit of time before I tackle the 'Gallant Pioneers'... Plus I've got a stack of books to read with lots of big words - Joe Conrad, maybe I'll introduce you all to some of his outlook soon... You lucky people!
  21. Maybe that was part of the bait... Most irritating part of "forums", why bait those apparently/alledgedly on the same side. And, I hate commies! Not under the bed outlaw bouncing on it - way before 1917... *outlaw - another of those hate filled anti-communists...* that made me laugh! And, true, apart from the hate filled bit Oh wait, I know how we deal with Communists... we get THIS guy involved Saw him in a Bollywood film recently - omg is he in some nick, must be a face lift that didn't work... Have to be honest though and say I loved Rambo First Blood and some of his other films - last Rambo was the best...
  22. You'd think with all that high-powered intellectual reading you're doing, you'd have learnt to spell... Maybe that was part of the bait... Most irritating part of "forums", why bait those apparently/alledgedly on the same side. And, I hate commies! Not under the bed outlaw bouncing on it - way before 1917... *outlaw - another of those hate filled anti-communists...*
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