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Everything posted by fandangoman

  1. very even so far, i think pascal may just be ahead
  2. go to itv.... what a fight punches after the bell by both fighters in the last 2 rounds froch hit him with 2 or 3 after the bell pascal then replied in the next round with 5 or 6 after the bell
  3. only other 2 teams are partick thistle & liverpool.
  5. and its not a brand new car as far as im aware.
  6. the car in question is it not a silver audi TT. reg is h8tton or something very similar. its not alan huttons.
  7. clyde 1 football team were disgusted by it. everyone of them said it was a disgrace. then said it was a minority.
  8. did alonso not win this? and massa finished 8th but after a stewards enquiry he has been pushed upto 7th, and hamilton finished way down the grid
  9. such a fucking long shot with 15 hours to the game. anyone?
  10. cant believe im actualy sitting watching this. part of me doesnt want too and the other part cant look away. its the same effect it had on me when i watched that programme all those years ago
  11. this wasnt what i was looking for. but watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a16gV5ZQ8g0
  12. i once watched a programme on this. i was a young whipper snapper at the time, it might have been 10 or so years ago. but it was one of the most shocking documentarys i ever watched. its a long shot but does anyone ever remember it? or vaguely know what im on about? would like to see it again anyone? david
  13. worst seats in the world. official. especially since if your at hampden and your 3 years from the goal never mind 3 rows
  14. just get me 3 or 4 an il square u up the diffference you know it makes sense
  15. does anyone know anyone selling any? or where to get any? would prefer 3 if possible. worth a try for this saturday if possible :unionflag: div
  16. thats just plain wrong... i think what you meant was fuck off terry, you stupid FAT prick :harhar:
  17. coz he was pumping ashley cole an now people poke fun at him coz he loves cock
  18. terry venables does my fucking box in. he knows what hes doing. 3 times ive heard him this week dissing spurs and their manager ramos saying hes not upto the job he looks not ready/unsteady. if he goes within the next 2 months im almost certain that prick will go for the job. watch this space . . .
  19. ive said this time and again stevie gerrard could walk into any team in the world IMO no bother. hes the most natural leader ill prob see in my lifetime on a pitch. he knows how to pull his squad together and get them working. and ive had the pleasure of meeting him and having a conversation with him and he is one of the nicest footballers ive ever met
  20. people from celtic fc read this forum an all other rangers forums. they will see this. whether or not it gets passed upstairs to the highest point we`ll never know,but i can garuntee it has been read by sum1 at the club. david
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