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Everything posted by WWTC

  1. I get that, but he’s been away from British football for about 15years and despite his successes is hardly a globally recognised name.
  2. Its not really about appeasing them, its more about keeping them united and working under a globally recognised name who they know and trust, with a good backroom team behind him that they also know and most likley trust, with the obvious benefits of him being who he is commercially. Lampard done a reasonably good job with Derby and Chelsea in his first season, maybe not so well in his second. I’m not for a second writing GVB off, I saw enough on here screaming abour Gerrards appointment to learn from it, but im personally swaying towards Lampard.
  3. I’m talking about you suggesting we never won the league in Gerrards first season because Brenda left, its a fucking ridiculous argument. They got a slight lift, but we dropped stupid points and thats what cost us. Not fag end teeth being appointed. Take yer timmy attitude and ram it ya fuckin clown. we did the exact same the following season, and they had no lifts and no downers. You’re suggesting lennon won them the league, which is utter pish.
  4. Whats your excuse for the following season? Brenda never returned?
  5. And what was the score in the following game(s) Mind your facts
  6. How you remember it is irrelevant pal, its a fact.
  7. I cant argue with alot of that. But we’re mid season, our next game is a semi final at Hampden before we play a must win against Sparta, with (maybe) a Manager who has probably barely seen us play and who probably has very limited knowledge of not only the players, but the current league in general. The players bit, fresh eyes and all that, it could well be a good thing. But its a huge disadvantage in the season, granted its slightly offset by the fact we’re 4points clear in a league we won by 25points. This is where I sometimes understand the purpose of an interim appointment. I’m not suggesting it, but I get the thinking behind it in certain circumstances, this possibly being one. I honestly cannot stress how vital I think this league might be, and it could be shaped by the upcoming fixtures. There’s then the part of me that realises we are actually blessed with some players who could help pull us through; Davis, Mcgregor, Jack, Tavernier…. Like I said before, it goin one way or another, very well, or ridiculous bad.
  8. We were 7 points behind and theyd a game in hand ffs
  9. Sorry mate thats nonsense, you dont win a league losing at home to Hamilton and that had fuck all to do with who was in charge of them.
  10. Away back and think about that will you
  11. I hope you’re right mate but ive no idea how Geo might shape the team. Its a totally different league to the one he knew, and ive Frank DeBoer at Palace visions. I’d put my pessimism down to the shock of Gerrard fucking off like he did, he genuinely royally shafted our fans not only with the lack of the above, he won a single leage title ffs, but the manner in which he left, the timing, the “i fell in love with club pish”, he actually got players to buy into his pish and has fucked off at a crucial time. Make no mistake, take 10iar out of it, this season is by far one of the most important in the recent history of the club. Brenda bolted but he atleast achieved all he could, pretty much. Gerrard? Literally a beginning.
  12. Thats my point, Gerrard is seen as more of a success than he was because of the importance of that particular title. All said and done he didnt achieve what he was suppose to and more to do.
  13. If a new manager comes in, and he fails to win the league with the same squad that held a 20+ gap against a that have an almost entirely new starting 11 consisting of 1, 2 a best, players that would maybe get into our starting 11, does he keep his job?
  14. You can put that in the “what he didn’t achieve bracket”. 1 trophy in 9. Funny how you can change your targets when you feel like.
  15. Ive reservations about GVB but thats not just to do with him alone. Debating Gerrard V GVB alone is one thing, but Gerrard got it right with his backroom staff, infact he got it bang on. I didnt always agree with his tactics, substitutions etc, but Beale, Culshaw etc were all huge parts of what we achieved. The whole atmosphere of the club was transformed, particularly among the players. GVB played in arguably the best Rangers side ive seen, including all of Walter Smiths teams btw, but the fractions that grew within the group of players is often forgotten. Lampard for me seems like a more of a continuity appointment, GVB strikes me as more of a rip it up and start again. We literally are on the brink of going either way which is crazy. Which really makes Gerrard all the more of a jump the ship prick in my eyes. Not lettin it go yet.
  16. I dont think you can guage many Managers based on their performance in China to be fair. How did Benitez get on?
  17. The area’s suffered from the closure of the spice museum to be honest.
  18. Hope the cunt gets relegated, then sacked. There, ive said it.
  19. No but we do need something to spend, as we spent fuck all in summer and we’re now seeing the effects of that.
  20. Like I said, its pretty close. 3months into a campaign with a semi final and group stage all or nothing match against Sparta, completely out of the blue after committing longer term is hardly ideal. the effect on the players shouldnt be underestimated.
  21. No but there’s the complete wrong time and I’d say this is pretty close.
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