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Sick of all the PC brigade


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The p.c. brigade, seem to have no beliefs of their own, but seem prepared to crush and criticise everyone elses. The Protestant Reformation, to me, was a monumental turning point in history. The spiritual lights were switched on, and the power of a corrupt papacy was challenged. It took brave men indeed to stand up to the false teachings of Rome, but they did. The bible was translated from Latin, so everybody could read it. The Pope or a priest, was not the divine channel to God, it was open to anybody. Indulgences were a big concern; that people could buy a place in heaven, by paying the church to remove all sins. In this day and age, the Reformation has been largely forgotten. It is all taken for granted that we do not live under the rule of a church which will keep us in ignorance, and poverty, as seen in most R.C. countries of the world. Rangers supporters should have no hesitation in standing up as Protestants, if they wish. It is a gift passed down through hundreds of years, from men, some who sacrificed with their lives. Politically correct people, believe in nothing. They create nothing. Their role in life, is like some form of Hitler youth, to grass and inform on others beliefs.

What pish this is especially the part abount no beliefs - I am one of the PC band (as we seem to get called on here). You have NO ideas what my beliefs are, nor how deep I hold them, nor what I do to defend them. However my belief, my religion and my politics have got NOTHING to do with Football, so I refrain from trying to tie my causes to a football team.

I feel extremely sorry for you that becuase you, and others fail to accept that the majority or Rangers fans support the team because of the football and wont rally round your beliefs.

What you seem to have problems with is that the vast majority of Rangers fans do NOT hold the same beliefs as you. Many of us realised a long time ago that Rangers are a Football club. They are NOT a Unionist society, a political movement nor a religious institution; they are a Football team. They are a glorious football team, they have a fantastic footballing traditions and history. As I keep saying take away the football and you wouuld have nothing, take away all the religious, unionist and political garbage and you will still have the greatest football team on the planet!

The p.c. brigade I was referring to, are those outside the club, who will take every opportunity to have a pop at Rangers, for anything. The Protestant tradition I refer to is amongst the fans. Maybe you think it is piss, but I only go by what I see and hear. My father was brought up in staunchly Protestant part of Liverpool, Netherfield Road. He thought the Orange thing was a total waste of time. That was his beliefs and I respected them. The day the majority of the Rangers crowd, start booing Derrys Walls, because it is 'totally wrong' to sing that type of song, then you have won your argument. I have not got a clue who you are, but i do not need one bit of your sympathy. If the vast majority of Rangers fans do not hold the same beliefs as me, then who are the thousands belting out the songs? Are they a minority? UEFA have come down Rangers for the Billy Boys. Why then did they not come down on Barcelona, for the I.R.A. flags, and 'Our day will come' banner, a very big banner, which I could read from the opposite end of the ground? Why were they not punished for their fans trying to provoke the Rangers fans on the top deck, right through the game.? Its all part of the same P.C. shit. My beef, is with those who punish Rangers, but ignore the behaviour of other clubs supporters. You are entitled to your views, and I will stick with mine.

Fuck another of the 'Its always us that gets picked on Paranoia Brigade' - everyone else does bad stuff so I want to do it to - Boo Whoo! Where we distinguish ourselves from others is we don't stoop to the lowest common denominator, we realise that integrity and respect are something that must be fought for and maintained! Your sole argument seems to be lets stoop to 'their' level cause everyone else is against us.

Paranoia is a psychological disorder characterized by delusions of persecution. In England we have fans singing the most disgusting songs about Munich 58, Hillsborough, Gas chambers, homosexuals, etc etc. No one bats an eyelid. When I went to semi v Chelsea 2006, banners we hanging from bridges, 'Not enough died 96'. The stuff which goes on in football grounds gets ignored, everywhere, except when it comes to Rangers. Why was the Billy Boys banned? Who in UEFA, can even speak the language it is sung in? Who knows what Billy Boys are in UEFA? They soon ban it though. There is nothing paranoid about the treatment of Rangers fans. Its as real as the nose on your face. There is no delusion there. Had the Rangers fans got stuck into the Barcelona wind up merchants, that would have been it. European ban, fine, more negative publicity. They did not though. They kept cool, and just chanted Espanyol as a counter wind up. I did notice though, that none of these Barca fans were outside the ground after the game. Paul Daniels was not in it, with their disappearing act. Nah its absolute bollocks, to suggest Rangers fans get same treatment as all other fand. It does not happen.

