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If not King then who?


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All the talk concerning the possible takeover seems to be solely based on Dave King riding in from South Africa on a white elephant to save us, but considering his net worth is estimated to be less than half of that than SDMs, although he looks like he'd be happy to use some of that on us just now, surely he's not going to be going into this venture on his own.

Therefore who else could either be involved, or part of a rival bid against King - if he is indeed involved in one of the enquiries?

I've heard rumours in the past of Sir Tom Hunter's interest in the club and being the 2nd richest man in Scotland, even after losing £250million in the financial crisis, he seems like a safe hand to take over the club. Anyone from New Cumnock fancy trying to find out where his parents live and going and asking them for a wee favour from their son?

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All the talk concerning the possible takeover seems to be solely based on Dave King riding in from South Africa on a white elephant to save us, but considering his net worth is estimated to be less than half of that than SDMs, although he looks like he'd be happy to use some of that on us just now, surely he's not going to be going into this venture on his own.

Therefore who else could either be involved, or part of a rival bid against King - if he is indeed involved in one of the enquiries?

I've heard rumours in the past of Sir Tom Hunter's interest in the club and being the 2nd richest man in Scotland, even after losing £250million in the financial crisis, he seems like a safe hand to take over the club. Anyone from New Cumnock fancy trying to find out where his parents live and going and asking them for a wee favour from their son?

Although he is very much a philanthropist who ha donated millions to good causes he is also a businessman who would not be interested in putting money into any business where there is no chance of a return only ever increasing losses.

Is Dave King able to release any money from his fortune or are all his assets frozen by the South African government?

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All the talk concerning the possible takeover seems to be solely based on Dave King riding in from South Africa on a white elephant to save us, but considering his net worth is estimated to be less than half of that than SDMs, although he looks like he'd be happy to use some of that on us just now, surely he's not going to be going into this venture on his own.

Therefore who else could either be involved, or part of a rival bid against King - if he is indeed involved in one of the enquiries?

I've heard rumours in the past of Sir Tom Hunter's interest in the club and being the 2nd richest man in Scotland, even after losing £250million in the financial crisis, he seems like a safe hand to take over the club. Anyone from New Cumnock fancy trying to find out where his parents live and going and asking them for a wee favour from their son?

Not many people will be interested then. The hope is that men like King and Hunter let their heart rule their head over this one and decide that they can spare £30 million to wipe our debts and then maybe £20 million to invest in players, contracts, etc. After that we let their business brains come back and get them to run us within our means so that this doesn't happen again.

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Everyone keeps knocking back suggestions over who might be interested in buying us.

" Nobody will invest in a Scottish club with no chance of a profit return" seems to be the common theme. I have no problems with the accuracy of that statement but when has ANYBODY ever invested in football to make money?

All these Arabs and Americans have already made their fortunes and are looking for a challenge to make them "big players" in the worlds most popular sport.

Apart from ManU, all the other clubs bought out (Chelsea, ManC, Notts Co, Villa, QPR etc) are clubs with the POTENTIAL to be be major clubs in world football.

Do Rangers not fit that profile? 200,000 in Manchester would tell you we do. We,ll get nowhere in SPL, thats for sure, but I feel it in my bones, there are currents in world football. Things will(have to) change and now is the time to change them.

It,s worrying times lads and lasses, but don,t knock the Gers too much, we are still a major brand name.

The OP asked, If not Dave King then who? I don,t know but who the hell invested in Notts Co.ffs?

Whoever it is, he,s not in Nottingham to make money.

I hearnames like Sir Tom Hunter, Dave King, Grahame Souness etc,. being bandied about and why not? Imagine the challenge to these guys of taking a crippled giant and turning it into a world giant.

Thats what might attract these guys,not simply a balance sheet. Leave that to the east end of Glasgow.

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