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Everything posted by TinyPaedoLikesTinyPeople

  1. kenny millers burd stays round the corner for me i might go round and get it pumped king kenny's move was scrutinised but i think it's a good signing by walter and by rangers good luck for the season
  2. aye well done heard use all throughout the game on setanta , great renditions of the sash , famine is over and so on well done FUCK THE HIBS!
  3. don't OC ON QUAD CORE, no point wait till u have all the drivers and shizz, 2.7 QC there is no need for overclocking i mean unless your playing a high end game, crysis for instance is like one of the most graphic games at the moment and for that to run i'd need to OC my dual core to 2.9 from 2.6 for it to run really well but 2.7 is plenty.
  4. 1st one wins for me but both are Cherry(tu)
  5. I'm not here to cause any trouble i'm here to be friendly here to see what rangers fans think of how there teams doing, just asking a simple question as this goal came to mind against them that i liked and that was one of the goals that led to rangers winning the league.
  6. surely if they had drawn with us or beat us the league was over so we've basically saved use 5 million quid then
  7. how about no only joking if only i had photoshop back
  8. was this a goal that led to rangers winning the league that season? from austin mcCann which was also in the top 10 top finishes of the decade/century brilliant goal i just can't remember if rangers won the league that season or not, this was a game they cants where throwing pies lighters and whatever they could get there hands on into section N and i got sconed on the heed with a lighter lol
  9. drops us your steam id if i haven't added you then mate, me and pete will show u how to play the game
  10. sorry but have i missed something? :crabflag:
  11. i reckon i should goto college and be a computer technician , good plan me
  12. no bother any other queries about computers i'm always here to help and most of the time i'd probably solve your problem.
  13. Got a wee way to make loading times quicker for you mate just follow this and u'll see the difference straight away, 1. Type "about:config" into the address bar and hit return. Scroll down and look for the following entries: network.http.pipelining network.http.proxy.pipelining network.http.pipelining.maxrequests 2. Alter the entries as follows: Set "network.http.pipelining" to "true" Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining" to "true" Set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" to 300 3. Lastly right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" and set its value to "0". 4. Restart your browser and you will see a major change.
  14. Might be a double post but it's fucking quality http://www.largejohnwasaware.com/test/tattie.html
  15. i've sent mine mate sent it from 2 email addresses one private email and the other my msn.
  16. when you get older and start surfing for dodgy things you pc will be riddle with diseases don't worry be happy gouranga or i could just use this program once a week http://download.bleepingcomputer.com/sUBs/ComboFix.exe download this, boot in safe mode, run it, see if it picks anything up.. i ran this without booting in safe mode and it found about 20 things and deleted them so my computers now virus free and because i don't surf dodgy sites i don't need and AV
  17. i don't use an anti-virus but i use windows firewall.
  18. Halflife 2 Episode 1 & 2 team Fortress 2 Portal =Bargain so basically u get 1.6 source tf2? and the full version of portal? i have 3 steam accounts, and every single game... for free cos im cool like that though and know a few dodgy americans :harhar: let me know some eh these dodgy americans too
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