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The p.c. brigade, seem to have no beliefs of their own, but seem prepared to crush and criticise everyone elses. The Protestant Reformation, to me, was a monumental turning point in history. The spiritual lights were switched on, and the power of a corrupt papacy was challenged. It took brave men indeed to stand up to the false teachings of Rome, but they did. The bible was translated from Latin, so everybody could read it. The Pope or a priest, was not the divine channel to God, it was open to anybody. Indulgences were a big concern; that people could buy a place in heaven, by paying the church to remove all sins. In this day and age, the Reformation has been largely forgotten. It is all taken for granted that we do not live under the rule of a church which will keep us in ignorance, and poverty, as seen in most R.C. countries of the world. Rangers supporters should have no hesitation in standing up as Protestants, if they wish. It is a gift passed down through hundreds of years, from men, some who sacrificed with their lives. Politically correct people, believe in nothing. They create nothing. Their role in life, is like some form of Hitler youth, to grass and inform on others beliefs.

What pish this is especially the part abount no beliefs - I am one of the PC band (as we seem to get called on here). You have NO ideas what my beliefs are, nor how deep I hold them, nor what I do to defend them. However my belief, my religion and my politics have got NOTHING to do with Football, so I refrain from trying to tie my causes to a football team.

I feel extremely sorry for you that becuase you, and others fail to accept that the majority or Rangers fans support the team because of the football and wont rally round your beliefs.

What you seem to have problems with is that the vast majority of Rangers fans do NOT hold the same beliefs as you. Many of us realised a long time ago that Rangers are a Football club. They are NOT a Unionist society, a political movement nor a religious institution; they are a Football team. They are a glorious football team, they have a fantastic footballing traditions and history. As I keep saying take away the football and you wouuld have nothing, take away all the religious, unionist and political garbage and you will still have the greatest football team on the planet!

The p.c. brigade I was referring to, are those outside the club, who will take every opportunity to have a pop at Rangers, for anything. The Protestant tradition I refer to is amongst the fans. Maybe you think it is piss, but I only go by what I see and hear. My father was brought up in staunchly Protestant part of Liverpool, Netherfield Road. He thought the Orange thing was a total waste of time. That was his beliefs and I respected them. The day the majority of the Rangers crowd, start booing Derrys Walls, because it is 'totally wrong' to sing that type of song, then you have won your argument. I have not got a clue who you are, but i do not need one bit of your sympathy. If the vast majority of Rangers fans do not hold the same beliefs as me, then who are the thousands belting out the songs? Are they a minority? UEFA have come down Rangers for the Billy Boys. Why then did they not come down on Barcelona, for the I.R.A. flags, and 'Our day will come' banner, a very big banner, which I could read from the opposite end of the ground? Why were they not punished for their fans trying to provoke the Rangers fans on the top deck, right through the game.? Its all part of the same P.C. shit. My beef, is with those who punish Rangers, but ignore the behaviour of other clubs supporters. You are entitled to your views, and I will stick with mine.

Fuck another of the 'Its always us that gets picked on Paranoia Brigade' - everyone else does bad stuff so I want to do it to - Boo Whoo! Where we distinguish ourselves from others is we don't stoop to the lowest common denominator, we realise that integrity and respect are something that must be fought for and maintained! Your sole argument seems to be lets stoop to 'their' level cause everyone else is against us.

Paranoia is a psychological disorder characterized by delusions of persecution. In England we have fans singing the most disgusting songs about Munich 58, Hillsborough, Gas chambers, homosexuals, etc etc. No one bats an eyelid. When I went to semi v Chelsea 2006, banners we hanging from bridges, 'Not enough died 96'. The stuff which goes on in football grounds gets ignored, everywhere, except when it comes to Rangers. Why was the Billy Boys banned? Who in UEFA, can even speak the language it is sung in? Who knows what Billy Boys are in UEFA? They soon ban it though. There is nothing paranoid about the treatment of Rangers fans. Its as real as the nose on your face. There is no delusion there. Had the Rangers fans got stuck into the Barcelona wind up merchants, that would have been it. European ban, fine, more negative publicity. They did not though. They kept cool, and just chanted Espanyol as a counter wind up. I did notice though, that none of these Barca fans were outside the ground after the game. Paul Daniels was not in it, with their disappearing act. Nah its absolute bollocks, to suggest Rangers fans get same treatment as all other fand. It does not happen.

