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Everything posted by magic8ball

  1. sorry ,not a very Wednesday suitable vision ????
  2. all humans do ,but with him being an alien hybrid you never know he might not
  3. when I heard he the thumb was being fingered, it was said he was getting done for his actions at the end of the game for incitement ,which would tie in with the scarf situation however if he has been reported for saying orange bastards he needs done for this too,as it's a sectarian comment ajax were fined 50k euro for the fenian bastards banner ,he should be looking at a 4 to 6 game ban for this , if it were to happen then look forward to lieswell burying it the same way they did witj tonev and his race charge against that Aberdeen player ,"we know he's been done but we believe he didn't do it so we won't take internal action"
  4. he's a open hivs fan,so it can be seen as nothing more than provocation can't imagine a gers player or any other player get away with shite like this, get the sectarian card played too,coz thats exactly what it is ,
  5. nepotism,the worst cancer in a society ,I used to work for a company(italian) and no family members where allowed to be employed ,
  6. if a mate that hated him,he's a jumbo,and recently the thumb has played alongside him in the school dad's team,said he changed his mind a bit good patter but still a sick raises a few questions though , why is he playing at this level and do his employers know and the other question,he must be playing 4 games a day if all his kids have dads teams
  7. won't be long till the victim card gets played again
  8. They saw an opportunity to get us to the top of the stairs and pushed Thousands of companies used ebt, yet we were selected for court action ,clubs down south were allowed to settle for fractions of what was said to be owed yet we were declined this ,mmmmmmm stinks of taigs
  9. I think Murray made some mistakes, but reid used his influence to take advantage
  10. A mate of mine said to me on the day we entered admin that reid was behind the whole thing
  11. Its a few years ago now,pre our ebt shit storm ,but I once heard 2 pundits talk about them having multiple companies under one holding company ,lauded as financial prudence as it helped reduce tax liabilities, imagine that ,national media saying using tax reduction measures were clever,and not immoral and cheating
  12. Corrupt indeed ,protected of course But as I have noticed throughout my life things go in cycles,nothing lasts for ever ,I don't know when the worm will turn ,but when it does they have a lot of scandal hidden in full view ,
  13. They will react by saying,these companies were not liquidated The reason for changing the company however needs to be known ,they didn't do it just for a laugh or because they were bored one day, We're they shuffling to reduce tax liability or maybe to shed debt ,both would be financial doping
  14. The worst 2 each game possible , Only saving grace for me i had scotland to score and kane to score at 5s
  15. It was the treatment that we recieved pre manchester that put me right off ,had a good few bears mates who were also scotland daft at the time,i actually kept my views to myself for about a year that i had turned my back on the national team,when i did mention it,they all agreed that they felt the same Goes to show the feelings towards the sfa and the trannies is from the heart and not fed from propaganda
  16. Mandzukic for me,only because i had a bet on him to score at anytime ?
  17. Lieswell and riley also used the luxembourg scheme for their bonuses This will be the next tax loophole hmrc go after
  18. I never saw it.never watched it but heard on radio at half time about it.was thinking to myself about the hypocrisy and that they were getting their excuses in early in case the sheep done them in the 2nd half
  19. That's class.I'm going to use that one.actually itching to hear some tarrier go on about it now . Actually.not only the first British team the first team from a non Catholic country ??
  20. What happened to his discipline record from his time with the beasts .when he was on an increasing ban situation with if I remember right a few matcges suspended
  21. Not a hope in hell that the filth will be held accountable here Look back to what happend in the cup final,hivs were 100pc guilty and should have been banned from Europe and this year's Scottish cup at the very very least But this strict liability scenario will be wheeled out again to get them off from sanction ,even reading the rules on the child welfare situation it will come down to a coin toss which rule the SFA want to enforce,and because the SFA is tarrier ridden it will fall down on,oh we did wrong but it's no fair to punish us coz the rule book says it's no fair to punish us
  22. Reckon there's more to this than meets the eye watched a doc on YouTube about savill ,the arms and legs of peadophilia and the cover ups are right through our society the names mentioned as being peados was unbelievable and the names involved were even more so I don't think any career journo will get to into this subject ,anybody that remembers the groundbreaking cook report show from the 90s will also remember it dissapeard at its height reason being he was doing a story on institutional peadophilia and was getting really deep into it ,the production company was bought over suddenly and the cook report shelved
  23. Toes the party line im innocent,I done nothing,I was stitched up,a miscarriage of justice etc etc etc. Then when plod appears down london rd way,it turns out the kellys couldnt shop torbet because he wasnt actually a peado,blah blah blah
  24. I agree to an extent,only the clubs that knew of stuff and didnt report will be and should be punished
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