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Everything posted by CoatbridgeBear

  1. There as much chance of me acquiring every penny in the world, as Alexis signing for Arsenal
  2. A can guarantee you every penny in the world Alexis Sanchez does not sign for Arsenal
  3. Knocked us back last year for Leeds? Shouldn't be given another chance at us! Pish!
  4. Newcastle sign Siem de Jong on 6 year deal. Great signing Newcastle are mad with the crazy length contracts though!
  5. 'Algeria have been sensational here' if they were sensational they would be through!
  6. Tap aff n annoy taigs at the same time. Win-win mate
  7. I've got a few on me I'll post tomorrow mate.
  8. 'Well in with the chat' Ahahahahahahahahaha
  9. AC Milan sign Alex from PSG. Barca sign Rakitic from Sevilla apparently. Newcastle sign Ayoze Perez.
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