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Everything posted by NamibianBear

  1. The comment was not directed at you. It was more of a generalization using your quote (then maybe you are not one of us or words to that effect) for reference as to the labeling of the non conformists. Apologies if it offended you, that was not my intention at all.
  2. A healthy debate is welcomed and in fact, one of the reasons for me joining this site. I don't like logging in here daily and seeing various users being labelled as taigs because they oppose the view of someone else. You are right though, they dig at you, you are entitled to have a dig back but without "those" kind of accusations would be more constructive? I enjoy reading all the posts that belong within the Bear's Den. I have lived outside the UK now (without being back at all) for over eight years and its nice to see the viewpoints of my fellow fans. Like I said earlier, keep posting and whether I agree with you or not I'll still read it!
  3. Bill, I enjoy reading your blogs as much as the next man (most of them at least) but I think its fair that people are allowed to have opposing views without being labelled instantly as the enemy. If you read the current topics in the Bear's Den, the top 3 or 4 all have accusations of taigery in them for people mainly putting over a different viewpoint. Keep the blogs coming as they do make interesting reading but please, allow others their point of view as well? Innocent UNTIL PROVEN guilty (unless you are Rangers FC then you are already guilty apparently or if not guilty of that, we will find something else to pin on you anyway).
  4. You guys seriously need to lighten up. So it wasn't a great performance but surely its the result that counts? We are in the next round!
  5. Seriously mate, edit that post with correct grammar so we can all read it and then we might actually do so!
  6. 70kms (50 miles) north of Swakopmund is a little fishing town - Henties Bay (best fishing town on the planet!). Thats where I live. I go fishing (take people to catch sharks!) when not watching The Rangers! (or chatting with fellow bears!) Must say, there is not much support here but then, I number in the very few Scots here. Seems to be more Man U/Arsenel/Liverpool/Chealsea supporters amongst the locals (you have to live 6000 miles away to support any of them anyway?). Thankfully, I have yet to see a green/white top since moving here.
  7. We can be the only two in a bar sat around a laptop yelling at it!
  8. I actually though we played well today. We started slowly agreed. We also switched off for 2 minutes and allowed a goal. At no other time did Montrose really threaten and we looked good in most places around the field. Yes, still some work to do but we won 4-1! Some good subs, at the right time, by Ally as well. Lets be positive for a change eh?
  9. I signed it even though I haven't voted in the UK for many years now and have no intention of going back there just to vote. A little way from Windhoek (at the coast) but I'll meet you there for a beer one day and we can watch The Rangers together!
  10. You gonna be in trouble when The Booler sees that mate!
  11. Must admit, they looked like they hadn't been paid for a few months
  12. Some traveling Hearts (SFL3 feeder club) fans passed through here recently. No potatoes in Namibia!!!!
  13. Thanks Boss, hadn't got that far yet! Even here in the middle of nowhere I get told how I am supporting a club with only a few months history and am fed up trying to explain it.
  14. (Thanks to Ray for the original article) [6] On 14 June 2012 a newly incorporated company, Sevco Scotland Limited, purchased substantially all the business and assets of Oldco, including Rangers FC, by entering into an asset sale and purchase agreement with the joint administrators. The name of Sevco Scotland Limited was subsequently changed to The Rangers Football Club Limited. We shall refer to this company as Newco. [7] Newco was not admitted to membership of the SPL. Instead it became the operator of Rangers FC within the Third Division of the Scottish Football League (“the SFL”). It also became a member of the Scottish Football Association (“the SFA”), the governing body of the sport in Scotland. These events….. http://www.scotprem.com/content/mediaassets/doc/SPL%20Commission%20reasons%20for%20decision%20of%2012%20September%202012.pdf Even the SPL and the SFA acknowledge our history as unbroken AS A CLUB! For any of those dumb enough to persist, tell them their own governing body recognizes us so why can't they see past the end of their dirty, unwashed bigoted noses? We (still) Are The People
  15. Reading the document but I think paragraph 7 rather nicely sums up our historic state with regards the operator over the club arguments. Perhaps someone can copy and paste that here for me? Then I can force it up the ass of all those who say we are not the same club.....
  16. Its on now... http://www.thefirstrow.eu/watch/140937/1/watch-annan-athletic-vs-rangers.html#
  17. Send them all to me. There is no extradition process from here Freedom of speech - they are all a bunch of c**ts
  18. Sensible questions but like the OP said, good luck with that!
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