:lol: - please re-read your own post and you will see why I suggest you are paranoid (or delusional if you prefer). Even you say these clubs have been hit by fines! :lol:

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The p.c. brigade, seem to have no beliefs of their own, but seem prepared to crush and criticise everyone elses. The Protestant Reformation, to me, was a monumental turning point in history. The spiritual lights were switched on, and the power of a corrupt papacy was challenged. It took brave men indeed to stand up to the false teachings of Rome, but they did. The bible was translated from Latin, so everybody could read it. The Pope or a priest, was not the divine channel to God, it was open to anybody. Indulgences were a big concern; that people could buy a place in heaven, by paying the church to remove all sins. In this day and age, the Reformation has been largely forgotten. It is all taken for granted that we do not live under the rule of a church which will keep us in ignorance, and poverty, as seen in most R.C. countries of the world. Rangers supporters should have no hesitation in standing up as Protestants, if they wish. It is a gift passed down through hundreds of years, from men, some who sacrificed with their lives. Politically correct people, believe in nothing. They create nothing. Their role in life, is like some form of Hitler youth, to grass and inform on others beliefs.

What pish this is especially the part abount no beliefs - I am one of the PC band (as we seem to get called on here). You have NO ideas what my beliefs are, nor how deep I hold them, nor what I do to defend them. However my belief, my religion and my politics have got NOTHING to do with Football, so I refrain from trying to tie my causes to a football team.

I feel extremely sorry for you that becuase you, and others fail to accept that the majority or Rangers fans support the team because of the football and wont rally round your beliefs.

What you seem to have problems with is that the vast majority of Rangers fans do NOT hold the same beliefs as you. Many of us realised a long time ago that Rangers are a Football club. They are NOT a Unionist society, a political movement nor a religious institution; they are a Football team. They are a glorious football team, they have a fantastic footballing traditions and history. As I keep saying take away the football and you wouuld have nothing, take away all the religious, unionist and political garbage and you will still have the greatest football team on the planet!

Yes of course they do, but how many of those self same fans consider their religion and political views to run in conjunction with supporting Rangers?

I know one or two and i'm sure they know a few more - not critical mass I know but certainly strong circumstancial evidence to refute your claim that the MAJORITY are there solely for footballing reasons?

OK - answer two questions - these people of 'faith' you know - how well do they actually support their church / faith - or they actually just 'religious' because they percieve that affirms their support for Rangers ?

When you go to a match - how much time do you spend discussing the politics and religios issues of the day (I assume none) and how much time do you spend discussing football/players/ tactis etc. - (I suggest most of the time)? are you different?

1. Jesus said... the Kingdom of God is inside you, and all around you, not in mansions of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood... and I am there, lift a stone... and you will find me.

2. I'd say most of our pre-match banter consists of general stories about what we have been doing since the last time our particular group were together, although i couldn't relate our conversations verbatim, i'd say it was prety much a mix of all three of the above tbh.

Hope that helps.

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Majority of Rangers fans don't relate their beliefs to Rangers, whether it's to do with politics, the monarchy or religion?

Strange that, when the majority of fans at Ibrox and away games sing Rule Britania, Derry Walls, GSTQ, The Sash.

I was brought up a Rangers fan by my father. So regardless of my beliefs I most likely would have supported them anyway. However the beliefs that I have are embraced by Rangers Football Club and the majority of fans which is a huge bonus.

The beliefs that are related with the club were there before you or I were born, so you cannot say that I "attempt to tie my beliefs to the club".

I have no time for sectarianism, racism etc and will not accept people trying to attach these ills of society to the club...But the "PC Brigade" just don't realise that the beliefs attached to our club, protestantism, unionism are not the cause of sectarianism or any other problems our support have.

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1. Jesus said... the Kingdom of God is inside you, and all around you, not in mansions of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood... and I am there, lift a stone... and you will find me.

2. I'd say most of our pre-match banter consists of general stories about what we have been doing since the last time our particular group were together, although i couldn't relate our conversations verbatim, i'd say it was prety much a mix of all three of the above tbh.

Hope that helps.

Funnily enough we always set out with a quick rendition of 'Jesus Loves Me'.

Then the bus breaks into small groups to discuss various theological issues.

As we get to Ibrox we all stand to attention and sing 'Onward Christian Soldiers', stirring stuff.

Then disembark at Ibrox where we ignore the game and engage all and sundry in discussions about Protestantism, Unionism, Loyalism and the Monarchy.

