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Everything posted by bam74

  1. OK, i hold my hands up. he is a fucking abomination of a keeper. Just cost us millions with that. No excuses. New keeper needed.
  2. OK, i hold my hands up. he is a fucking abomination of a keeper. Just cost us millions with that. No excuses. New keeper needed.
  3. OK, i hold my hands up. he is a fucking abomination of a keeper. Just cost us millions with that. No excuses. New keeper needed.
  4. OK, i hold my hands up. he is a fucking abomination of a keeper. Just cost us millions with that. No excuses. New keeper needed.
  5. OK, i hold my hands up. he is a fucking abomination of a keeper. Just cost us millions with that. No excuses. New keeper needed.
  6. OK, i hold my hands up. he is a fucking abomination of a keeper. Just cost us millions with that. No excuses. New keeper needed.
  7. OK, i hold my hands up. he is a fucking abomination of a keeper. Just cost us millions with that. No excuses. New keeper needed.
  8. OK, i hold my hands up. he is a fucking abomination of a keeper. Just cost us millions with that. No excuses. New keeper needed.
  9. OK, i hold my hands up. he is a fucking abomination of a keeper. Just cost us millions with that. No excuses. New keeper needed.
  10. OK, i hold my hands up. he is a fucking abomination of a keeper. Just cost us millions with that. No excuses. New keeper needed.
  11. OK, i hold my hands up. he is a fucking abomination of a keeper. Just cost us millions with that. No excuses. New keeper needed.
  12. Doesn't matter. Honestly think that win, lose or draw it will be McCall and Black.
  13. He has been inconsistent since his return from injury but he did pull off a few good saves against Hivs that kept us in the game. Not ideal but he's the best we've got. Anybody that thinks Robinson is a better keeper honestly needs to rewatch the games he's played.
  14. Not just you. Thought he deserved a bit of time to find his feet again after his injury but its just not happening. Decent shot stopper on his day but cross balls are frightening. When we go up new keeper needed IMO.
  15. Shiels had a decent game tonight but was nowhere near MOM. McCall said in post match interview that he pulled out of training yesterday because of sickness so fair play to him for even playing. Thought Zal and Foster were standouts but everyone did their bit. Roll on Saturday
  16. So what world beaters should have been on the he bench. I'm intrigued to know what other options we have.
  17. Of course we will. After last two games away at Palmerston it makes sense to keep it tight and make sure we take something back to Ibrox. We will then hump Hibs and Motherwell. Simple !
  18. McCulloch shouldn't be near team after his red card a few weeks ago but he wasn't the reason we threw away 2 goals today. Our apparent poty and keeper were to blame, end of. Getting too easy to blame everything on McCulloch.
  19. Aye good idea, another year in this division will finish us financially. How much more embarrassing can it get anyway. We just got fucked 3 nil by QOS. Imagine the reddy getting beaten by Aberdeen or Celtic. In all seriousness though I think people overestimate the quality in the top division. With our potential resources and a manager and transfer window plan in place we should be top 6 no bother.
  20. This +1. However it is an utter embarrassment that we can't even get the name on the jerseys correct.
  21. Bad news boys. McCulloch is a shoe in to get his place back after this shambles tonight.
  22. 10 fucking corners and their eeper hasn't had one save to make from any of them
  23. Totally agree andvto be fair it has never worked. What anyone sees in Templeton and Clark is beyond me.
  24. Fingers out for the second half please Rangers. Templeton off for Shiels as he has been honking again. How many chances does he need ? Vuckic also needs to get involved more. Good player but drifts in and out of the game too much. Needs to put a shift in tonight
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