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Everything posted by ChrisMcb

  1. This. he tracked a lad down on twitter once that said he should die or something
  2. Aye a do grudge paying a score man , but it's basically on tic cause it comes off the next sky bill lol
  3. Surely you've spent a score on worse stuff lol , ma hangover munches cost a score at least and they end up in the bin or the toilet
  4. Price announce at 20 quid on box office. Honestly thought sky would bump the price up
  5. Well it is a forum and people are free to share what they want but thanks for the input pal
  6. Used to celebrate when Scotland scored and when they 2 went in didn't flinch. not proud of that because I'd like a national team I could support but our association is corrupt to the core
  7. Craig De Gordon attempts a sweeper keeper and nearly costs a goals absolute scenes
  8. Brown hahahaha pass nearly came through ma window there
  9. Brown thinks he's playing in a league where he gets away with it every week fucking idiot
  10. Did they actually boo that cunt when he came on? Don't know the reason and don't really care but that is fucking laughable booing someone pulling on the jersey
  11. Why did James McFadden just giggle like a wee girl cause he rhymes 2 words together
  12. Puts our victorys against them in context and proves the management were right to go. Motherwell are pish hearts done them as well
  13. Big warbsy is eagerly awaiting the half time show to see how lady gaga performs under pressure he could be our new centre back
  14. am watching this, no really got a clue what's going on, just basically a battle tI try and get further up the pitch ?
  15. They Mike dean videos are fucking brilliant
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