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The funny thing is that Walter and Ally and other players and the famous Jock Wallace loved a good Sash bash. But things started to change when a Rugby lover who had no idea of our traditions became chairman and just wanted to appease and be loved by everyone, step forward David Murray. :(

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The p.c. brigade, seem to have no beliefs of their own, but seem prepared to crush and criticise everyone elses. The Protestant Reformation, to me, was a monumental turning point in history. The spiritual lights were switched on, and the power of a corrupt papacy was challenged. It took brave men indeed to stand up to the false teachings of Rome, but they did. The bible was translated from Latin, so everybody could read it. The Pope or a priest, was not the divine channel to God, it was open to anybody. Indulgences were a big concern; that people could buy a place in heaven, by paying the church to remove all sins. In this day and age, the Reformation has been largely forgotten. It is all taken for granted that we do not live under the rule of a church which will keep us in ignorance, and poverty, as seen in most R.C. countries of the world. Rangers supporters should have no hesitation in standing up as Protestants, if they wish. It is a gift passed down through hundreds of years, from men, some who sacrificed with their lives. Politically correct people, believe in nothing. They create nothing. Their role in life, is like some form of Hitler youth, to grass and inform on others beliefs.

What pish this is especially the part abount no beliefs - I am one of the PC band (as we seem to get called on here). You have NO ideas what my beliefs are, nor how deep I hold them, nor what I do to defend them. However my belief, my religion and my politics have got NOTHING to do with Football, so I refrain from trying to tie my causes to a football team.

I feel extremely sorry for you that becuase you, and others fail to accept that the majority or Rangers fans support the team because of the football and wont rally round your beliefs.

What you seem to have problems with is that the vast majority of Rangers fans do NOT hold the same beliefs as you. Many of us realised a long time ago that Rangers are a Football club. They are NOT a Unionist society, a political movement nor a religious institution; they are a Football team. They are a glorious football team, they have a fantastic footballing traditions and history. As I keep saying take away the football and you wouuld have nothing, take away all the religious, unionist and political garbage and you will still have the greatest football team on the planet!

The p.c. brigade I was referring to, are those outside the club, who will take every opportunity to have a pop at Rangers, for anything. The Protestant tradition I refer to is amongst the fans. Maybe you think it is piss, but I only go by what I see and hear. My father was brought up in staunchly Protestant part of Liverpool, Netherfield Road. He thought the Orange thing was a total waste of time. That was his beliefs and I respected them. The day the majority of the Rangers crowd, start booing Derrys Walls, because it is 'totally wrong' to sing that type of song, then you have won your argument. I have not got a clue who you are, but i do not need one bit of your sympathy. If the vast majority of Rangers fans do not hold the same beliefs as me, then who are the thousands belting out the songs? Are they a minority? UEFA have come down Rangers for the Billy Boys. Why then did they not come down on Barcelona, for the I.R.A. flags, and 'Our day will come' banner, a very big banner, which I could read from the opposite end of the ground? Why were they not punished for their fans trying to provoke the Rangers fans on the top deck, right through the game.? Its all part of the same P.C. shit. My beef, is with those who punish Rangers, but ignore the behaviour of other clubs supporters. You are entitled to your views, and I will stick with mine.

Fuck another of the 'Its always us that gets picked on Paranoia Brigade' - everyone else does bad stuff so I want to do it to - Boo Whoo! Where we distinguish ourselves from others is we don't stoop to the lowest common denominator, we realise that integrity and respect are something that must be fought for and maintained! Your sole argument seems to be lets stoop to 'their' level cause everyone else is against us.

Paranoia is a psychological disorder characterized by delusions of persecution. In England we have fans singing the most disgusting songs about Munich 58, Hillsborough, Gas chambers, homosexuals, etc etc. No one bats an eyelid. When I went to semi v Chelsea 2006, banners we hanging from bridges, 'Not enough died 96'. The stuff which goes on in football grounds gets ignored, everywhere, except when it comes to Rangers. Why was the Billy Boys banned? Who in UEFA, can even speak the language it is sung in? Who knows what Billy Boys are in UEFA? They soon ban it though. There is nothing paranoid about the treatment of Rangers fans. Its as real as the nose on your face. There is no delusion there. Had the Rangers fans got stuck into the Barcelona wind up merchants, that would have been it. European ban, fine, more negative publicity. They did not though. They kept cool, and just chanted Espanyol as a counter wind up. I did notice though, that none of these Barca fans were outside the ground after the game. Paul Daniels was not in it, with their disappearing act. Nah its absolute bollocks, to suggest Rangers fans get same treatment as all other fand. It does not happen.

