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Forever Blue2

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Everything posted by Forever Blue2

  1. Very much so based on his recent disaster at Derby.
  2. Will that not happen when the league is wrapped up as should be before then
  3. Correct title, so you could say you meant brotherhood and then say reason not sung, it doesn't fit into the lyrics
  4. Strachan is frightened after the abuse hurled at him when he brought Lee in previously and that clown Black
  5. Yes as it is up to them to prove beyond doubt
  6. Re the Fenian word surely anyone in Court should simply stand firm and say they mean this word in regards to the Fenian Army they sing/sang about and as mentioned in a John Wayne movie. This surely would create doubt,as police assume they think it was said for what they have been told it stands for.
  7. I agreed earlier with a poster as to the way she worded her comment re sticks and stones. The question is when it goes to court what % is from afflicted side and what % is loyalist
  8. Would be interesting if the judges in these cases had to declare their backgrounds. For many a year they afflicted demanded senior police and legal people gave affiliation details to Masonic Orders. I for one would like to see this applied to Jesuit affiliations nowadays
  9. Or better still simply ask them do they know the date for the Semi. Then, say ask me that 48 hours prior to that
  10. We have always been a team built from the back and this has been augmented by so many wonderful skillful players throughout the decades.
  11. Donald Sutherland appeared on Craig Ferguson and asked him if he was Rangers or celtic, he then said bet your Rangers ,I'm Rangers as well as his dad came from Glasgow and was one of us. Clip somewhere on YOUTUBE
  12. Back then I got a guy I knew who worked for a company involved in making games and the video intros I thought it was the ultimate back then, huge and bulky
  13. Indeed they have a cheek, call members out on strike and they still draw their salaries and benefits.
  14. If you are sent a request then does that mean you are duty bound to go?
  15. McLean does look the part, was he a youth with us and shone at St Mirren
  16. I happen to think it is. He is playing on the same league we're like Murdoch and now Hardie. Surely game time with us would benefit us more than the other teams. Billy King for 6 months is a strange one, why not give one of our own a chance to prove his worth.
  17. very few will make it through the Academy to be first team regulars Just the nature of the game.
  18. Walsh,Aird the big Canadian centre back will not make it with us. Andy Murdoch showed he has something about him, through that shocking season last year.
  19. I totally agree re the Manager, although we need a better standard of player for Europe as for Mr King and the other three. I believe you are wrong with this as they did not fund purchase for players.
  20. We all know Dundee like all Cup ties are more of a one off game than a league match. Dundee played them during the week and left out I think 5 players 2 centre backs and front three so a much weakened Dundee drew 0-0 at the dump. Football is all about who plays better on the day or gets the lucky breaks. We have to just stay tight at the back and go for them
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