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Everything posted by BigBearButt

  1. Wouldn't keep any of them. We have bemoaned the lack of progress and changing of the guard. Well, here it is. An opportunity to do exactly that.
  2. It's the defensive aspect of the game he needs to massively improve on first and foremost. He is caught daydreaming and marking blades of grass instead of players
  3. Do you stop to think that was something the manager has suggested to do? The fact it was done 4 or 5 times suggests to me yes.
  4. Funnily enough Id have put lammers on to draw fouls around the box. He is generally shite but he has quick feet and they had a few players on yellows.
  5. Which means absolutely fuck all unless you put them away. There can be no defending the guy now. He is fucking hopeless.
  6. We are far too reliant on Tav digging us out time and time again. Hence why when he isn't playing well he seems to get the blame for the other 9 outfield players not playing well. If dowell passes at the end Tav would have got us the draw.
  7. Get that fucking roon ye all the cunts at Tav. Let's get a second
  8. He gets the blame for our front 3 being absolutely fucking shocking. It's usually him who digs us out of big games so when he doesn't he gets it in the neck. I don't think I've ever seen a lb getting blamed so much for a whole teams inability to do the absolute basics. I also don't think it helps having a right winger Infront of him that has no defensive intelligence
  9. Fuck off. What's he supposed to do with this shambles of a squad. He didn't sign these cunts. If you want to blame someone look at the fucking board and Mick squeal
  10. Sterling is genuinely the only player I think has put in a half decent performance
  11. Hilarious a right back carries the can for the whole team. We have been poor across the board
  12. That's the difference they have cunts who can actually hit a baw
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