:lol: - please re-read your own post and you will see why I suggest you are paranoid (or delusional if you prefer). Even you say these clubs have been hit by fines! :lol:

I dont know where I said other clubs have been hit by fines. Where is this pray tell, oh great psycho analyst? Which clubs have had there songs banned, apart from Rangers? I would love to know. Anyway fuck this, I have to get back to work. yours sincerely, the great un-paranoid Longjohn.

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The funny thing is that Walter and Ally and other players and the famous Jock Wallace loved a good Sash bash. But things started to change when a Rugby lover who had no idea of our traditions became chairman and just wanted to appease and be loved by everyone, step forward David Murray. :(

Best tenueous (spelling) link to an anti-SDM post for a good while now! Is this you going fishing again to keep this thread going ?

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The funny thing is that Walter and Ally and other players and the famous Jock Wallace loved a good Sash bash. But things started to change when a Rugby lover who had no idea of our traditions became chairman and just wanted to appease and be loved by everyone, step forward David Murray. :(

Best tenueous (spelling) link to an anti-SDM post for a good while now! Is this you going fishing again to keep this thread going ?

I dont go fishing but we all know that Murray is a handwringer, plus likes to attack his own fans. :)

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1. Jesus said... the Kingdom of God is inside you, and all around you, not in mansions of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood... and I am there, lift a stone... and you will find me.

2. I'd say most of our pre-match banter consists of general stories about what we have been doing since the last time our particular group were together, although i couldn't relate our conversations verbatim, i'd say it was prety much a mix of all three of the above tbh.

Hope that helps.

Funnily enough we always set out with a quick rendition of 'Jesus Loves Me'.

Then the bus breaks into small groups to discuss various theological issues.

As we get to Ibrox we all stand to attention and sing 'Onward Christian Soldiers', stirring stuff.

Then disembark at Ibrox where we ignore the game and engage all and sundry in discussions about Protestantism, Unionism, Loyalism and the Monarchy.

Cheers Manti, i'm glad it isn't just our guys who partake in the discussions pertaining to the major theological decisions being made around the world as we speak....... ermm type.........


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The funny thing is that Walter and Ally and other players and the famous Jock Wallace loved a good Sash bash. But things started to change when a Rugby lover who had no idea of our traditions became chairman and just wanted to appease and be loved by everyone, step forward David Murray. :(

Best tenueous (spelling) link to an anti-SDM post for a good while now! Is this you going fishing again to keep this thread going ?

I dont go fishing but we all know that Murray is a handwringer, plus likes to attack his own fans. :)

I'll agree he is very PC, but to say he likes to attack the fans i don't think is true.

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1. Jesus said... the Kingdom of God is inside you, and all around you, not in mansions of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood... and I am there, lift a stone... and you will find me.

2. I'd say most of our pre-match banter consists of general stories about what we have been doing since the last time our particular group were together, although i couldn't relate our conversations verbatim, i'd say it was prety much a mix of all three of the above tbh.

Hope that helps.

Funnily enough we always set out with a quick rendition of 'Jesus Loves Me'.

Then the bus breaks into small groups to discuss various theological issues.

As we get to Ibrox we all stand to attention and sing 'Onward Christian Soldiers', stirring stuff.

Then disembark at Ibrox where we ignore the game and engage all and sundry in discussions about Protestantism, Unionism, Loyalism and the Monarchy.

Cheers Manti, i'm glad it isn't just our guys who partake in the discussions pertaining to the major theological decisions being made around the world as we speak....... ermm type.........


Which reminds me, how did the football go last season?

Did we win anything?

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1. Jesus said... the Kingdom of God is inside you, and all around you, not in mansions of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood... and I am there, lift a stone... and you will find me.

2. I'd say most of our pre-match banter consists of general stories about what we have been doing since the last time our particular group were together, although i couldn't relate our conversations verbatim, i'd say it was prety much a mix of all three of the above tbh.

Hope that helps.

Funnily enough we always set out with a quick rendition of 'Jesus Loves Me'.

Then the bus breaks into small groups to discuss various theological issues.

As we get to Ibrox we all stand to attention and sing 'Onward Christian Soldiers', stirring stuff.

Then disembark at Ibrox where we ignore the game and engage all and sundry in discussions about Protestantism, Unionism, Loyalism and the Monarchy.

Cheers Manti, i'm glad it isn't just our guys who partake in the discussions pertaining to the major theological decisions being made around the world as we speak....... ermm type.........


