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Everything posted by Steelydan1690

  1. Fair play to city there putting up.a decent fight for 2nd
  2. The mug has already bought full set of irons,driver 3 wood hybrids etc Callaway Marik paid about 2 I ish ,bit mental.as hes only been playing under a year
  3. I've never heard of ben godfrey and I'm no even joking
  4. My m8 was gonna spend about about 2 k on a full rig out of Callaway clubs at American golf after getting fitted and hitting clubs etc ,hes only been playing a year but wont change his mind about spending big ,anybody any advice where he should go ?
  5. Every season man 😂😂😂
  6. Did u lick that tray after wasting a 1/4 of ur gear ?😂
  7. Forgot this was on ,only time I watch rugby tbh
  8. Hes moving up to right wing cause hes fucking hopeless at cb
  9. Foden wont get a gd run of games ,pep will just spend another 400m if he stays , joke of a manager tbh......
  10. Hes spent more money on full backs than alot of teams full clubs, joker tbh
  11. Peps been found out will be away at end of season ,joke of a team all that money they have spent on that squad aswell
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