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Everything posted by BlueMe

  1. screaming at them to get up the park,and stop sitting too deep maybe but what do i know? in walter we trust...(to bore us to fuckin death)
  2. i'd give it till the 60th minute and see how we were doing in the second half then leave if we were still pish...
  3. i must admit,i was a bit pissed off with the signing of healy,(only because of his goal scoring record at previous clubs) but seeing his passion and hunger to succed at out club,i've changed my mind. i think once he scores a few and gets a bit of confidence about him then there's no reason he can't be a fantastic signing. and maybe earn himself an extended contract aswell.....who knows? good luck healy(a hatrick tomorrow will be a good start) :uk:
  4. the new signings have given everyone a much needed lift. can't wait to see how we play with the new additions
  5. you're a bit late for the,please no comment... he'll be running about spitting on anything that moves for the rest of the season like it or lump it
  6. can't see him kicking a ball for us tbh the only way he might get a game is if boogie is injured... but walter would put big lee in defence anyway probably good having options thou..
  7. edu can play in defence,big jig can also do a job there plus we have youths... i think we will get a defender in thou,walter did say he was looking.
  8. jelavic is our only 'reliable' striker if you ask me... at least we'll have plenty options?
  9. bet that's not the first time they bastards have had a man's body fluid run down there face...
  10. hopefully the material has changed... i'm not loving the cotton to be honest
  11. only want him to go on loan thou...we'll see him when he gets back
  12. you can just imagine bain attempting that
  13. is ronaldo getting a game at real?or puyol at barca?
  14. like i said mate,i do want him to succeed here and i would love to be proved wrong you can only really judge a player by the way he's played at previous clubs... so it doesn't really look very promising for him.
  15. i can't speak for anyone else,but my reason is he's hardly kicked a ball in years,his scoring record at club level can only be described as total pish,and he's 31...and no sell on value. sorry that was reasons not reason
  16. i watched it on the tele,it sounded great.performance looked a bit flat. bring on the scum in the final :uk:
  17. cool mate i want it to work out for him(and us of course)but i just can't see it hope i'm wrong..
  18. and the wee guys with the guns were maybe a bit harsh aswell
  19. it was actually not that bad,i was allowed a pint with my lunch how did you get on at the game mate?
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