Which reminds me, how did the football go last season?

Did we win anything?

Can't remember tbh, my theological studies override everything else dontcha know.

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The funny thing is that Walter and Ally and other players and the famous Jock Wallace loved a good Sash bash. But things started to change when a Rugby lover who had no idea of our traditions became chairman and just wanted to appease and be loved by everyone, step forward David Murray. :(

Best tenueous (spelling) link to an anti-SDM post for a good while now! Is this you going fishing again to keep this thread going ?

I dont go fishing but we all know that Murray is a handwringer, plus likes to attack his own fans. :)

I'll agree he is very PC, but to say he likes to attack the fans i don't think is true.

Imight be wrong but did he not attack us at the AGM.

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The funny thing is that Walter and Ally and other players and the famous Jock Wallace loved a good Sash bash. But things started to change when a Rugby lover who had no idea of our traditions became chairman and just wanted to appease and be loved by everyone, step forward David Murray. :(

Best tenueous (spelling) link to an anti-SDM post for a good while now! Is this you going fishing again to keep this thread going ?

I dont go fishing but we all know that Murray is a handwringer, plus likes to attack his own fans. :)

I'll agree he is very PC, but to say he likes to attack the fans i don't think is true.

Imight be wrong but did he not attack us at the AGM.

yeah I don't doubt there's been times he has attacked the fans actions, but to say he liked doing it I think is wrong

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I'm surprised this thread has continued for as many pages as it has, must be the bad weather keeping everyone inside.

The Orange Institutions are an irrelevance in Scotland, they represent a tiny fraction of the population, play no part what so ever in the lives of the vast majority of Rangers fans. It's the height of arrogance to suggest they should use Ibrox or have any association with Rangers, Rangers are the premier football club in the country, the orange order are the equivalent of a junior team when it comes to religion. I say if we're going to get in with a religion lets back a growing one, I vote for evangelical pentecostal, we might get a few Brazilians out of it, or else Islam, no one will fine us then.

PS And those suits and the bowler hats, fuxsake you have they no idea of style!

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For all these people who claim Rangers supported through religous ties to i'd be curious to see a poll of how many rangers fans actually go to church still and regularly. I admit i stopped when i was still a kid.

You can be a proud Rangers supporting Protestant without going to Church FFS!

I just don't get how people can claim to be Protestants and some haven't been near a church in their puff except for a wedding

Maybe they were born Protestants ! That's enough in my eyes!

You cant be born protestant...its not an extra limb

You need to be baptised

I go to church now and then but have never been baptized ! I'm a proud Protestant from a proud protestant family , or i am ?

if your not baptised you dont belong to any set religeon

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A brigade is a military unit that is typically composed of two to five regiments or battalions, depending on the era and nationality of a given army.

So, by definition alone, there is NO "PC brigade" - it is a figment of feeble imaginations - and a contradiction in terms.

There are fans with many differing views/outlooks but we are a broad church etc. And that is a strength morally not a weakness IMO.

I hate the double standards applied to Rangers as much as anybody - but - this apportioning of blame onto supposed hand wringers galls me - it is just simplistic scapegoating - irrational and delusional and counter-productive.

There are enough real enemies out there without imaginary ones. Plenty of them. Go after those fuckers. Not other Rangers fans on RM who may be different from you.

And before you start complaing about folk trying to attack the old Rangers and traditional fans etc well all I have seen from you Minstral of late is blatant and obvious baiting of the supposed hand-wringers not the other way round.

That makes me sick.

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I'm surprised this thread has continued for as many pages as it has, must be the bad weather keeping everyone inside.

The Orange Institutions are an irrelevance in Scotland, they represent a tiny fraction of the population, play no part what so ever in the lives of the vast majority of Rangers fans. It's the height of arrogance to suggest they should use Ibrox or have any association with Rangers, Rangers are the premier football club in the country, the orange order are the equivalent of a junior team when it comes to religion. I say if we're going to get in with a religion lets back a growing one, I vote for evangelical pentecostal, we might get a few Brazilians out of it, or else Islam, no one will fine us then.

PS And those suits and the bowler hats, fuxsake you have they no idea of style!

Welly, welly, welly, welly, welly, welly, well. To what do I owe the extreme pleasure of this surprising visit?

Lets make things nice and sparkling clear. This sarcasm - if I may call it such, is very unbecoming of you oh my brother

You try to frighten me. Admit so, sir. This is some new form of torture. Say it, Brother Sir.

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