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Everything posted by bluenose_n1

  1. Why is he worth more because he posts a lot on rangers media if you all expected anything other than the hatred we got on Saturday then fool you
  2. Why because what they do doesn't bother me because im not greeting like all you fucking poofs we pelter the tarriers for doing the exact same as what we are doing right now utterly pathetic If you feel the need to be liked by all other fans then you are supporting the wrong club prick
  3. Who gives a fuck about banners dolls and songs
  4. Did you turn your back on your community when the Provos were were murdering woman and children sounds to me like your a bit of a wank this club runs through me and it always has thats the difference between me and you i can't forget something that's with me everyday in everything I do
  5. Are you stupid hes bought Barton,burnleys player of the year expecting him to be a asset on the park its not happened YET but the abuse the manager has taken is taig like behaviour 5 fucking games in and yous have chucked it already that mob have a bit of form going but anybody who doesn't think that result flattered them is deluded we finished the game with players all over the place so of course it looks bad but we can and will play a lot better and that mob will drop points soon enough
  6. Your fucking deluded he's came out with the right kind of statement he now has to match it with the right calls regarding some players On paper Barton and kranjar should've had more than enough to handle an old firm game but they were found wanting so the manager has been let down by the players but he's got to change players now no starts based on reputation
  7. Say we're top at Christmas what then he's magic again fucking support the team and management bet yous are regretting those season tickets now eh fucking muppets
  8. Based on the fact that we have nobody else to build it round anybody watching us knows he's a player for the future so stop being a dick
  9. I said in another thread that I heard from someone(not Kenny millers neighbour)that he has a start in every old firm game in his contract but they also said he also only has to train 2 days a week and spends the rest down south in Liverpool but could be a lot of pish
  10. Listen all I done was point out that we have been here before 7 behind with 5 played ive not said its gony happen I've not said I think we will still win the league i just think that a lot of bears wouldn't have been happy trailing them by 7 points then either
  11. Exactly the point I'm making some have turned there back on the team after 5 fucking games
  12. A player our future team should be built around
  13. i never said it's going to happen just pointing out the fact that we would've been wrote off that season aswell maybe not after 5 games but certainly when they won at Ibrox to go 4 clear with 4 to go I just think that we are jumping the gun a Wee bit and we need to calm the fuck down and have a bit of faith
  14. Agree mate but they were a better side than they are now just pointing out that we've been here before and still won league
  15. Well we will find out if the manager has the balls to do what is needed I heard Barton has a guaranteed start in old firm games wrote into his contract could be pish though
  16. We all remember that season as the ultimate last day win but few will remember that after 5 games we had 2 wins 2 draws and a defeat at the piggery and they won 5/5 leaving us 7 points behind oneils celtic were perceived to be stronger than us in every department but they went into there champions league campaign with a defeat against Barcelona and then the cracks started to appear in they're league campaign after champions league games i know we are shocking at the back but everyone one of us knows we are a better team than we are showing at the moment the point is I'm sure a lot wrote us off after 5 games that season and even when they won at Ibrox with a few games to go one paper had the headline Celtic are champions not saying we can or will win the league I'm just saying that we need to keep the faith and see how we go
  17. Rossiter for Barton and ohallaran for McKay have a look at this photo is that the kind of guy you want in a rangers jersey he plays far to deep and leaves us exposed in the middle of the park plus I've seen a milk turn quicker than him plus he runs like he's towing a fucking caravan ohallaran has played at in the top flight and played well I. The past and must get a run
  18. Aye mate what I mean is he's 2 lazy to be a winger in the sense of up and down the park for 90 mins cant see him chasing someone back into his own box agree he works hard in midfield
  19. Like your team but Wee rossiter is a starter for me forrester to lazy to be a winger ohallaran is the only player outwith Wallace to play and do well in the top flight how that boy isn't playing is beyond me barton plays to deep for me at the semi big Dom ball sat in the centre circle and won fucking everything and then let Halliday and holt go forward Barton sat so deep on saturday that we got out numbered in there at least rossiter sits in midfield and helps build attacks etc but barton for me isn't the answer
  20. The things we have players in our squad who have played in the top flight and done well one is Wallace who is captain and the other is ohallaran not everybody like ohallaran but he has played at the top level and must get a run in the team this is not the ohallaran fan club but the reason we bought him was because he was the first player to expose our weaknesses
  21. If I was ohallaran id be banging on warburtons door
  22. He's been pish all fucking season its not just based on one miss
  23. I'm seeing everybody target Barton,niko etc how he is getting off is beyond me absolute shadow of the player he was last season is warburton showing to much loyalty to certain players
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