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Everything posted by bluenose_n1

  1. I think there is a witch hunt against Halliday but he doesn't help himself Rolls about as if he's got a broken leg then gets up like nothing's happened and probably the worse passer I've ever seen every pass is a possible leg break for the receiver
  2. If he did and it's a big IF would you trust warburton to spend then wisely
  3. I agree we were pish today but we have been as bad in games and got a point or even no points but I think it's a good sign that we can play as bad and still come away with the three points 4 wins on the spin now in the league and will take that and if we can play as bad against the tarriers and win then I will bite the hand off you for that
  4. if he gets Christmas number 1 then he will be fully booked for a while
  5. Up to our knees in little mix surrender or you'll die
  6. 15 mil for Duncan ferguson it was a British record at the time but think it was more 4 million and flo was 12 million with all the add ins which I don't think we paid the full amount due to him being fucking rank
  7. It was fucking rank always preferred wee Rangers club
  8. We don't have an underlying problem also I think that if john chalmers was involved in anything untoward then with the amount of enemies we have in the governing body and the media then is sure it would be splashed across every newspaper by now i know someone who hung himself and it doesn't mean he was involved in child abuse remember just because Timmy says it's true doesn't mean it is but if it came to light he was involved in anything and it was covered up then I would be ashamed of my club for how it was handled
  9. To be honest mate I don't really care about that table I only care about the league table and we need to start turning draws into wins we have been beaten at parkhead,pittodrie and tyncastle and I can safely say that better rangers teams than this one have lost in those places in the same season it's the draws that have killed us this season I agree it would be nice to have a striker scoring 20 plus goals this season but I'd rather have the points and I'd take a 1-0 every week with a different scorer each time if it means gaining points
  10. It's the funny the difference in us to our American cousins Sandusky got a minimum of 30 years and torbett got 30 months Penn state stripped of everything won during the time and fined 60 million dollars and Celtic got not even a slap on the wrist the yanks also went after every member of staff who Knew but did nothing
  11. But if it turns out the bb or scouts knew but just told him to leave one just to join the other and do it again then yes they are at fault
  12. Fuck off every game we have played them recently we have had to endure everything from being called H** scum to hanging effigys of fans from the stands its time to go for the jugular with these bastards no quarter given no quarter asked
  13. Cheers mate just heard it quickly and just assumed it was him
  14. Just on itv that thistle fired john park for abuse allegations but didn't report him can anyone confirm if this is the same john park that was head of bheast youth up until last month
  15. You must have been the post he was waiting for
  16. Buy your kids the new tops mate nothing comes between a father buying their kids first Rangers top mate especially some pissing contest between a billionaire and a guy who talks like a billionaire
  17. Just thought he deserves a mention as I thought he was superb,looked sharp,read everything and even after getting booked put himself into tackles also thought the whole team was the same and I believe that they feed off the fans yesterday if we do our part then the players give that extra 10% which makes the difference
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