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Opration Flashpoint Dragon Rising (PC/PS3/360)


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This game takes place on a small, fictional island located off the north coast of Japan called Skira in the present day. The island is directly based on a real island called Kiska. The island is a contested territory between Russia and China and becomes the center of an armed conflict when one of the largest untapped oil and gas reserves in the world are discovered there. The game begins as the player arrives as part of the American military who is tasked with capturing the island on behalf of the Russians from the Chinese military.

Multiplayer gameplay

Multiplayer will be included in this game. Though no multiplayer game types have been officially confirmed, there has been speculation from certain game magazines.

The PC version will feature a total of 32 players (16 vs 16) in addition to three AI squad members per player for a total of 128 soldiers. The Console formats of the game will have a total of 8 players (4 vs 4) with three AI squad members each to control for a total of 32. However, the official multiplayer numbers have yet to be confirmed. The official numbers are expected in an official multiplayer press release.

Co-op, while widely stated to be 4-player, does not appear to be formally confirmed.

The gameplay in Operation Flashpoint is completely open, and objectives are assigned as they would be in real life. For each mission the player will have a defined objective and will be able to choose from available equipment and personnel to allow them to complete the objective however they choose. This choice includes not only what tactics the player can use at the objective but also where they land and how they approach their goal. The only limitation for completion of objectives is based on time. Because the player is part of a cohesive invasion force, command needs objectives completed, and because they affect the ability of the entire force to proceed, certain objectives obviously will need to be completed in a timely manner. This said, it does not appear that time limits will be designed to make players race to complete tasks, but to add to the realism. While the player can lead their squad far afield from the objectives, it is important to realize that the mission is not occurring in a vacuum, there are enemy patrols as well as other battles which the player may encounter when leaving the direct mission area.

There is a full environmental damage model built into the game. Every building can be partially destroyed or reduced to rubble. Vehicles and other environmental objects like tractors, bulldozers and boats can be similarly destroyed. This destruction is permanent throughout the entire campaign, so it is possible to "burn your bridges" by destroying buildings unnecessarily and then the player is without cover in a following mission. This feature adds to the realism of the game by allowing players to see the cumulative damage that days of modern combat can create. This is particularly noteworthy as the developers have stated that every structure on Skira is actually there in real life.

All buildings on Skira can be entered, both by the player and by the enemy AI. Vehicles that are found on the battlefield can be commandeered, and weapons and ammunition can be scavenged off of corpses.

Weapons, vehicles and characters

According to Game Informer there are over 70 real life weapons in game, all supported by a realistic ballistics system. These weapons available in the game range from pistols and sub-machine guns all the way to artillery and 2,000 pound bombs. They can be modified and equipped with optics, grenade launchers, laser sights and suppressors. The ballistics system, which simulates the effects of each weapon on buildings, vehicles, and people is based as much as possible on the real specifications of each weapon in the game (information on Chinese PLA weapons and vehicles is limited in some cases) and also takes into account flight times and effective ranges for each projectile. The balance of these weapons, therefore, is not artificially created by the game developers, but was created by their real life designers. Learning the best usage of each of these weapons will be a significant part of the challenge of the game.

All firing sequences from lifting the weapon up, to placing it on the shoulder, to firing are all faithfully simulated, as well as reloading. These sequences, along with getting into and out of vehicles, have been motion captured using soldiers who have been trained to use the equipment in real life. Reloading weapons with partially empty magazines will, eventually, result in loading partially full magazines of ammunition, which, along with realistic reload sequences and timing, make reload management tactically important.

There are 50 different land, air and sea vehicles. There are usable helicopters, tanks, boats and APCs along with a few vehicles/weapons which cannot be used directly, but which can be called to the player's aid, such as fighter jets and artillery. Each of these vehicles has its own distinct roles as well as having their own strengths and weaknesses.

The developers have created large numbers of faces for the characters involved in the game. The equipment that is carried by each character is accurate and, where applicable, distinct to that character's role. For example, communication specialists can be readily identified by the radio they carry. There are no 'magic pockets,' which means that everything the player's squad members are carrying is visible. All of this visible information is designed to allow better command of the squad mates as the player will be able to recognize them as a person by their face or by their equipment allowing them to give the best orders to each member of the squad.


The game is being developed by Codemasters, publishers of the original Operation Flashpoint.

There is realistic tactical squad placement and game play.

Night Vision has been confirmed.

Multiple weapon attachments have been confirmed.

Realistic ballistics have been confirmed.

A "medic" system has been confirmed.

Limb dismemberment has been confirmed to be in the game.

A "swimming" mechanic has been confirmed. This feature is not to be taken as the ability to swim underneath the water, or submerge. It simply means the player will be able to tread water, and move through it.

It has been confirmed that 3rd person for infantry is not in the game, however will be available for vehicles.

No mission editor for the console versions at release.

Split Screen Mode will not be available for local or online play.

It is confirmed that there is no track IR or free look for infantry on ALL platforms however, free look and track IR is supported for vehicles

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