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Posts posted by scotty1976

  1. 5 hours ago, thehost said:

    er, we are one of the biggest clubs in the world


    in fact the big 5 of the UK are

    The Rangers, Man U, Arsenal, filth of the south, filth


    just because sky have momentarily skewed things doesn't man much in the overall scheme of things

    Just to clarify, I wasn’t saying we weren’t one of the biggest. I was just highlighting that this guy has left another of the big clubs, which he supports, to come to us. Actually backs up what we’re all saying that despite the recent pish in the media, the over bloated EPL, we are still a very attractive proposition.

    if we were on an even playing field with the TV money etc, we’d be challenging for the EPL every year. 

  2. I'm not talking so much about the gap in the league. Unfortunately I reckon we can forget it this year.

    What I'm getting at is this so called significant financial gap. We're skint. They're coining in millions. But it doesn't look that way. Obviously the money is being squirrelled away in dubious Lithuanian banks...

  3. So.....we're skint. They're miles ahead. The financial gap blah blah blah.

    A loan signing of a Chelsea potential and (maybe) the goalkeeper and centre half from the team with the 4th worst goal difference in the SPFL.

    Whereas we've done ok. Murphy, Cummings, Martin are all good signings. All appear loan to permanent. John has proven himself to be s good capture. And as a 'skint' club we've turned down a decent offer for Morelos.

    So - tell me about the gap? 

    Maybe wishful but....The current celtic signing policy reminds me of the McLeish years. And remember what that was the start of.

  4. 29 minutes ago, KeyserSoze said:

    Since this is primarily about EBT's then this will primarily be about us



    But. Our EBTs and player payments have been investigated. We've been punished. We should support the investigation on the provision that it looks at ALL clubs. 

    But I get your point. We don't live in a fair and balanced world.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

    It's not about any other club and never will be.


    I'm not naive enough to think it is. You're 100% right. But let's start making those noises. After all, as any investigation is about upholding Sporting integrity there should be no issue......

  6. I think it's time for our board to support an investigation into our use of EBTs and how the governing bodies handled it all. I really do. Because it won't uncover anything we don't know. And as we know, the binding nature of Mr Nimmo-Smith's verdict means we cannot be punished any further.

    BUT, let's support the investigation on the basis that in addition to looking at our financial affairs, it also takes a forensic look at other clubs.  How some provincial clubs have managed to 'restructure' debts. How some other clubs have handled contracts, tax affairs, involved film funds. Payments to players by majority shsreholders maybe.  Maybe even look at favourable land deals, or low rate bank loans.

    The way I see it, we've got less to lose than any other clubs as we e already been punished.

    So lets throw our weight behind MrLawwell and his demands for transparency. It could be quite an eye opener.

  7. Saw Barjonas playing against Ards and Portadown. Didn't really impress. Looked as though his first team involvement has gone to his head. Didn't really work or show the attitude required in my opinion. 

  8. The investigations we will demand specifically involve, but are not limited to, the actions of several boards, individual board members and employees of Celtic Football Club, across a variety of issues which have been in the public domain for many years but never properly addressed by the football authorities.


    Forget just threatening this.  We should be doing this anyway. 

  9. I don't think we've seen enough of him to say he's pish for certain.

    But he's mostly reliant on using his pace to get in behind defences. Which is an opportunity which you rarely get playing for Rangers as we're generally up against packed defences sitting deep.

    He's a bad fit but in the same token the jury is out on whether he's still better than Dalcio and Candeias?

  10. 9 minutes ago, Jamie0202 said:

    Wes 6 - Not a lot to do

    Tav 5 - Had a few good crosses but gave the ball away quite a few times

    Bates 6 - Strolled it but not a lot to do

    Cardoso 7 - Strolled it. Again not a lot to do but looked class in what things he did do. Unlucky with first half diving header

    Wallace 5 - Tried to get up and down the flank but wasn't too impressive

    Jack 7 - Quietly effective

    Holt 6 - Quiet. Done a job.

    Krancjaer 7 - Best player on the pitch but no more than a 7 as he could only do it for one half. Quiet in the second and rightly subbed. A luxury.

    Miller 6 - Scored a good goal with quick thinking off of a Niko free kick but gave the ball away too many times

    Dalcio 5 - Decent touches in the opening 30 minutes but game passed him by after that.

    Waghorn 4 - Anonymous. Didn't get much service to be fair but when he did get the ball he done fuck all. Needs better movement to get himself on the ball if he isn't getting the service.


    Rossiter 4 - Not much time to do anything

    Candeias 4 - Again not much time to do anything but looks rapid. Had a decent shot at goal from outside the box but straight down the throat of the keeper

    Morelos 4 - Not much time and not much service. Wrongly caught off-side twice in my opinion

    Almost agree entirely with that synopsis. Would maybe give Krancjar 8. Outstanding until he tired after 55 minutes or so. 

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