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Everything posted by allyharp

  1. Penalties. When were we last in a penalty shootout?
  2. Anyone else think Whittaker runs like a special olympian?
  3. We are actually the scaffiest bastards alive... But I'm loving it!!!
  4. YAAASSSS!!! This is strange though because I actually feel a bit sorry for Mark Kerr!
  5. but we'll take it Damn right, beggars can't be choosers!
  6. If we grab a goal here we've certainly not earned it.
  7. If it were entirely up to Hutton with no influence from anyone else I'm positive he's still he here until the end of the season, possibly even longer. But now that he's down there I don't think he'll have too many regrets.
  8. Adam played well in the last leg but I thought he was back to his usual for this leg. So it's good that he's sitting out the next game. Bad news is we'll have either Whittaker or McCulloch taking over.... sigh
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