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Support the online petition to Lloyds Banking Group


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Such as putting pressure on the Assembly and the RST, the only credible Rangers fan groups, to come together and make a strongly-worded statement on behalf of the Rangers support.

Signing a daft fucking petition might make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside thinking you have saved the club, but in reality it does absolutely nothing. Online petitions are a guranteed failure and most won't make it off of the webiste they are on. Have a look at the comments and names, do you think the bank would take something like this seriously?

Don't be so silly.

An online petition if signed by enough could make its way to the media and prove bad publicity for said bank.

Like you say it is a chance for all Rangers fan groups to pull together and come up with a plan.

A petition stall at our next home game is something I suggested, thousands of handwritten signatures may be more in line of a proper petition.

I think it is a fantastic Idea and post (tu) (tu) The online one is a start and can be printed off and added to collected handwritten signatures...as said these can then be taken by a group of fans to Lloyds HQ, filmed for youtube and the main stream media will pick it up. A press release to the Scottish press with dates and times would result in them turning up to see and report it.

Lloyds Banking Group will hate the publicity and it will be damaging...thats before any coordinated shutting of accounts on a set day too

The supporters do have the power regardless of those with defeatest attitudes who are waiting on our shiny night on a white horse....fook that, lets just do it

thebooler :praise: :praise:

For those who think I am a "prick" fantastic, I will take that title as long as it means we do something for the club. I aint the best supporter of Rangers there is, like those who travel all over the world and buy tons of merchandise But I do fookin care deeply about the club :disappointment:

The people calling you a prick would rather sit with their heads in the sand in denial and do nothing.

Several good sources have said that the bank is acting in a way that will hurt our club, and I'm inclined to do anything that might make them think twice about that.

Petition signed. But for a petition that may be taken more seriously and less chance of a tim invasion I think an official petition to downing street should be started. http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/ The taxpayer owns 40% of Lloyds after all.

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Such as putting pressure on the Assembly and the RST, the only credible Rangers fan groups, to come together and make a strongly-worded statement on behalf of the Rangers support.

Signing a daft fucking petition might make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside thinking you have saved the club, but in reality it does absolutely nothing. Online petitions are a guranteed failure and most won't make it off of the webiste they are on. Have a look at the comments and names, do you think the bank would take something like this seriously?

Don't be so silly.

An online petition if signed by enough could make its way to the media and prove bad publicity for said bank.

Like you say it is a chance for all Rangers fan groups to pull together and come up with a plan.

A petition stall at our next home game is something I suggested, thousands of handwritten signatures may be more in line of a proper petition.

I think it is a fantastic Idea and post (tu) (tu) The online one is a start and can be printed off and added to collected handwritten signatures...as said these can then be taken by a group of fans to Lloyds HQ, filmed for youtube and the main stream media will pick it up. A press release to the Scottish press with dates and times would result in them turning up to see and report it.

Lloyds Banking Group will hate the publicity and it will be damaging...thats before any coordinated shutting of accounts on a set day too

The supporters do have the power regardless of those with defeatest attitudes who are waiting on our shiny night on a white horse....fook that, lets just do it

thebooler :praise: :praise:

For those who think I am a "prick" fantastic, I will take that title as long as it means we do something for the club. I aint the best supporter of Rangers there is, like those who travel all over the world and buy tons of merchandise But I do fookin care deeply about the club :disappointment:

The people calling you a prick would rather sit with their heads in the sand in denial and do nothing.

Several good sources have said that the bank is acting in a way that will hurt our club, and I'm inclined to do anything that might make them think twice about that.

Petition signed. But for a petition that may be taken more seriously and less chance of a tim invasion I think an official petition to downing street should be started. http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/ The taxpayer owns 40% of Lloyds after all.

Thanks clashcitystalker

Maybe would be a good idea to start an official one to Parliament...I mean why not, its being proactive

we could do one in Scotland too - http://epetitions.scottish.parliament.uk/

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You are more likely to have posted 1000 times on this thread than the petition reaching 1000 signatures...... ;)

And what's your point? If you don't share his enthusiasm then don't bother posting and criticising him.

seems the guy took it in the spirit it was meant you humourless arse......

Who you calling an arse? Ya nugget, you've got nothing constructive to say so don't say fuck all.

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Good luck with this guys, my apolagies for being rather dismissive earlier.

I suggest that whoever started the petition prints it off and adds it to any offline signatures that can be collected. (tu)

Sounds like a plan Buddy and hey, we are all a bit our of sync with what has gone on the last few days and frustrated at the lack of truthful information coming out.

Like you say, these on-line collection of signatures can be added to the many picked up handwritten at home games where thousands can be added (tu) (tu)

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Good luck with this guys, my apolagies for being rather dismissive earlier.

I suggest that whoever started the petition prints it off and adds it to any offline signatures that can be collected. (tu)

Good idea - I'm sure that sounds like a plan.

And the signatures can be printed off without the 'comments'. So all timmy's hard work will not go to waste. :D

Signature 797 looks like a cracker. :ph34r:

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Good luck with this guys, my apolagies for being rather dismissive earlier.

I suggest that whoever started the petition prints it off and adds it to any offline signatures that can be collected. (tu)

Signature 797 looks like a cracker. :ph34r:

Hahahahahah saw that :praise: :praise:

I will go through them all tomorrow and grab a load of the comments and names and create a document that can be attached for Lloyd's Group to view :craphead: missing out their comments obviously. I will make a topic on here so all can read them too and add their own wee messages to the banking group (tu)

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Petition to Downing Street:

Guys I am going to get this one started, here's what I've got so far let me know if there is anything you think should be added or amended.

We, loyal supporters of The Rangers Football Club, express our dismay at the apparent lack of support given by the State-owned Lloyds Banking Group to our Club. We appeal for a common sense approach to the outstanding debts of our club and national institution. We appeal for government intervention to ensure that the club is sold to a responsible buyer at a price suited to the current financial climate (many debts are being written off for 40-60 pence in the pound) as soon as possible. We also appeal for state intervention to ensure that debts are recouped while also safeguarding the long term future of the club, that is, without stripping the club of our key playing and coaching staff. This short-sighted approach would not only be detrimental to the club on the field but also damage the clubs finances by robbing us of the income that comes from having a successful team on the pitch (Champions League TV revenue being the main example).

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Petition to Downing Street:

Guys I am going to get this one started, here's what I've got so far let me know if there is anything you think should be added or amended.

We, loyal supporters of The Rangers Football Club, express our dismay at the apparent lack of support given by the State-owned Lloyds Banking Group to our Club. We appeal for a common sense approach to the outstanding debts of our club and national institution. We appeal for government intervention to ensure that the club is sold to a responsible buyer at a price suited to the current financial climate (many debts are being written off for 40-60 pence in the pound) as soon as possible. We also appeal for state intervention to ensure that debts are recouped while also safeguarding the long term future of the club, that is, without stripping the club of our key playing and coaching staff. This short-sighted approach would not only be detrimental to the club on the field but also damage the clubs finances by robbing us of the income that comes from having a successful team on the pitch (Champions League TV revenue being the main example).

Fantastic!!! :praise: :praise: :praise:

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The Downing Street petition has been submitted for approval. I will let you know when it's up there and hopefully we can get it added to the first page of this thread and everyone who has signed the other will sign this one too.

Fantastic Work....keep us posted...we can then ask Boss to edit it in to the starting post (tu) (tu)

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