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So the fans finally agree with what SDM saw long ago

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On the sectarian issue.

We heard for years that SDM should draw the line, we heard that he should speak up and gave a lead.

Well he did - a long time ago.

After the MON wibble wobble episode he came out and said that he would back our traditionsw but there was no room for the FTP or up to our knees.

He defended the union flag, Rule Brittania etc.

He said that there was nothing wrong with the Sash, Derry's Walls etc (by implication)

He drew his line a long time ago

and you know what n- that is now the very line that all the fans groups have come up with.

Finally SDM has the backing of the fans who have woken up to what he has been saying for many a year.

Finally the chairman and fans in complete unity. About time.

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Agreed AH, but he SDM needs to speak out more in regard the recent press articles, police behaviour in a strong way and back the decent fans in a LOUD prominent voice and much more often. HE NEEDS TO TAKE THE LEAD AND ATTACK, not be reactive sometimes and looking weak.

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I sang the songs i spouted the bile, but then i was 17 years old at the time and didnt really care or mean what i was saying. I come from a mixed bag , Irish Catholic and Scottish Protestant, and couldnt now and never have had a problem with Catholics and the Pope etc, my problem lies with terrorists who murder and maim and those who support the twisted evil that claims to fight for freedom. SDM along with many of us realised years ago that we were being small minded and in my case stupid, he has led the way sometimes in a manner alien to us but all the same he has slowly changed the mindset at Rangers and for that is to be applauded. We are at times neanderthal when we need to change and have to appreciate that times are changing, this however should be all that we admit to, we should never forget who we are and where we are from. Recently SDM has let us down, he is our leader and as such should back us when we are attacked from within our on country as well as abroad the press in Scotland need to be taken down a peg or two and those who police the game in Europe, UEFA, need to be shown that we have the same rights as the bigger nations. We are penalised because we do not yield the high cash turnover that bigger countries yield not because we are Rangers, yes we are easy targets hence the reason we get punished when others dont.

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On the sectarian issue.

We heard for years that SDM should draw the line, we heard that he should speak up and gave a lead.

Well he did - a long time ago.

After the MON wibble wobble episode he came out and said that he would back our traditionsw but there was no room for the FTP or up to our knees.

He defended the union flag, Rule Brittania etc.

He said that there was nothing wrong with the Sash, Derry's Walls etc (by implication)

He drew his line a long time ago

and you know what n- that is now the very line that all the fans groups have come up with.

Finally SDM has the backing of the fans who have woken up to what he has been saying for many a year.

Finally the chairman and fans in complete unity. About time.

The one you seem to talk about so affectionaly can go and feck himself as far as Im concerned.....

Nothing has changed and the bottom line is he said.....''I dont have the stomach for the job anymore'' If thats the sort of leader you want then I find it difficult to phathom out what you are all about

I presume he means he doesnt have the stomach for the lifeblood of the club also, the fans...Murrays sandpit will always remain overcrowded, the man is a disgrace to RFC and the fans who have followed the club over the years (beer)

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On the sectarian issue.

We heard for years that SDM should draw the line, we heard that he should speak up and gave a lead.

Well he did - a long time ago.

After the MON wibble wobble episode he came out and said that he would back our traditionsw but there was no room for the FTP or up to our knees.

He defended the union flag, Rule Brittania etc.

He said that there was nothing wrong with the Sash, Derry's Walls etc (by implication)

He drew his line a long time ago

and you know what n- that is now the very line that all the fans groups have come up with.

Finally SDM has the backing of the fans who have woken up to what he has been saying for many a year.

Finally the chairman and fans in complete unity. About time.

The one you seem to talk about so affectionaly can go and feck himself as far as Im concerned.....

Nothing has changed and the bottom line is he said.....''I dont have the stomach for the job anymore'' If thats the sort of leader you want then I find it difficult to phathom out what you are all about

I presume he means he doesnt have the stomach for the lifeblood of the club also, the fans...Murrays sandpit will always remain overcrowded, the man is a disgrace to RFC and the fans who have followed the club over the years (beer)

A nice convenient quote, although he did not actually say those words

However, as it happens I kind of agree that he does not appear to have the stomach for it anymore

Perhaps part of the reason is that he drew the line the fans have now agreed long ago and they kept letting him down.

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On the sectarian issue.

We heard for years that SDM should draw the line, we heard that he should speak up and gave a lead.

Well he did - a long time ago.

After the MON wibble wobble episode he came out and said that he would back our traditionsw but there was no room for the FTP or up to our knees.

He defended the union flag, Rule Brittania etc.

He said that there was nothing wrong with the Sash, Derry's Walls etc (by implication)

He drew his line a long time ago

and you know what n- that is now the very line that all the fans groups have come up with.

Finally SDM has the backing of the fans who have woken up to what he has been saying for many a year.

Finally the chairman and fans in complete unity. About time.

The one you seem to talk about so affectionaly can go and feck himself as far as Im concerned.....

Nothing has changed and the bottom line is he said.....''I dont have the stomach for the job anymore'' If thats the sort of leader you want then I find it difficult to phathom out what you are all about

I presume he means he doesnt have the stomach for the lifeblood of the club also, the fans...Murrays sandpit will always remain overcrowded, the man is a disgrace to RFC and the fans who have followed the club over the years (beer)

A nice convenient quote, although he did not actually say those words

However, as it happens I kind of agree that he does not appear to have the stomach for it anymore

Perhaps part of the reason is that he drew the line the fans have now agreed long ago and they kept letting him down.

