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A Horse With No Name

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Everything posted by A Horse With No Name

  1. For me this game is shaping up like the Hibs home game (we lost 0-3) and the ne'er day game, for those thinking the Arabs will be cannon fodder think again, they may have lost 3-0 to Motherwell but any side coming to Ibrox with absolutely no pressure on them, that knows how to be organised and hit on the break this must be an appetising game for them... I'd settle for 1-0 right here and now!
  2. I think a few on here are misunderstanding what the opener was about... Sociology can be a complex thing, easy to interpret statistics one way or another depending on your P.O.V. Now the point is that if they can interpret a rise in violence (if there was one) after the Scots Cup defeat at the midden as "trouble that happened because Rangers fans are bad losers" then surely we can look at the stats that've said 'there was a rise in domestic violence of a third, from the last O.F. game' and interpret them how please... As for it being 'petty point scoring', well, all i can say is EVERYTHING CAN BE REGARDED AS SUCH, and if you don't believe that to be the case then look at Parliamentary Politics...
  3. Had a lot of piss this week about there being a big decrease in violence after the game at the wkend with Tims saying that was because Rangers won! According to them "Rangers win and the violence level drops" and "Rangers lose and the violence level increases" with them putting that down to us being 'bad losers'. Interesting reading today that compared to the last O.F. game domestic violence was up by a third! I'm no expert in crime figures but surely the figures demonstrate that Tims go him and batter their wives? Or is that too simplistic?
  4. I do think his intimidation worked on our young players - but, although I don't like Diouf, I do feel his actions forced Ally to make his position clear! So - never thought i'd say this but WELL DONE EL HADJI DIOUF!>
  5. Seems to me the players are playing with less fear now for some reason. I know playing a more attacking style suits them, but I think because Ally has told Lemon (in no uncertain terms) that he won't be taking any more of that bully boy tactics towards his players, the players now realise there's no need to be scared of that bigotted thug! Or will Lemon start in again on the players when he gets back in the dugout? Thoughts?
  6. Good points. I just don't think he'll go for it with 4-4-2 and that'll be his downfall. Best idea is for him to call it a day in the dressing room before the game, telling the guys that Ally will be in charge on Monday. If that doesn't engender some emotional and physical response then it'll have to be Monday he goes anyway! The players need a change to get them fired up and get the confidence going! It'd be a real shame for us and Walter if he went AFTER Sunday as a loser but for me this game should be his last - it's just tooooo fekking predictable, it was ok when he did that in some European games but in Scotland!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, Walter time up mate!
  7. I think a few of them realise that being 'overconfident' can be a big drawback - they're just trying to find the balance in that respect, but they haven't had Europe to bring them down to earth recently...
  8. The psychological edge they now have (thanks to our timid approach) makes most fans think we have as much chance of beating the Tims as beating Barca! Personally, i think 'Walters Way' of playing hasn't inspired confidence and has lead to the apathy you see. I saw a marked improvement in the 2nd half of the last game, but I just think, the psychology of the game means we've given over too much 'edge' to Septic and we're soooo lacking in confidence... The only way I see us winning is if we go 4-4-2 (not sure if we can with Bartley out) and attack but it needs more - for me what needs to happen is that Walter needs to go into the dressing room with Ally and Kenny and tell all that tomorrow will be his last game and Ally will take over on Monday! He needs to demand 100% 'channelled' effort and aggression and (with a fair ref) we will triumph! Hopefully that should illicit the correct emotional response and we can get that psychological edge over the Tims back! Sadly, I don't think he will...
  9. God, we really need a win tomorrow, alas history shows that when you REALLY REALLY need a win you rarely rarely get it! 'Hope' might be (as said in the Shawshank Redemption) 'the best of things' but it needs to be realistic hope - just wonder if we're passed that stage...
  10. Fair comment though I'd say YNWA (in their case) is their INFERRED way of showing support for the IR@ as for No Surrender these words seem to be written out of the English Dictionary these days - seems das eist verbotten... Orwell's 1984 and controlling the mindset of the population... Just seems to me that all their sensitivities are caterred for while we've to like it or lump it! Jesus H, even on that 'Roughie' radio show they allowed Tim punter after Tim punter to come on and say to Rangers fans GET IT RIGHT UP YE... and they ask what are Rangers doing to fight Sectarianism! Fekking hypocrits!
  11. I'm sick and tired of seeing his ugly mug in the papers e-v-e-r-y day with people (stupid Gough incl) continually feeling sorry for the Bigot!
  12. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Neil Lennon, a man who at every turn has shown complete hatred of Rangers FC and our fans. A man who openly spat on a Rangers scarf in front of Rangers fans. A man who leaned out the Ibrox dressing room window (with Thompson) ranting about the IRA and abuse at Rangers fans, after winning an important match there. A man who is on camera drunk spouting hatred of Rangers. A man full of hatred... ...and what do Celtic do? They hire him as manager and after continually venting his spleen and becoming even more despised, what do they now do? they put forward an issue of their OFFICIAL newspaper 'The Celtic View' with the headlines You'll Never Walk Alone - and this is a club that're gonna fight bigotry and sectarianism???? Imagine for one minute (for example) Super Ally spitting on a Celtic scarf at their midden and getting away with it... It just wouldn't happen!!!! The media would've jumped on his case and not let go until he walked away from Ibrox. As for the Rangers News then officially backing him with a 'No Surrender' headline, well... Celtic are a disgraceful club and with our clubs inaction they continue to get away with it!
