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Everything posted by 1690tamRFC

  1. Think I’ll make one for mine 😀
  2. 100% I won’t be going even if I get it in the ballot but it won’t matter as plenty will go regardless
  3. That was mentioned to the fuckers but they honestly just done all they could to stop us breaking through the gates to get out.
  4. Mate we work hard all week and have watched shite for seven years. We’re allowrd to get fucking mangled or we’d go mental. Not mental enough to end up like tarriers right enough they cunts are a level all to themselves
  5. My post just above this was meant to be a reply to this one ha ha. I do blootered pretty well mate, everycunt has to be good at something I guess ha ha
  6. I was at the time and I am right now 😂. Still to this day that was my ultimate in following Rangers. Even toos helicopters for me but I’m still young enough to admit the session that will follow 55 will probably kill me 😂😂😂
  7. My wife is 8 years younger than me and has asked me twice what I remember about winning the league at the piggery was like, first I said, best day of my life but at most it’s a little hazy, second time I just said, I was there that’s all I need to remember ha ha
  8. Gazza left to. I was at Prenton park that day, travelled up from Eastbourne with my mum who had a ticket I did not, Rangers had sold 5500 for the game so two stands were allocated to us and one to them, I arrived at lunchtime and went straight to the pub opposite the stadium, was absolutely fantastic and they must have made a years takings in one day, then at some point the shelborn team bus rolled by and the players were really goading the bears, giving it large at the bus windows with taig toos and tri-colours and it obviously got a few bottles/glasses thrown at it, And the police decided that a previously peaceful gathering must be dispersed and no pubs in the area were to show the game, there was 11000 travelling fans so double the amount that had tickets so on police advice they opened the other stand and I was one of the ones who got in, half time 3-0 down (which was when the police deemed it safe to let the fenians off their busses and into the stadium, to 5-3 at full time. Worst experiance of my life attending football was after that game as they let thousands into that stand on police say so but no cunt had thought how we got out and no exits were open, we got crushed up against the main gates outside and it was serious, scouse police smashing cunts back with truncheons, until one guy who had a food stall opened a side exit and let everycunt out that way. Could have easily ended in a horrific way and the police could not give one fuck.
  9. Mate I respect your opinion, but whole heartedly disagree. We had 5 games to win the league, kept laudrup who was already playing elsewhere in his head and had chucked it, and sold gazza for 5 million which on the face of it seemed like great business, but it hindsight we fucked that season big time with 3 draws and 2 defeats that I have no doubt at all that keeping gazza would have won us the points we needed to win that fucker. Two things made Gascoigne leave and it wasn’t the money, I sat with him in Middlesbrough months after I’m the hotel he was living in, Glenn Hoddle said to him to go to the World Cup he had to be playing in England ( he lied gazza didn’t go and smashed up the hotel) and the wee general told the board he didn’t want him going forward as he’d not fit into his team when he took over and disrupt what he was wanting to build. Either way for me keeping gazza would have won us ten. I won’t believe anything different and he’s my absolute hero.
  10. Also I must admit, as much as I look out for Chelsea’s results, it doesn’t bother me if they don’t win or likewise I don’t jump around the room if they do, it’s no the same thing, although from the age of 11 I’ve been to well over 100 games watching them home, away and in Europe, as it was on my doorstep and also most of my good friends from that era were doing the same. My family (especially my mum) obviously brought me up Rangers first and until I was 11 never even had one inclination to support an English side even though I’d been there since 5 year old, and only got to Ibrox a handful of times a season. Got my first season book 1990 and even then with a 16 year olds wages could only afford to travel up once a month so until I was around mid 20s could I afford to regularly attend home and away as I earned the money to make it possible, so Chelsea filled football void of that.
  11. Agree with a lot of that. Check my earlier posts for a real reason for a following of another team yet obviously not on the same level as Rangers.
  12. Fuck it I’ll be getting you a Chelsea top for your birthday and you’ll wear it even if I have to force you 😂😂.
  13. Fucking amazing mate, couldn’t have asked to be related to a better, more crazy cunt than your good self. Need to have a night again soon, been too long since you’ve been round here for a messy one with me and your cousin ha ha
  14. Fair enough mate, everyone is different, maybe it was because I was young at the time I don’t know, like I said though, as much as I love to see Chelsea doing well it’s not the same as my love for Rangers.
  15. Still for me one of the best days was the first game after the indi vote at Alloa away, me and you mad with it in that pub singing your dog voted no to that guy in the pub, he was fucking raging 😂😂😂
  16. Honestly surprised it’s no happened yet although the cunt is probably filling his bank balance with the inflated wages of the country he hates so much before moving back to Ireland, sorry Glasgow to the club he loves so much. 100% he’s ending up there
  17. I understand that mate and had I stayed all my life here I’d probably say the same. I moved to south east England in 1979 aged five and like I said earlier in the thread went to Rangers Chelsea when I was 11 and both sets of fans got on like I’d never seen before, obviously Rangeds were and always would be my team, but from living down their at school she Chelsea was more easily obtainable than Ibrox was, so for me I do have a connection to both clubs, as does my mum for that sake reason. I bought my first season ticket at Ibrox in 1990 with my first wage and never had one for anyone else so it’s always only really one team but I have no problem admitting that I hold Chelsea close to my heart also. Inly one winner though of course
  18. One of my best pals has a season ticket at both Rangers and stoke and he says they absolutely hate the cunt and are furious that their board even contemplated signing someone who openly disrespects the crown as they are a hugely loyalist club. Your spot on though that rodent is 100% hated throughout England because of his non poppy wearing antics and rightly so, nailed on his next move brings him to the east end of Glasgow
  19. I had one cunt (stoke city fan) who had delusions as they had been in the premier league for 5 years at that time that they were a bigger club now ffs, I took him to Dunfermline away on a Friday night, ok the football wasn’t much to shout about but we had about 4 thousand there that night and sang like fuck for 90 minutes. Never heard him mention who is the bigger club since but like most of my pals from England has pestered me for tickets ever since ha ha.
  20. Absolutely mate, and everycunt I knew growing up that I’ve brought up here for games has always came back on multiple occasions. The one thing that they can never get over though is the away support we take to any fixture we take part in as as much as their top teams travel in numbers it’s fucking nothing in comparison to us.
  21. Especially at that time mate, the cunts I grew up with hated the fact we were so good ha ha.
  22. Of course they won’t mate, no cunt could ever come close
  23. As you know I lived in England for about 30 years mate, there was without doubt a strong Rangers and Chelsea connection in the 80’s and 90’s and probably still is, especially among older supporters, it started for me when we played at Stamford bridge for the Bradford city fire fund, and amazing night, and I went to Chelsea regularly after that when I couldn’t make it up here, to be fair that was in the years pre abromovic, and Chelsea had a decent following of decent football fans unlike nowadays where a lot of the cunts that go to English premier league games are absolute wankers (not everyone obviously but there are as many tourists at games that get touted tickets as proper support now) so I guess that and the fact that the Chelsea support of they days sort of latched on to our successes that the connection may well have dwindled. Move not even been back to London never mind Chelsea since I moved back home for good 9 years back but still want them to do well and will always have a soft spot for them, but even when going regularly and even Europe with them, I never held them in the same regard as I would Rangers, not even a contest
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