I can asure you he did say it....too many people have short memories :Animation44:

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On the sectarian issue.

We heard for years that SDM should draw the line, we heard that he should speak up and gave a lead.

Well he did - a long time ago.

After the MON wibble wobble episode he came out and said that he would back our traditionsw but there was no room for the FTP or up to our knees.

He defended the union flag, Rule Brittania etc.

He said that there was nothing wrong with the Sash, Derry's Walls etc (by implication)

He drew his line a long time ago

and you know what n- that is now the very line that all the fans groups have come up with.

Finally SDM has the backing of the fans who have woken up to what he has been saying for many a year.

Finally the chairman and fans in complete unity. About time.

The one you seem to talk about so affectionaly can go and feck himself as far as Im concerned.....

Nothing has changed and the bottom line is he said.....''I dont have the stomach for the job anymore'' If thats the sort of leader you want then I find it difficult to phathom out what you are all about

I presume he means he doesnt have the stomach for the lifeblood of the club also, the fans...Murrays sandpit will always remain overcrowded, the man is a disgrace to RFC and the fans who have followed the club over the years (beer)

A nice convenient quote, although he did not actually say those words

However, as it happens I kind of agree that he does not appear to have the stomach for it anymore

Perhaps part of the reason is that he drew the line the fans have now agreed long ago and they kept letting him down.

I can asure you he did say it....too many people have short memories :Animation44:

I caN ASSURE you he did not say it .....too many people have distorted memories :Animation44:

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I dont really expect Murray backers to recall it anyway, its only natural for them to forget damning words like the ones he used.

I know for a fact he said it to the Rangers manager at the time and our old friend Graham Spiers

Its up to yourself at the end of the day of course so we will have to agree to disagree :pipeguy:

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I dont really expect Murray haters to recall it accurately, its only natural for them to distort words like the ones he used.

I know for a fact he did not say it to the Rangers manager at the time and our old friend Graham Spiers

Its up to yourself at the end of the day of course so we will have to agree to disagree :pipeguy:

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I dont really expect Murray haters to recall it accurately, its only natural for them to distort words like the ones he used.

I know for a fact he did not say it to the Rangers manager at the time and our old friend Graham Spiers

Its up to yourself at the end of the day of course so we will have to agree to disagree :pipeguy:

Naw ye dont and you know that...yer startin tae tell porkies noo tut tut !

Please yerself....hurry up before you lose yer place in the sandpit (beer)

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You make a reasonable point. But to be fair to the majority of the fans most of us did agree with him then.

However, all parties - fans, fan groups and RFC, didn't really start to be proactive on the subject until the club was being punished. As such, no-one can come out of this sorry episode with any praise IMO.

No matter, yesterday the fans did very well with their own initiative (not the club's) and like you say, it's now time we started being more unified. Perhaps SDM and the club can now begin defending us a bit more when the ludicrous stuff appears in the media?

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On the sectarian issue.

We heard for years that SDM should draw the line, we heard that he should speak up and gave a lead.

Well he did - a long time ago.

After the MON wibble wobble episode he came out and said that he would back our traditionsw but there was no room for the FTP or up to our knees.

He defended the union flag, Rule Brittania etc.

He said that there was nothing wrong with the Sash, Derry's Walls etc (by implication)

He drew his line a long time ago

and you know what n- that is now the very line that all the fans groups have come up with.

Finally SDM has the backing of the fans who have woken up to what he has been saying for many a year.

Finally the chairman and fans in complete unity. About time.


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You make a reasonable point. But to be fair to the majority of the fans most of us did agree with him then.

However, all parties - fans, fan groups and RFC, didn't really start to be proactive on the subject until the club was being punished. As such, no-one can come out of this sorry episode with any praise IMO.

No matter, yesterday the fans did very well with their own initiative (not the club's) and like you say, it's now time we started being more unified. Perhaps SDM and the club can now begin defending us a bit more when the ludicrous stuff appears in the media?

Wouldn't disagree Frankie. My only point was that too many unfairly criticised him at the time. He saw the way things were going and gave us the line to defend - had we accepted what he said at the time it would have been seen as US taking the initiative - as it is now we are accepting the line he drew way back then we are PERCEIVED as having been forced into it.

Your point about the fans initiaitive is also correct. ANd if I may make an observation I was immensely impressed that certain prominent members of the Trust actually seemed to play down their part in it to ensure that the unity of all groups was given the greatest prominence. This is the first time I have seen this so obvious and it does them credit.

All of the groups involved are to commended , as are all the individuL SUpporters wjho take their responsibility to Rangers seriously.

As for SDM I believe he was right AT THE TIME to adopt the attitude to the press that he did, however, in the current climate , he does indeed need to change that attitude and adopt a more positive defence of our support.

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we all know the songs have to go but murray was happy to take money off the ftp brigade for years,as was rangers football club who for decades have been happy to coin in the money off the same fans.

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c'mon man,its constantly the same quote you use,youve been asked to provide proof but u say your crap at the internet and cant find it or dont know how to?

your constantly hijacking peoples threads to post the same thing,why didnt you just make a post about it with proof and let people reply to it ?


couple things need changing but describes you well :D

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