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Will we sign anyone this summer?

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It keeps on being said that we are not going to sign anyone and its doing my head in. We are the champioins preparing for the defence of our title and a champions league campaign, to bring in no new faces to build upon last seasons success is a worrying situation to be in. I do have faith in our current squad, and the return of Thomo and the prospect of Fleck, Wilson and Aaron coming into the side will add to our strength but for fuck sake I would like to see a new face of two!

The tims are spending a bit of money, fuck giving them the upper hand. Murray has got vast personal wealth so lets see a wee bit of that to strengthen the club he 'loves'. Financially it would pay off in the long run if got some results in Europe so I don't see why he can't finance the at least one transfer if the club are skint. Lets get a bit of fuckin buzz about this summer and the coming season, right now its fuckin depressing.

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I believe we will sign players. Patience is a must. Everyone sees Celtic making signings and automatically thinks we need to be doing that right away aswell but they have to get through 2 rounds of CL Qualifiers, which we don't need to. We have almost 6 weeks before the transfer window shuts, plenty of time.

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A couple of weeks ago I would have said definately we would sign a few players, but the recent comments by Walter aren't very encouraging. I think the best case scenario is maybe one Bosman or loan signing. That's it.

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