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Everything posted by JMorrison1872

  1. Jumped on the defensive a bit quick for a humorous comment, Guilty conscience??
  2. Probably spooning Charlie in a love shack somewhere. Boys a fucking creep.
  3. Pretty sure Charlie said in his last interview with the Rhebel that he would support Imran, I may be mistaken. My answer would be set QC Donald Findlay loose on this case, he would put this cunt back in his place.
  4. You mean like 99% of other businessmen ??
  5. Hopefully somecunt has wheeled him into a dark room and locked the door behind them. Trouble making googlyeyed fuck
  6. To be quite honest, that question is pretty much unanswerable. We don't even no what financial state we are in just now never mind looking two years ahead. I would hope by then we would have moulded a good selection of our youngsters to compete at that level, they are our future after all.
  7. Only email address they provide is customerservice@puma.com
  8. Your not a beginner your just a weapon. To make things worse your a nationalist.
  9. You never have been and never will be funny. Boring dick
  10. He's better than some we have at our disposal, or am I wrong?
  11. I'm happy he has as well, but not for the false reasons some appear to give. I've said from day one we should role with the young guns and I stick by that. Doesn't mean I think he is shite all of a sudden
  12. Why not just add this to the already running Zaliukas thread?
  13. What a fucking bellend of a man you are BP9. Pitty it wasn't you getting flung off a bridge, dick
  14. Clearly not, still doesn't excuse the fact people changing their tune not even two weeks after deeming him worthy of being a Rangers player. If you can explain how that makes sense please tell me what I've missed
  15. Just think its petty to say the man is decent and worthy of a place in our squad while the deal was open, now he has rejected he's shite? People need to grow up and stop throwing their toys out the pram
  16. Amazes me it really does. There was a thread one or two weeks ago about big Zaliukas and plenty of names in here said they'd take him. Now he is shite? Contradictions ten a fucking penny. We've missed out on a good CB with bags of experience in Scottish football, but hey let's kid on we don't care and the big man's shite
  17. A deep love for Rangers although he kept his mouth shut and knew exactly what kind of stunts SDM was pulling. He has no place at Ibrox and I'll stand by my opinion no matter what is said. All he is after is the return of his free meal ticket, get him to fuck
  18. For a so called Rangers fan, he should know the bile both these media outlets publish on a daily basis regarding our club. Anyone speaking to them clearly doesn't care about our club, if they did they would be starving them of exclusives and hits!
  19. His name and our club should never be used in the same breath, he has no interest in the well being of Rangers. All he wants to do is get his meal ticket and he'll do it anyway he can
  20. He is hurting, not making the big bucks our board are must be killing him; scumbag of a man!
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