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Everything posted by Perth_Campsie_Ger

  1. Tried that one with the mrs but she is having none of it as im doing it in a couple of weeks with my uncle for his birthday and we only have the bear for a week. Is there people that I could ask? If not I will just get a few pics of them outside.
  2. My daughter is doing a school project where she has a teddy bear home for a week and has to take it places and get pics of it and fill out a diary, we are taking it to braehead this week but I was thinking about stopping at ibrox and seeing if she could get a pic of it in the dugout. What do you think the chances are? Iv seen a few stories on here about people stopping by and ending up getting a tour so do you think we would get in for a pic?
  3. When u go up to Murray park do u just stand at the gate n hope the players stop? I wouldn't mind getting my top signed and framed but would feel daft standing at the gates like some kind of stalker lol
  4. I actually feel sick that one of my all time favourite player's is close to death, really wish there was something I could do to help. really hope he pulls through this and gets better. Thoughts are with his friends and family
  5. Any pubs near the train station showing it?
  6. Im 8, im skiving today so my mummy and daddy can take me to paris to meet becks
  7. Tin hat on here but with beckham effectively playing for PSG for free wot do you think the chances of charlie signing him next season on a short term deal? The revinue that this would create would be unbelievable and lets face it charlie seems to have the gift of the gab plus McCoist was Beckhams hero. . . . Like I said its highly unlikely but defo an option that should be explored
  8. Just resigned, wonder if the will have someone by the weekend
  9. Danny wilson all over again, when I tried to renew jigs contract the agent wanted him to get a pay rise rather than reduce his terms so I said to jig to sign a new contract or u are going on the transfer list to which he said ok looks like il be leaving then and I couldnt offer him new terms at all which was shit coz he was a scoring machine. Has anyone managed to sign any high profile player that boost.merchendise sales etc?
  10. Im sure McCoist will be watching to see how his loan goes. To be fair to wilson he was offered a big money move and took it, he could of stayed and had a bad injury that ruined his career and the money he would of made at us wouldnt of lasted long on the football scrapheap now he should be set for life and could come back to us and have a great career. We all like to say we would do this n that for the love of the club but when the cash is being waved in front of u and the chance to play with and against some of the best players in The world a lot more of us than we think would be tempted, yes the move went wrong but on the other hand it might of worked out and he could of been signing a new contract for 90k a week
  11. Got to my second season and got the transfer embargo lifted, signed craig gordon for free on a 4 year deal on £800 a week, not bad for a former £9m player lol
  12. Rip, always sad to hear of a deatg at a game of football
  13. Funny to think that he could of being saying that if he had come on loan a few years ago
  14. Thats what I thought this was gona be about lol
  15. Edmiston drive for me, il post a couple more names later, think it needs to be people that will have time to commit to it and not just people who want to do it but wont have the time to out in
  16. Sorry I genuinly never knew, just seen the piper standing alone
  17. What coaches etc yous signed? My mrs stood on my laptop, should have it fixed tomorow then il post my team
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