  13. What has been happening is that Lemon (under advice from O'Neil, maybe even Dr Death too...) has been targetting our players on a psychological level and in doing so is intimidating them! He's stopped them thinking about the simple game and they've started thinking retribution - only one way to deal Lennon justice/retribution and that's by winning the SPL. This intimidation is working, and I think Ally has now become aware of that, but with no help from the TOP 'Bain' he's let off some steam! Must say I was pissed off seeing Walter and Ally playing golf with Lemon and that thug defender at the start of the season - hopefully they'll have learnt a valuable lesson there THEY ARE SCUM! It's crazy allowing these cunts to rile us and loose our composure - BIG ECK showed how to handle those thug tactics! For all those lauding EHD all i can say is ffs USE THE GREY MATTER! Yes, EHD hasn't yet responded but the key there is the word YET...
  14. Get the feeling you say that quite a lot! Aaaah the glesga patter - not very articulate there mate whit's up are you a wee fekking ned?
  15. Well he didn't help you did he? Like discussing metaphysics with a mute monkey that has a low IQ!
  16. I really do despair at some of our support - you have a PUBLIC FORUM for Rangers fans to put across their point of view and those that don't like it should actually say why they don't... Isn't that straightforward? ...but you get those people that would rather make snide remarks and say fekk all! If you have some rationale WHY it's 'stupid' then say so! Either that or go lie in a dark room where silence is immense and there's no one to bother you! Someone once told me of some posters, that all they wanna do is use soundbites - 'seems to be' he's got a point there! You sound like an American politician - you'll be throwing God in next!!!
  17. You better believe it! You seem to suggest beating Septic and Valencia was yesterday - it's not and the situation has changed a lot, without more change will we win the SPL? I think it's time for change as i said IT'S ALL SEEMING VERY FEKKING FAMILIAR this Walter's last season, heard all that piss about the players dilivering for him the last time he left, only way you get players to give their all is by affecting THEIR lives whether that's in terms of their future (different manager clean sheet blah blah) and affecting their pockets...
  18. YOU wanna get a grip!! I will always back the team but I have a right to put across my point of view! I won't give up either - where the fuck do I say I've given up? Pretty pointless post mate - we've all got our own opinions and I'm exercising mine!
  19. Currently adding new features to the spreadsheet and noticed the new look soccerbase site: http://www.soccerbase.com/teams/team.sd?team_id=2104&comp_id=12#teamTabs=results I know it's not the most accurate site but mostly it not too far off the mark, quite a nice layout and if I was putting up a site myself I think it'd look like this in terms of accessing the data - only drawback is it gets its funding from gambling... Not as good as rangerspedia of course but worth a look folks!
  20. Having given the matter a bit more thought I'm still of the opinion that I didn't see us winning the SPL after the 2-0 loss to them and i don't see it now NO MATTER IF IT'S WALTER OR ALLY AT HELM. You can say that's defeatist but we're just too predictable and after that performance the players' confidence must've taken a dive! For me the best scenario is that we get above Celtic in the league, (or win a really important game - Europa League etc) Walter steps away from Ibrox ON TOP and Ally steps in! The way we play is just too easy to copy and negate - only a change in style can take us forward to any success! I never wanted Ally as manager but this Walter season is looking awful familiar - really want Walter to go out on a high note! ALLY PROBABLY DESERVED TO GET PUT STRAIGHT IN - IF IT DOESN'T WORK OUT THEN AT THE START OF 2011-12 SEASON WE CAN REASSESS!
  21. The annoying thing about Allan going is that we'll not get as much as Septic would if he was with them! You can see they're continually downplaying McGregor, and when you think of Celtic goalkeepers... Remember Kerr, all we heard was "Got to be worth at least £10 M !!!!" No doubt Allan will go but we'll get a pittance, part of that is to do with the old supply and demand (knowing we need the money gives them a big edge) but part has to do with teams looking to how much they can get away with paying and the mhedia are continually downplaying the worth of our players! Still, we have Neil there if he does so no big sweat in this case!
  22. I've always had a strong dislike of Butcher - the passing of time makes me despise him more and more, if he ever took over at Ibrox as manager I'd keep away til he fucked off again!
  23. Couldn't agree more! Big Lee is good for us in midfield - why shove him back there? Put simply Webster has to play and I think he will, it was Walter who bought him too so surely to God!!!!
  24. Hey you - don't slag off the Federation of Planets!
  25. I was watching the Season One DVD of Star Trek (Enterprise) and I noticed his name on the credits...
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